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1、题组一 1中国有许多大的河流,其中长江,黄河是最重要的河流。长江是第一长河, 黄河是第二长河。 There are many large rivers in China and the longest river Yangtze River and the second longest one Yellow River are the most important rivers. 2喜欢课本的学生认为:图片漂亮、激发兴趣;课文有趣、话题新颖。The students whothat liked textbooks thought that not only could the attracti

2、ve pictures arouse students interest in learning but also the interesting texts with up-to- date topics benefited the students a lot. 3.他热爱数学,乐于帮助大家,治学严谨,深受学生喜爱和尊敬。 His passion for teaching, willingness to help others and his earnest pursuit of knowledge earn him deep love and much respect from his

3、students. 4.他们感觉不幸福的主要原因是他们面临许多问题:来自父母和老师的压力; 太多的作业;太少的自由。 The reason why they feel unhappy is that they are faced with many problems, such as too much pressure from parents and teachers, too much homework and too little freedom. 5厨房浴室设备齐全,24 小时热水供应,电梯日夜运行会使你有一个好的生 活质量。 The well-equipped kitchen and

4、 the bathroom, 24-hour hot water supply and the nonstop lifts will enable you to live a life of good quality. 6赞成学生网上聊天的理由:广交朋友;可自由表达思想;利于外语学习。 If students chat on line, they can make friends at home and abroad and express their opinions freely, which brings much benefit to their foreign language st

5、udies. 7. 参加俱乐部的各种活动,能提高英语水平,广交朋友。 I believe if I participate in all kinds of activities held in the club, not only will I make rapid progress in English but also I can make friends from different classes. 8.通过比较郭敬明对错误的态度及德国对二战的态度,作者指出只有我们勇敢 面对错误,我们才能克服困难,取得进步。 By comparing the attitudes of GuoJingm

6、ing towards his mistakes with those of the Germans toward World War II, the author points out that as long as we face our problems bravely, we can get over the difficultis and move on. 9.在随后的 11 天中,学生们接受澳大利亚教师全英文授课;空闲时间参观名胜 并观赏各种动物,如袋鼠和考拉。 During the next 11 days, the students attended classes from

7、Australian teachers in English and in their spare time, they visited places of interest and saw varieties of animals such as kangaroos and koalas. 10.学生花太多时间看电视玩游戏,就没有时间和精力学习,学习成绩就会下降。The students spend so much time watching TV and playing video games that they have no time and energy to study and t

8、heir school performances usually go down.题组二 1他在一所学校教书,学校后面有一条河。 He teaches in a school, at the back of which is a river. 2. 刘翔打破纪录的消息从扬声器里传出来。 From the loudspeaker came the news that LiuXiang broke the record. 3. 我因他所做的事感激他,以至于不知说什么。 So thankful was I to him for what he has done that I didnt know w

9、hat to say. 4这是非常重要的信息,每个人都忙着做笔记。 Such important information was this that everyone was busy taking notes. 5. 他的课非常生动有趣,使得他深受学生欢迎。 So lively and interesting are his classes that he is popular with his students. 6.他不仅学习努力,还乐于帮助同学。 Not only does he work hard but also offers much help to his classmates

10、. 7.李明告诉我之后,我才意识到了自己的错误。 Not until LiMing told me about it did I realize my mistake. 8.他只有不抽烟了才能从疾病中康复。 Only when he gives up smoking can he recover from his illness. 9.老师不仅向我们解释了学习英语的重要性,而且还告诉了我们一些学习英语 的方法。 Not only did the teacher explain to us the importance of learning English but he also told u

11、s some ways to learn it. 10.如果我对自己失去了信心,我就不会取得成功了。 Had I lost confidence in myself, I wouldnt have achieved success. 11.无论困难多大,你都得完成任务。 However great the difficulties are, you have to fulfill the task.题组三 1我是在去学校的路上捡到这个包的。 It was on the way to school that I picked up the wallet. 2.他感激不尽,因为正是在同学们的帮助下

12、,他才取得了如此巨大的进步。 He was very grateful because it was with the help of his classmates that he made such rapid progress. 3.我的确相信勤奋是值得的。 I do believe it pays to work hard. 4.我目睹了那场交通事故后才意识到交通问题的严峻性。 It was not until I witnessed the car accident that I realized the seriousness of traffic problems. 5.只有当我认

13、识到英语学习的重要性后我才把业余时间投入到英语学习中。 It was only when I realized the importance of English study that I devoted my spare time to learning English. 6.正是杰克通过对困难的积极态度给我们树立了榜样。 It was Jack who set us a good example by his positive attitude towards difficulties. 7.凭着巨大的决心,迪克取得了一个又一个的成功。 It was with great determin

14、ation that Dick achieved one success after another. 8.琼从失败的地方鼓起勇气,进行了新的尝试。 It was from where she failed that Joan picked herself up and made a new attempt. 9.通过不断的尝试,凯瑟琳成功地到达目的地。 It was by trial and error that Catherine successed in reaching her destination. 10.在他成长的村子里,弗兰克意外地得到了那条消息。 It was in the

15、village where he grew up that Frank picked up the news.题组四 1老师一进来,学生们立即停止了讲话。 Hardly had the students seen the teacher come in when they stopped talking.=On seeing the teacher came in, the students stopped talking. 2碰巧那段时间我不在深圳。 It happened that I was not in Shenzhen at that time.=I happened not to

16、be in Shenzhen at that time. 3.看样子有台风要来。 It seems that a typhoon is coming.=A typhoon seems to be coming. 4.老师向我们展现了学习数学的重要性。 The teacher showed us that it was important to learn maths.=The teacher showed us the importance of learning maths. 5.他告诉了老师他上课睡觉的原因。 He told the teacher why he fell asleep in class.=He told the teacher the reason for his falling asleep in class. 6.她发现她把手提包落在车上了。 She found that she had left her handbag on the bus.=She found her handbag le


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