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1、1高二书面表达(一)下图反映的是网络时代所出现的一种问题,有些孩子沉溺于网上交流而忽视了与父母的沟通。请你根据对该漫画的理解用英语写一篇短文。该文应包含以下要点:1. 该漫画告诉了我们什么;2. 你对此现象的看法;3. 我们该如何主动和父母亲沟通。注意:1. 表达时要适当发挥想象,不要仅作简单描述。2. 词数 150 左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。3. 文中不得提及本人的相关信息。参考词汇:漫画 caricature2(二)(二) “实行低碳经济” , “过低碳生活” ,现在已经成为了人们关注的热门话题。最近,你们 班的同学就这个话题展开了热烈的讨论。请你根据下表提供的信息,给 21st

2、century 写篇 文章,报道你们班级的讨论情况。 为什么要“实行低碳经济”1.工厂排放有害物,人类活动产生大量二 氧化碳,污染严重,环境恶化。 2.随着人口的增长,自然资源将会耗尽 如何走“绿色发展道路”1.植树造林 2.回收和利用废弃物 3.开发新能源 过低碳生活如何“从我做起”(联系自己拟定内容,至少列举两点) 注意: 1.对所给要点,逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。 2.字数 150 左右。开头已经写好,不计入总字数。 Nowadays, carrying out low carbon economy and living a low carbon life has been a

3、hot topic. Recently our class had a heated discussion about it. Through the discussion, we are fully aware of the necessity of carrying out a low carbon economy in our country. Factories have been producing large numbers of harmful chemicals. Meanwhile, human activities also let off carbon gases. As

4、 a consequence, all these contribute a lot 3to serious environmental pollution.Whats worse, with the increase of the population, natural resources will run out. My calssmates put forward the following suggestions about how to develop in a green way. First, more trees should be planted. Second, it is

5、 significant for us to recycle and reuse the waste that people throw away. Third, new energy should be developed and promoted as soon as possible. We all think it is our duty to live a low carbon life. We are supposed to save every bit of water and electricity. Besides, we should appeal to the peopl

6、e around us to make contributions to creating a green homeland. We are confident that with our combined efforts, our life will make a great difference.(三)(三) 假如你是扬州中学高二的一名学生。上个月的校庆期间,你荣幸地做了一名志愿者。请 根据下面表格内容, 写一篇报道, 介绍你参与校庆志愿工作培训和庆典期间服务的情况, 并 谈谈你对志愿工作的感想。培训内容学习接待礼仪 熟悉扬中的历史及校园各部分 了解不同地域文化之间的差异服务时间10 月

7、20 日早上七点开始, 下午三点左右结束服务项目问候嘉宾,引导他们登记 引领嘉宾人座, 接受各种咨询 向中外校友介绍今日之扬中感 想(至少两点)注意:1. 对所给要点逐一陈述, 适当发挥, 不要简单翻译。2. 词数:150 左右。开头已经写好, 不计入总词数。3. 参考词汇:reception etiquette 接待礼仪 register 登记As is reported, last month witnessed our schools 110th anniversary. As a Senior 2 student , I felt very proud and was greatly

8、honored to take part in the voluntary work.Two months before the anniversary, we spent several weeks training for the volunteer services, learning about the reception etiquette. We also had to get familiar with the history of our school and all parts of our campus. In addition, we were trained to kn

9、ow the cultures of different places since our guests were from all parts of the world.That day(Oct20th) , our work began around 7:00 a. m. and ended about 15:00 p. m. We greeted all the guests and guided them to the registering places, then led them to their seats and answered all their questions. M

10、ost of the guests were curious about our school nowadays and I always tried my best to introduce to them. 4Through my services for the anniversary, I now know more about our school. More importantly, I have learned to help and understand different people and learned to be a more unselfish person. La

11、st but not least, I have made up my mind to make every effort for my future and our school. This will be the most precious memory in my life.版 (四)(四) 假如李华是你的同学,最近他很不开心,因为他和父母之间有一些分歧。请根据以下 提供的内容用英语写一篇短文。李华的烦恼1.数学和语文学得很好,英语和物理比较难,学习压力大。 2.父母不理解,觉得他每门功课都应该是班上最好的,还经常看他的 日记。 3. 周末想看电视,父母除了学习,什么都不让他做。 4.

12、现在对学习不感兴趣。你的建议?(至少二条)注意: 1.短文应包括所提供的所有内容,也可以适当发挥。 2.词数:150 词左右。开头已给出,不算入总词数。One possible version:My classmate, Li Hua feels unhappy recently, for he disagrees with his parents about what he should do or what he shouldnt do. Li Hua does well in Maths and Chinese, while he finds English and physics di

13、fficult to learn. He is under great pressure from studies. However, his parents dont understand him and insist that he should be the best at every subject in his class. Whats more, they often read his diaries. Besides, he feels like watching TV at weekends, but his parents allow him to do nothing bu

14、t study. Worst of all, hes so annoyed that he shows no interest in his study at all.(五)(五)作为中学生的你,在生活中碰到了两个问题:1、你的父母对你要求近似乎苛刻,总要求你取得好成绩。尽管你已经养成了每天弹一小 时钢琴的习惯,但父母却要求、甚至威胁你不要弹钢琴,多把注意力放到英语学习上;52、你为自己的体重感到羞愧。尽管你已经听从医生的建议“多运动、少饮食”了,但还是在发胖。为此你感到很窘迫,明知吃减肥药对身体有害,但还想冒险一试。请以 Worried Angel 的名义向 Mr. Advice 写一封 1

15、20 词左右的求助信。注意:文章的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入文章的总词数;Dear Mr. Advice: I am quite upset by two problems and dont know how to deal with them. My parents are hard on me and always want me to achieve high grades at school. Though I have developed a habit of playing the piano for one hour every day, my parents just requ

16、ire me to pay more attention to English study. They even want to punish me if I dont drop it. I am quite ashamed of my weight. I follow doctors advice and insist on working out every day, I pay attention to my diet as well, but I am still putting on weight! My weight just makes me feel embassassed all the time. Do I really have to risk my health for a slim figure and take some weight-loss pills? They have side effects on our health! Please give me some sugge



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