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1、java 软件开发求职试题集合 笔试网 () 简答题: (1)try-catch-finally 语句的执行顺序是怎样的? (2)mvc 的各个部分都有那些技术来实现 ?如何实现 ? (3)jdo 是什么 ? (4)设计一个类,使得该类任何形式的派生类无论怎么定义和实现,都无法产生任何对象 实例。 (5)给定一个 c 语言函数,要求实现在 java 类中进行调用。 (6)设下列函数已经通过了调试 bool sort_array(arraytype * pinputarray, arraytype * poutarray);该函数在内存中排序,能把字节数最大为 100m 字节的 arraytyp

2、e 类型的数组排序。其中 arraytype 是一个预定义的数组类型(细节无关紧要), pinputarray,poutarray 分别为排序前的指针和排序后的指针。 请用 c语言的伪码风格设计一个算法,他调用上面给出的函数完成下 列从输入到输出的任务: 输入:排序前的大文件,名称为 char * pinoutfilename ,其内容为用分号分隔的 arraytype 类型的数组元素,可装满 4个 100m 字节的数组。 输出:排序后的大文件 char * poutoutfilename。 (7)马克思在数学手稿中提出如下问题:有 30 个人 (包括男人、女人和小孩 )在一家饭店吃饭共花 5

3、0 先令,其中每个男人花 3 先令,每个女人花 2先令,每个小孩花 1 先令,问男人、女人、小孩各有多少人 ? (8)说说 lucene 中使用的设计模式,并举例。 (9)给出了从纽约出发和到达洛杉机的各种航班信息,写出找到一条从纽约到洛杉机的最短距离的航班组合的代码。 (10)在 java 中, throw 与 throws 有什么区别?他们各自用在什么地方? (11)在使用 spring 开发的 j2ee 分层结构中 ,service 层一般都有 xxxmanager 接口,请问他的作用是? (12)设计算法以求解从集合 1.n中选取 k(k= 0 : methodb(); system.

4、out.println(i); public void methodb() system.out.println(the value must not be negative); public static void main(string args) asserttest test = new asserttest(); test.methoda(-10); will print -10 will result in assertionerror showing the message-“the value must not be negative”. c.the cod

5、e will not compile. d.none of these. (2) what will happen when you attempt to compile and run the following code? class base int i = 99; public void amethod() system.out.println(base.amethod(); base() amethod(); public class derived extends base int i = -1; public static void main(string argv) base

6、b = new derived(); system.out.println(b.i); b.amethod(); public void amethod() system.out.println(derived.amethod(); choices: a.derived.amethod() -1 derived.amethod() b.derived.amethod() 99 pile time error d.derived.amethod() (3)which statement about listener is true? a.most component allow multiple

7、 listeners to be added. b.if multiple listener be add to a single component, the event only affected one listener. ponent don?t allow multiple listeners to be add. d.none (4) what will be printed when you execute the following code? class x y b = new y(); x() system.out.print(x); class y y() system.

8、out.print(y); public class z extends x y y = new y(); z() system.out.print(z); public static void main(string args) new z(); choices: a.z b.yz d.yxyz (5)下面关于变量及其范围的陈述哪些是错的。 a.实例变量是类的成员变量。 b.实例变量用关键字 static 声明。 c.在方法中定义的局部变量在该方法被执行时创建 d.局部变量在使用前必须被初始化。 (6) which is the most appropriate code sni

9、ppet that can be inserted at line 18 in the following code? (assume that the code is compiled and run with assertions enabled) 1. import java.util.*; 2. 3. public class asserttest 4. 5. private hashmap cctld; 6. 7. public asserttest() 8. 9. cctld = new hashmap(); 10. cctld.put(in, india); 11. cctld.

10、put(uk, united kingdom); 12. cctld.put(au, australia); 13. / more code. 14. 15. / other methods . 16. public string getcountry(string countrycode) 17. 18. / what should be inserted here? 19. string country = (string)cctld.get(countrycode); 20. return country; 21. 22. a.assert countrycode != null; b.

11、assert countrycode != null : country code can not be null ; c.assert cctld != null : no country code data is available; d.assert cctld : no country code data is available; (7)public class parent int change() class child extends parent which methods can be added into class child? a.public int change(

12、) b.abstract int chang() c.private int change() d.none (8) give the following method: public void method( ) string a,b; a=new string(“hello world”); b=new string(“game over”); system.out.println(a+b+”ok”); a=null; a=b; system.out.println(a); in the absence of compiler optimization, which is the earl

13、iest point the object a refered is definitely elibile to be garbage collection. a.before line 5 b.before line 6 c.before line 7 d.before line 9 (9)which of the following answer is correct to express the value 8 in octal number? a.010 b.0x10 c.08 d.0x8 (10) 1. public class x 2. public object m () 3.

14、object o = new float (3.14f); 4. object oa = new object 1; 5. oa0= o; 6. o = null; 7. oa0 = null; 8.return o; 9. 10. when is the float object created in line 3, eligible for garbage collection? a.just after line 5 b.just after line 6 c.just after line 7 d.just after line 8(that is, as the method ret

15、urns) (11)math.round(-11.5)等於多少 ? a.-11 b.-12 c.-11.5 d.none (12)use the operator “” and “”. which statement is true? a.1010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 4 give 0000 1010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 b.1010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 4 give 1111 1010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 c.1010 0000 0000 0000 0000 00


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