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1、文华学校八年级英语下单元练习七一单词释义配对。 1.apologize a. order mand b. say sorry 3.move c. asking or being asked 4.request d. make sth leave from one place to another 5.poster e. large printed picture to make people notice in a public place 二根据情景完成句子。 1.The radio is making too much noise._ the radio? 2.The classroom

2、is too dirty._ the classroom? 3.The dog is too hungry._ the dog? 4.My homework is too hard._ my homework? 5.Its too hot here._ the window? 三单项选择。 1._you help me with my math?I cant learn it well. A Could B Do C Did D Were able to 2.Would you mind _ your car? A I use B my using C use D to use 3.Im do

3、ing some listening.Please turn _the TV. A on B off C over D up 4.Could you _ close the window? A please not B not please C please not to D please to 5.Its 8:00 now.If you want to meet Kate,you_wait. A have to B must have to C will have to D must 四词组翻译。 1.洗盘子 2.立刻 3.没问题 4.不得不 5.一点也不 6.介意做某事 五用所给词的正确形

4、式填空。 1.Tom sings much _(well)than Jim. 2.Please read it _(loud) 3.Would you mind_(turn)down the music?) 4.I _(play)basketball for an hour. 5.Reading books is very _(use). 6.Tokyo is the capital of _(Japanese) 7.We have_(many)hot days in July than in Australia. 8.You have to help me _(make)dinner. 六完

5、成单词。 1.Would you m_ not walking on my foot?2.I always get a_ when someone stands in the bus door. 3.I live in the c_ of the city. 4.My home is q_ far from here. 5.He works day and night,so he is a b_ man. 七填空。 1.Would you mind _(sit)next to me? 2.Would you mind not _(talk)so loudly? 3.He has to _(ta

6、ke) out the trash. 4.Could you please _(move)the bike? 5.Please _(say) it in French. 八选择。 1.Would you mind doing the dishes?-_ A Certainly. B Sorry,I wont. C OK.Ill do them in a minute. D Sure. 2.Would you mind not _ the door.Its too hot. A close B closing C opens D opening 3.You should try _ rude t

7、o the old men. A not be B to be not C not to be D dont be 4.What _ you,Lily? A annoy B annoys C is annoyed D annoies 5.Your radio is too loud.Could you please _? A turn it on B turn up it C turn off it D turn it down 九搭配。 1.May I come in,please? 2.We should have a rest,shouldnt we? 3.Would you mind

8、getting up? 4.Shall we go to the garden? 5.Could I speak to Kate? a.OK,Ill get up right away. b.Yes,please. c.Yes, we should. d.Sorry,she isnt in. e.Thats a good idea. 十完成句子。 1.I dont like _(排队等候)at a bus stop. 2.Would you mind_(我抽烟)here. 3.Perhaps you should try _ (不要这么客气)in the future. 4.Ill ask t

9、hem _(他们是否需要帮忙) 5.Would you mind _(给你拿措了尺码)6._(如果真发生那样的事), I wont go back to that store again. 7.Could you please_(别老跟着我)十一完成对话。 A:_? B:I bought this pen here,but its not good. A:_? B:It doesnt work ._? A:_.Here you here. B:_. A:Youre welcome. A Would you mind giving me a new one? B It doesnt matter. C Not at all. D Thanks a lot. E Can you need my help? F Can I help you? G Whats the problem? 十二翻译句子。 1.你介意和我们一起去游泳吗? _ 2.请你们不要在院子里踢球,好吗? _ 3.如果我需要帮助,我就叫你。 _ 4.如果你干完活,今晚我们就能去电影院。 _ 5.或许在将来,我不必这么有礼貌。 _



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