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1、SICENCE 新闻发布 作者:张东淑 稿号:NRR-D-14-00096安宫牛黄贴纸穴位敷贴保护脑缺血模型大鼠海马和皮质神经元安宫牛黄贴纸穴位敷贴保护脑缺血模型大鼠海马和皮质神经元传统中药制剂安宫牛黄丸能改善急性缺血性卒中的神经功能,但因其使用不便和药物含有毒性成分朱砂和雄黄,故已改制剂型加入透皮吸收促进剂制成贴纸,其安全剂量范围及临床适应证都有所扩大。来自中国南方医科大学张东淑博士所在团队采用改良的双侧颈总动脉永久性结扎法制备慢性脑缺血模型大鼠,以 1.35,2.7,5.4g/kg 剂量的安宫牛黄贴纸持续 4 周穴位敷贴模型大鼠的大椎(DU14) 、气海(RN6)和命门(DU4) ,以 M

2、orris 水迷宫和病理观察结果验证其效果。实验结果显示,中、高剂量安宫牛黄贴纸穴位敷贴能有效减少大鼠大脑海马 CA1 区和大脑皮质的神经元损伤,改善慢性脑缺血大鼠的记忆能力,且效果接近于电针大椎、气海和命门的干预效果。证实了该方法对慢性脑缺血模型大鼠损伤神经元具有保护作用。相关文献发表于中国神经再生研究(英文版) 杂志 2015 年 2 月第 2 期。苏木精-伊红染色显示,应用 5.4g/kg 剂量的安宫牛黄贴纸对慢性脑缺血模型大鼠的大椎、气海和命门进行穴位敷贴 4周后,大鼠海马 CA1 区神经元水肿和变形得到不同程度缓解Article: “ Point application with A

3、ngong Niuhuang sticker protects hippocampal and cortical neurons in rats with cerebral ischemia,“ by Dong-shu Zhang, Yuan-liang Liu, Dao-qi Zhu, Xiao-jing Huang, Chao-hua Luo (College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China)Zhang DS, Liu YL,

4、 Zhu DQ, Huang XJ, Luo CH (2015) Point application with Angong Niuhuang sticker protects hippocampal and cortical neurons in rats with cerebral ischemia. Neural Regen Res 10(2):286-291.欲获更多资讯:Neural Regen Res SICENCE 新闻发布 作者:张东淑 稿号:NRR-D-14-00096Angong Niuhuang sticker protects hippocampal and corti

5、cal neurons after cerebral ischemiaAngong Niuhuang pill, a Chinese materia medica preparation, can improve neurological functions after acute ischemic stroke. Because of its inconvenient application and toxic components (Cinnabaris and Realgar), we used transdermal enhancers to deliver Angong Niuhua

6、ng sticker by modern technology, which expanded the safe dose range and clinical indications. Dr. Dong-shu Zhang, College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Southern Medical University, China established rat models of chronic cerebral ischemia by permanent ligation of bilateral common carotid arteries

7、 and then used Angong Niuhuang stickers with doses of 1.35, 2.7, and 5.4 g/kg to the Dazhui (DU14), Qihai (RN6) and Mingmen (DU4) of rats with chronic cerebral ischemia for 4 weeks. The Morris water maze and pathological results were used to validate the therapeutic effects of Angong Niuhuang sticke

8、rs. The middle- and high-dose point application of Angong Niuhuang stickers attenuated neuronal damage in the cortex and hippocampal CA1 region, and improved the memory of rats with chronic cerebral ischemia with an efficacy similar to interventions by electroacupuncture at these points. Our experim

9、ental findings indicate that point application with Angong Niuhuang stickers exhibits protective effects on injured neurons in rats with chronic cerebral ischemia. The relevant article was published in the Neural Regeneration Research (Vol. 10, No. 2, 2015).Hematoxylin-eosin staining reveals that po

10、int application of Angong Niuhuang stickers at 5.4 g/kg to the Dazhui (DU14), Qihai (RN6) and Mingmen (DU4) of rats with chronic cerebral ischemia for 4 weeks can alleviate neuronal changes in the hippocampal CA1 region to different degrees. Article: “ Point application with Angong Niuhuang sticker

11、protects hippocampal and cortical neurons in rats with cerebral ischemia,“ by Dong-shu Zhang, Yuan-liang Liu, Dao-qi Zhu, Xiao-jing Huang, Chao-hua Luo (College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China)Zhang DS, Liu YL, Zhu DQ, Huang XJ, Luo CH (2015) Point application with Angong Niuhuang sticker protects hippocampal and cortical neurons in rats with cerebral ischemia. Neural Regen Res 10(2):286-291.



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