高考英语(人教版)复习资料 unit 4 wildlife protection

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1、必修必修 2 Unit 4Wildlife protection要 点 梳 理高效梳理知识备考重点单词1protection n保护protect v保护protective adj.保护的,防护的2decrease vi. the fire is _.把气孔打开,火要熄了。died out aredyingout dieoff dyingdown(5)Every winter some old people _ hypothermia.每年冬天都有一些老人死于体温过低。(6)Nowadays many people _ cancer.现在有很多人死于癌症。diefrom dieof9in d

2、anger (of.)处于危险之中out of danger 脱离危险即学即练 9(1)The drowned girl was obviously_.很明显,那个溺水的女孩的生命危在旦夕。(2)The old houseis_ collapse.那所老房子有倒塌的危险。(3)Theyweretoldatthehospitalthattheirgrandmotherwas _.他们在医院得知他们的祖母已经脱离危险了。inimmediatedanger indangerof outofdanger拓展:与 in/out of 搭配的短语in order 有秩序in sight 看得见in tro

3、uble 在困境中in line 成行(队)in place 适合/当in fashion 时尚 out of order 出故障(机器等工作不正常)out of sight 看不见out of trouble 摆脱困境out of line 不成一直线out of place 不合适out of fashion 过时10protect.from/against. 保护免受(的伤害)defend.from/against.保卫以抵制keep sb. from doingstop sb. (from) doingprevent sb. (from) doing 阻止某人做即学即练 10(1)Yo

4、ung plants should be well _ the cold. 幼苗必须被很好地保护以免受冻。 (2)The hen _ its young _ being attacked by the cat. 母 鸡保卫小鸡使其免遭猫的袭击。 (3)Everyone should take up arms to _ our country from invasion. 每个人都应当拿起武器保卫我们的国家不受侵犯。 (4)Nothing can _ us _ realizing our dreams. 什么也不能阻止我们实现梦想。 protected from protected agains

5、t defend stopfrom提示: (1)protect against 和 protect from 意思相似, 有时可互换。 但是,对于较大的事情,如:敌人的入侵、天灾等,常用 protect against, 对于较小的事情常用 protect from。(2)在 protect.from/against. 结构中,from 和 against 后面常跟 sth.,有时 against 后跟 being done 来强调动作的被动性。(3)主动句中 prevent/stop.from.中的 from 可省略, 在被动句中 from不可省略,而 keep.from.中的 from 无

6、论是在主动句还是被动句中都不能省略。11pay attention to 注意Attention, please! 请注意! (演讲用语)(May I have your attention, please?)attract/catch/draw/get ones attention to 吸引某人的注意fix/focus/concentrate ones attention on 将注意力集中于devote ones attention to 专心致志于call ones attention to 唤起某人对的注意提示:以上短语中的 to、on 都是介词,其后接名词、代词或动名词。即学即练1

7、1(1)She _ her appearance.她很注重外表。(2)A great deal of attention has been _ protecting the environment.人们已对保护环境投入很多精力。paidmuchattentionto paidto12come into being 出现;形成;产生bring.into being 使形成;使产生for the time being 暂时;眼下即学即练12(1)Wedontknowwhentheuniverse_.我们不知道宇宙是何时形成的。(2)Such a custom _ long ago.这种风俗很久以前

8、就有了。cameintobeingcameintobeing提示:come into being 是不及物动词短语,无被动形式,无进行时。类似短语有:come into power 当权come into effect 生效come into action 开始行动come into office 就职come into sight 看得见come into use 开始使用.重点句型详解They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, longbefore humans came into being.千百万年前它们(恐龙)就在地球

9、上生活,比人类的出现要早得多long before 早在之前很久before 可做连词,连接时间状语从句,做介词,连接时间点或做副词。long before 连接的时间状语从句用一般现在时呼应主句的一般将来时;一般过去时呼应主句的一般过去时或过去将来时。拓展:(1)before long “不久以后”,相当于 soon after/shortly after, 既可以指将来,也可以指过去,所以与过去时或将来时连用,在句中做状语,不可以引导从句。(2)long ago (现在的)很久以前。(3)“It will be long before从句(一般现在时)”与 “It was long bef

10、ore从句(一般过去时)”的意思是“过很久才”,强调经过的时间长。(4)“It will not be long before从句(一般现在时)”与“It was not longbefore从句(一般过去时)”,意思是“没过很久就”,强调经过的时间短。注意:以上短语、句型中的 long 均可以改用普通的时间名词或短语,表达不同的时间长度。Long before, there was a big museum here.很久以前,这里有一座大博物馆。I had heard of him long before I came here.早在我来这儿很久以前我就听说过他的情况。Before lon

11、g he went to Canada to go on with his further education.不久以后他就去加拿大继续深造了。It was not long before she came. 没多久她就来了。It will be long before we see each other again.我们很久以后才会再见面。即境活用The book was published _ it was written.Asoon beforeBlong beforeCbefore longDsoon after解析:句意为“书写完后不久就出版了”,故选 soon after。答案:D

12、易 错 点 拨自我完善误区备考1. contain/include (1)contain 意为“包含,含有,容纳,里面装有”,指的是包含的全部内容或 容量,也可指里面所含的成分。其宾语与主语常是同位关系,不用于进行时 态。 (2)include 意为“包含;连在内,计入,算入,包括”,只能用于表示所 包含之物中的一部分,其后的宾语往往是主语的一部分。常用 “including 被包括部分”或“被包括部分included”。如: Many people like tennis, including me/me included. 许多人喜欢网球,也包括 我/我也在内。应用 1用 contain

13、和 include 的适当形式填空。(1)The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world. It _ a lot of fruit and green vegetables. (2)Everyone took part in the fight against the flood, _ old people. (3)The _ can _ 100 litres of water.includes including container contain2. affect/effect/influence(1)aff

14、ect 常做及物动词,“影响,感动,感染”。(2)effect 常做名词,“结果,效果,作用,影响”,常用于词组:have aneffect on/upon sb. 对有影响, take effect 生效,实行,come/go intoeffect 开始生效,开始实施。(3)influence 可做动词也可做名词,表示“影响、感染”的意思时,是指使思想、行为、性质或发展和成长等发生变化的影响。它可以指坏的影响,也可以指好的影响,这种影响常常是潜移默化的。应用 2(1)Probably we _ each other.(2)To _ a policy is to have an _ on it

15、. influenced affect effect高 效 作 业自我测评技能备考.单词拼写1This hat will give p_ against the hot sun.2My wallet c_ two hundred yuan and my passport waslost when I was shopping.3 Mrs Browns dog b_ the mailman when he was deliveringnewspapers yesterday afternoon.4Both bees and butterflies belong to i_.5The mother is r_ her baby against mosqui


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