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1、http:/ http:/ http:/ you know how old your kids arteries are?你知道自己孩子的动脉有多老吗? Its a potentially important question as scientists increasingly uncover links between healthy habits in childhood and risk for heart disease later in life. And there are growing concerns about the cardiovascular health of m

2、illions of children in the U.S. who are considered obese or overweight. 这个问题可能很重要,因为科学家们越来越多地发现,人们儿时的健康习惯与日后罹患心 脏病的风险之间存在关联。在美国,被视为肥胖或超重的儿童数以百万计,围绕他们心血 管健康的担忧正在与日俱增。 A new study suggests there is a simple way to assess a childs arterial health with a calculation based on an often-overlooked componen

3、t of cholesterol: triglycerides. 一项新的研究表明,有一种评估儿童动脉健康的简便方法,即以甘油三酯胆固醇中一 个常常被忽略掉的成分为基础来进行计算。 The calculation is the ratio of triglycerides to HDL, or good cholesterol. It can be easily determined from a standard cholesterol blood test. In the study, based on nearly 900 children and young adults, resea

4、rchers at Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center found that the higher the ratio, the greater the likelihood a child would have stiff and damaged arteries. 这就是要算出甘油三酯与高密度脂蛋白(又名有益胆固醇)的比值,这个数值通过一项常 规的胆固醇血检便能轻易得出。该研究共涉及近 900 名儿童及青少年。辛辛那提儿童医学 中心(Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center)的研究人员发现

5、,这个比值越高,儿童动 脉硬化或动脉受损的可能性就越大。 We are demonstrating vascular changes in supposedly healthy adolescents, said Elaine Urbina, head of preventive cardiology at Cincinnati Childrens and lead author of the study. Stiff vessels make your heart work harder. It isnt good for you. The study was published in th

6、e journal Pediatrics in April. 图:如何从小预防心血管疾病该研究的首席作者、辛辛那提儿童医学中心预防心脏病学主 管伊莱恩乌尔比纳(Elaine Urbina)说:“我们正在论证那些据称身体健康的青少年的血管 变化。血管硬化会加重你的心脏工作负担。这对你并无益处。 ”这项研究于 4 月份发表在 儿科学(Pediatrics)杂志上。 The problem is also called hardening of the arteries. In adults it typically arises from a combination of aging and th

7、e cumulative impact of blood pressure, cholesterol and other assaults on the walls of blood vessels over decades of life. It carries heightened risk for heart attacks, strokes and sudden death. 这个问题也被称作动脉硬化。成年人之所以会出现动脉硬化通常是因为身体老化和血压、 胆固醇及其他一些血管壁毛病长年累月影响共同作用的结果。而动脉硬化则会使人们罹患 心脏病、中风或突然死亡的风险增高。 When it

8、shows up in children, its a sign of accelerated aging, Dr. Urbina said, and likely raises the risk of dangerous outcomes relatively early in adult life. The good news is that doctors believe health can be restored to young peoples arteries with regular physical activity and a healthy diet. This incl

9、udes cutting back on sugary beverages and foods high in carbohydrates such as potatoes, white rice and pasta. 乌尔比纳博士说,当这个问题出现在儿童身上时,它就是“加速老化”的迹象,它还可能http:/ http:/ http:/ 炼及保持健康的饮食,年轻人的动脉便能重获健康。保持健康的饮食包括要少喝含糖饮料、 少吃像土豆、白米饭和意大利面这样的高碳水化合物食品。 In late 2011, concern that a generation of children is growing

10、 up with already established heart risks prompted federal health officials with the support of the American Academy of Pediatrics to recommend universal cholesterol screening for kids, preferably between ages 9 and 11. 2011 年末,出于对一代儿童将会伴随业已形成的心脏病风险成长起来的担忧,联邦健康官 员在美国儿科学会(American Academy of Pediatric

11、s)的支持下推介了普遍适用于儿童最 适用于那些年龄在 9 到 11 岁间孩子的胆固醇筛查机制。 Generally, the focus of attention in such tests is LDL, or bad cholesterol, which at high levels has long been associated with increased chances of heart attacks and strokes. A large body of evidence shows that heart risk can be reduced by lowering LDL

12、 with one of a class of drugs called statins. 一般来说,这类测试的关注焦点在低密度脂蛋白(又名有害胆固醇)身上。低密度脂蛋白 偏高长期以来都与心脏病和中风机率增高息息相关。大量的证据表明,通过服用一类名为 斯达汀(statins)的药物降低低密度脂蛋白可以减少心脏病发病风险。But high triglycerides and low HDLthe other components that are measured in a standard cholesterol blood testare a hallmark reflection of t

13、he poor diets and sedentary lifestyles that researchers say are behind the wide prevalence of obesity among both children and adults. These markers may get less attention because efforts to develop drugs that prevent serious events by manipulating either component have come up short. 但甘油三酯偏高且高密度脂蛋白偏

14、低后者是另一种在常规胆固醇血检可以测量出的元 素是饮食不良、久坐不动生活方式的一个特征体现。研究人员说,它们是众多儿童和 成年人变得肥胖的原因。但这些诱因可能不再那么受人关注,因为人们研发药物的诸多努 力成效不大他们是通过控制其中任一元素来研发那些预防严重疾病的药物的。 Triglycerides amount to an indicator of both fat and sugar in the blood stream. Dr. Urbina describes them to patients as having a backbone of fat with three (tri) s

15、ugars (glycerides) attached. 甘油三酯相当于一项能显示出血液中脂肪和糖份含量的指标。乌尔比纳向患者形容说,这 就像一根附带了三种糖(甘油脂)的脂肪脊柱。 Other research has linked a high triglyceride-to-HDL ratio to arterial stiffness in adults. Dr. Urbina and her colleagues wondered whether a similar correlation existed in children and young people. 其他的研究已将成年人甘油三酯/高密度脂蛋白比值偏高的情况与动脉硬化联系了起来。乌 尔比纳和她的同事想知道,在儿童和青少年身上是否也存在着一种与此相似的关联性。 Participants in the study, who ranged in age from 10 to 26, underwent fasting



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