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1、 中学学科网学科精品系列资料 WWW.ZXXK.COMWWW.ZXXK.COM 上中学学科网,下精品学科资料中学学科网学科精品系列资料 WWW.ZXXK:COM 版权所有中学学科网高三英语限时阅读训练(二十)高三英语限时阅读训练(二十)完形填空(共完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 分,满分分,满分 20 分)分)On August 26, 1999, New York City experienced a torrential downpour. The rain caused the streets to _36_ and the subway system almost c

2、ame to a stop. Unfortunately, this happened during the morning rush hour. Many people who were going to work were _37_ to go home. Some battled to _38_ a taxi or to get on a bus. Still others faced the _39_ bravely, walking miles to get to work.I _40_ to be one of the people on the way to work that

3、morning. I went from subway line to subway line only to find that most _41_ had stopped. After making my way _42_ crowds of people, I finally found a subway line that was _43_. Unfortunately, there were so many people waiting to _44_ the subway that I could not even get down the stairs to the _45_.

4、So I took the train going in the opposite direction, and then switch back to the downtown train. Finally, after what seemed like an forever, the train _46_ my stop. Then I had to walk several blocks in the increasingly heavy rain. When I finally got to my office, I was _47_ through, exhausted and _4

5、8_.My co-workers and I spent most of the day drying off. When it was 5:00 pm,I was ready to go home. I was about to turn off my computer _49_ I received an email from Garth, my Director:I would like to thank all of you who made the effort and _ 50_ reported to work. It is always reassuring(令人欣慰), at

6、 times like these, when employees so clearly show their _51_ to their jobs. Thank you.Garths email was short, but I learned more from that _52_ message than I ever did from a textbook. The email taught me that a few words of _53_ can make a big difference. The rainstorm and the traffic _54_ had made

7、 me tied and upset. But Garths words immediately_55_ me and put a smile back on my face. 36. A. breakB. floodC. sinkD. crash37. A. forcedB. refusedC. adjustedD. gathered38. A. orderB. payC. callD. search39. A. climateB. sceneryC. stormD. burden中学学科网学科精品系列资料 WWW.ZXXK.COMWWW.ZXXK.COM 上中学学科网,下精品学科资料中学学

8、科网学科精品系列资料 WWW.ZXXK:COM 版权所有中学学科网40. A. usedB. promisedC. deservedD. happened41. A. practiceB. routineC. processD. service42. A. toB. throughC. overD. for43. A. operatingB. cyclingC. turningD. rushing44. A. checkB. carryC. findD. board45. A. streetB. groundC. floorD. platform46. A. pausedB. crossedC

9、. reachedD. parked47. A. wetB. weakC. sickD. hurt48. A. ashamedB. discouragedC. surprisedD. puzzled49. A. whileB. whenC. whereD. after50. A. hardlyB. casuallyC. absolutelyD. eventually51. A. devotionB. donationC. connectionD. reaction52. A. accurateB. urgentC. briefD. humorous53. A. promiseB. apprec

10、iationC. adviceD. guidance54. A. troublesB. signalsC. rulesD. signs55. A. correctedB. supportedC. amazedD. refreshed任务型阅读任务型阅读 (共(共 10 小题;小题; 每小题每小题 1 分,满分分,满分 10 分分)任务型阅读认真阅读下面短文,任务型阅读认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后图表中的空格内填入最恰当的词。注意:每空一词。并根据所读内容在文章后图表中的空格内填入最恰当的词。注意:每空一词。Third-generation mobile phones, known

11、as 3G, are the next big step for the telecom industry. Data speed in 3G networks is much quicker than that in present technology. This means users can have high-speed Internet access and enjoy video and CD-quality music on their phones. “Mobile data is not a dream; its not an option but a requiremen

12、t,” said Len Lauer, head of a US communications company, Sprint PCS, at a 3G conference in Bangkok earlier this month.With 3G, you can forget about text messages telling you yesterdays news; a 3G phone can receive video news programs, updated four times a day. Internet access will also be much quick

13、er, making it easier to surf the Web on your phone than on your computer at home.Face-to-face video callsDont worry about getting lost. 3G phones offer map services so you can find a new restaurant just by pressing a few keys on your handset.However, the most impressive part of 3G technology is vide

14、o calling. With live two-way video 中学学科网学科精品系列资料 WWW.ZXXK.COMWWW.ZXXK.COM 上中学学科网,下精品学科资料中学学科网学科精品系列资料 WWW.ZXXK:COM 版权所有中学学科网communication, you can have face-to-face talks with friends and family on your mobile phone.Many European countries have already launched the service. In May 2000 the US Govern

15、ment issued five license to run 3G wireless services, while the first 3G phones arrived in Italy in March this year.International telecom companies cant wait to sell 3G in China, the worlds largest mobile telecommunications market. But they will have to be patient. At the moment, China is busy testi

16、ng its 3G-based technologies, networks and services. This will be followed by a trial period before the phones can finally hit the shops.“We need to create a pool of 3G customers before the large-scale commercial launch of the service,” said Fan Yunjun, marketing manager for Beijing Mobile. “We expect that the 3G licenses will be issued late next year.”Third-gene


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