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1、文学阅读与欣赏任务一_0001四川电大形成性测评系统 课程代码:5110006 参考资料 、单项选择题(共 5 道试题,共 20 分。 )1. In his essay “Of studies”, Bacon classified books thus: “Some books are to be _, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and _”.A. tasted, skimmedB. skimmed, scannedC. scanned, perfectedD. tasted, digested参考答案:D2. Whic

2、h figure of speech is used in the following lines by Martin Luther King?“With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.”A. Metaphor B. Parallelism C. Simile D. P

3、ersonification参考答案:B3. _ novels reflect the complexity and the inhuman aspects of Victorian society. His well-read novels include Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations and so on. A. Charles DickensB. Charlotte BrontesC. Joseph ConradsD. Graham Greenes参考答案:A4. A st

4、anza is a grouping of the verse lines in a poem. There are various stanzas containing two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight lines, etc. A _is a pair of rhymed lines that are equal in length. A. coupletB. balladC. sonnetD. limerick参考答案:A5. Usually _ works by starting a story at a point in the rec

5、ent past, then switching the action back to an earlier time, farther back in the past. At the end it will then usually bring us back to the same time zone we started from.A. climaxB. point of viewC. flashbackD. setting参考答案:C、阅读理解(共 2 道试题,共 40 分。 )1. Mary has just returned to the USA after studying i

6、n England for three years. She decided to study at a British university rather than an American one because her mother is from England and she wanted to get to know her mothers family better. She studied English Literature at Goldsmiths College, which is in London. She lived with her grandmother whi

7、le she was studying. The college was recommended by a friends brother who had studied in England for his MBA. Mary told her friends that she was going to return to Europe to work because she had enjoyed her time in England so much. 1). Mary is now in_.A. England B. the USA C. France 2). She studied

8、at _ university.A. a British B. an American C. a Chinese 3). Most probably, her grandmother_.A. worked in the college B. studied English Literature C. lived in London4). Her friends brother recommended to_.A. study for her MBA B. study in the college C. work for his company 5). Mary would return to

9、Europe to _.A. study B. spend her holiday C. work 参考答案:BACBC2. We live in an era of specialization. To really succeed it is necessary to be an expert in one particular field. That leaves little chance for someone to become a well-rounded person. And a person who has good ability in several areas wit

10、hout being exceptional in any has little chance of real success. For the most part the Renaissance (文艺复兴) Man is not to be found in our modern world. We are all poorer for it.There was a time when a well-rounded person was most highly respected. He was looked up to and admired as a complete man. Leo

11、nardo da Vinci was such a man. A painter, a poet, a sculptor(雕塑家) he also gave us such basic concepts of our modern life as the helicopter. Of course he was an exceptionally brilliant man- a true genius. But he is only one representative of his era. There were lots of other men very similar to him i

12、n attitude if not in talent. Such a man was truly human.Unfortunately the situation is different today. Its not much that we no longer respect such a man. That kind of man simply has too hard a time surviving in our competitive world. Even a specialist like Nixon cannot survive. One of the few Renai

13、ssance Men we hear about today is John Galbraith. He may not be a Kennedy or a Kissinger, but only because he excels(胜过他人) them. Here is someone for the man-in-the-street to look up to.1). Why are there so few Renaissance Men today?A. Because nobody has enough ability.B. Everyone is too specialized.

14、 C. Simply because they are no longer respected.D. Nobody wants to be one.2). Which is NOT descriptive of da Vinci?A. He was a geniusB. He was a painter and a sculptor.C. He was a Renaissance Man.D. He was a plitician.3). Which of these men does the author feel is most exceptional?A. Kennedy B. Nixo

15、n C. Galbraith D. Kissinger4). The expression man-in-the-street probably means_.A. a Renaissance Man B. an average manC. a specialistD. a good man5). leonard da Vinci_.A. represents his era well B. would be unable to live todayC. was a great specialist D. would dislike John Galbraith参考答案:CBADC、判断题(共

16、 5 道试题,共 40 分。 )1. A tree that may in Summer wear,A nest of robins in her hair; (它那茂密如发的枝叶里冬天会筑起知更鸟的安乐窝。A. 错误B. 正确参考答案:A2. 判断下面句子翻译是否正确:Upon whose bosom snow has lain;Who intimately lives with rain. (雪花飘落在它怀里,它同雨水亲密无间。 )A. 错误B. 正确参考答案:B3. 判断下列句子翻译是否正确:Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree. (诗歌出自我等愚人之手,而树却是造化的天工。



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