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1、1高考书面表达范文高考书面表达范文口头通知:口头通知:为了迎接元旦的到来,星期五下午进行全校大扫除(a general cleaning) 。下午两点开始, 五点半结束,要求全体学生参加。具体任务安排 如下: 教学楼由初一、初二学生打扫; 办公楼由初三学生打扫;图书馆由高一学生打扫;理科实验室由高二学生打扫; 微机 室(Computer room)和语音室(language lab)由高三学生打扫。Attention, please. The New Years Day is coming. We are going to have a general cleaning this Friday

2、 afternoon. We will start at two and end at half past five( The cleaning will last from 2:00 to 5:30). All the students are required to take part in it. The arrangement is as follows: The students in Junior One and Two will clean the teaching building. And the students in Junior Three will be in cha

3、rge of the office building. Senior One will clean the library. Senior Two will be in charge of the science lab. And it is Senior Threes duty to clean the computer room and the language lab.书面通知:书面通知: 请以宿舍管理委员会的名义写一份通知,2007 年 4 月 2 日发出。内容如下: 时间:4 月 5 日晚上 7 点。 地点:3 号楼 103 房间。 内容:学生宿舍安全问题:安全用电、火灾应变、防止失

4、窃等。 参加人员:每间寝室一名同学。 要求:带笔记本,按时到场,做好记录,并传达给室友。注意:1)通知的格式已经为你写好,不计入总词数;2)词数:100 左右。参考词汇:学生宿舍 dormitory,盗窃 theft(n.)NoticeA meeting is going to be held in Room 103 of Building 3 at 7 on the evening of April 5. Problems to be talked about at the meeting include the safety of the dormitories, proper use o

5、f electricity, what to do in case of fire, prevention of theft and so on. A member of each dormitory is required to be present. They should take notebooks with them and arrive on time. They should take notes carefully and after the meeting they are to inform their roommates of what is discussed and

6、what measures will be taken.The Dormitory CommitteeApril 2nd, 2007便便 条条: 1陈老师:昨天我去西湖游泳患了感冒。今天早上感到头疼,而且发烧。医生让我卧床休 息两天。所以今明两天我不能去上学了。特向您请假 2 天。2Dear Mr Chen, Yesterday I went swimming in the West Lake and caught a cold. This morning I feel headache and have a fever ( a high temperature.) The doctor ad

7、vised me to have rest in bed for two days. I wont be able to go to school today or tomorrow. So I have to take two days leave.Thank you.Yours, Chen Hong书书 信:信:1假定魏芳小姐曾经是你的英语老师,你是她所教班级的班长,名叫王丽。魏芳现在在美 国一所大学深造。请以你和你全班同学的名义给她写信,内容包括以下几点: 1)收到魏老师寄自美国的信感到高兴;2)对魏老师过去的教学表示感激; 3)对魏老 师的离去表示怀念;4)向魏老师表示你们的决心:努力

8、学好英语; 5)希望经常收到魏 老师的信,介绍她在美国生活与学习的情况。说明:(1)发信地址:北京幸福大街 25 号(邮编 100025) ;发信日期: 2003 年 12 月 18 日; (2)正文内容应包括上述要点,但不要逐句翻译。 Dear Miss Wei, We are so glad to have received your letter from the United States. We have been missing you since you left us for the USA for further study. We are really thankful t

9、o you for your excellent job. We shall never forget those interesting lessons you gave us. All of us are determined to learn English well. We hope you can write to us often and tell us something more about your study and life in America. Best wishes.Yours, Wang Li 祝贺信(祝贺信(A Letter of Congratulations

10、)假设你叫刘红,在街上碰到好友王平的父母,从而得知王平以优异的成绩毕业于哈佛 大学,并被授予科学博士学位。你写信向王平表示祝贺,并祝贺她在计算机方面取得的 成绩。告诉她许多朋友听到这消息都感到十分高兴,她的父母也以此为荣,希望她早日 回来报效祖国。请用英语写这封信。注意: 1不要逐句翻译提示内容,文章要连贯; 2词数在 100 左右。 (哈佛大学:Harvard University 以优异成绩 with high honors 被授 予 be awarded) Dear Wang Ping; I am really glad to learn that you have graduated

11、from Harvard University with high honors and have received a doctors degree for science. Congratulations to you on all this and your achievements in computer. Many friends are delighted to hear the news. Your parents are so proud of you. I hope you will come back to work for our country as soon as p

12、ossible. Yours,Liu Hong 感谢信(感谢信(A Letter of Thanks)假设你叫王华,家住外地,暑假期间来北京游玩,住在 朋友李海家里。李海为你安排 了一周愉快的假期生活,还请假带你出去到许多地方玩。李海的母亲做了美味可口的饭 菜款待你。假期期满你回家后写信给李海表示感谢,并请他有机会到你处游玩。3请用英语写一封 100 词左右的感谢信。 Dear Li Hai, I had a very good holiday in your home this summer. During my stay at your home, you showed me around

13、 Beijing and your mother prepared very delicious food for me. I enjoyed myself very much. Thank you for all the things you had arranged for me. I hope you can come to visit my hometown some day. I am sure we will have a good time together. Do give my best regards to your parents. Yours, Wang HuaApri

14、l 9th, 2004 日记: 请你根据下表的内容写一篇日记: 你于 2003 年 4 月参加了防“非典”的志愿者工作,你为此感到骄傲并希望以后当一名 优秀的医生。工作时间四月 14 日,星期日,冒雨工作八小时工作地点北京王府井大街工作内容宣传防治“非典”的知识,发送药物服务对象北京市民感想和感受工作辛苦且琐碎,但很重要。生词:防治非典: anti-SARS 志愿者: volunteer 琐碎:trifling2April 14th, 2003, Sunday Rainy Today I took part in the work for the “ Anti-SARS”. I was wor

15、king in Wang Fujing Street for eight hours in the rain. My job was to explain how to keep ourselves from being infected and hand out some medicine to the passers-by.The job was trifling but very important. I feel very proud of being a volunteer at this very time and decide to be an excellent doctor

16、in the future.演讲搞:演讲搞: 环保节能,从我做起,从日常生活中做起。你以班长的身份在主题班会上发言,请用英语 写一份发言稿。 要求:1。词数 100-120。开头与结尾已给出,不计如总词数。 2 从环保和节能两个角度给同学们提出建议,至少五条。 3 参考词汇:shower,paper napkins,recycle,contribution(贡献)Hi, everyone,Its ourduty to protect the environment and save energy. We can do some small things in our daily life. When we are leaving a room, we should turn off the lights. We can turn off the shower while washing our hair.Whe


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