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1、 中国平安证券(香港)有限公司 Ping An of China Securities (Hong Kong) Co. Ltd. 香港中环德辅道中 19 号环球大厦 24 楼 2402 室 Unit 2, 24/F, Worldwide House, 19 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong 电话: 3762 9778 传真: 3762 9668 Tel: 3762 9778 Fax: 3762 9668 新股认购申请新股认购申请新股认购申请新股认购申请(代理代理代理代理)IPO Subscription Application (Nominee)IPO Sub

2、scription Application (Nominee)IPO Subscription Application (Nominee)IPO Subscription Application (Nominee) 帐户名称A/C Name: _ 帐户号码 A/C Number: _ 新股名称 IPO Stock Name 新股编号 IPO Stock Code 认购数量 Subscription Quantity 认购金额 Subscription Amount 注意事项 Notice 1. 请客户仔细阅读上述新股之招股章程及申请表并谨遵守其所载之条款及细则。Please kindly re

3、ad carefully the Prospectus and Application Form, and comply fully with the terms and conditions set out therein. 2. 客户承诺不在此新股认购申请以外作重复申请。There shall be no duplicated subscription apart from the captioned application. 3. 新股认购申请之有关费用将由客户上述之帐户扣除。The IPO subscription fee will be deducted from the capti

4、oned account. 4. 客户请于截止认购日前将所需资金存入上述帐户,资金将于截止认购日被冻结直至认购活动完成。The subscription fund shall be deposited before the application deadline day, the fund will be hold up until the IPO subscription activity is over. 5. 视乎总体认购量而定, 客户未必能够成功认购或获分派所认购之股份数量。 The subscription may not success or only partial succe

5、ss depending on the over all subscription condition. 6. 新股上市之价格有可能较认购价格为低。The listing share price might be lower than the IPO subscription price 客户签署客户签署客户签署客户签署 Client Signature: Client Signature: Client Signature: Client Signature: X_ 日期日期日期日期 Date: Date: Date: Date: For Internal Use OnlyFor Internal Use OnlyFor Internal Use OnlyFor Internal Use Only Confirmed by Inputted by Checked by Approved by Name: Date: Name: Date: Name: Date: Name: Date



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