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1、 用教学质量说话的校外辅导班跃进教育120112011 年全国各地市年全国各地市 110110 份中考真题解析版汇编词汇运用之用所给词的适当形式份中考真题解析版汇编词汇运用之用所给词的适当形式填空填空【基础知识基础知识】 词语转换题是通过句子和小对话,从词形和词义两个方面来考查学生对所学英语词汇的记忆、认知、 掌握及综合运用能力。 考查内容既有比较简单的词形转换,更有对知识的综合运用方面的考查。这些变化主要包括:词形 变化和词类变化,具体情况如下:一是括号内所给单词的词类不变,根据句意,仅在词形上作适当的变 化,然后填入空白处。如:名词由单数形式变为复数形式、(单数或复数的)名词所有格、形容词

2、或副词 由原级变为比较级或最高级形式(包括特殊变化)、人称代词由主格变为宾格、物主代词或反身代词、基 数词变为序数词、动词原形与不定式、动名词、过去式或过去分词等。另外一种是根据句意,对括号内 所给单词作词类转换,如名词变为动词、形容词;形容词变为副词、动词、名词等,把转换后的单词的 正确形式填入空白处。如果为了增加试题的难度,我们还可以见到将这两者结合起来的考试题型。用教学质量说话的校外辅导班跃进教育2【真题荟萃真题荟萃】【2011扬州】四、词汇运用(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,计 10 分)根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空:在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处

3、所填单词的正确形式。 (每空一词)51. Even a child knows September is the _ month of a year.(nine)答案:ninth52. Our notebook computer _ 5 pounds and costs about $2,000.(weigh)答案:weighs53. Yesterday I _ a new dress at the Macys for my mum.(buy)答案:bought54. I didnt want to be treated _ from anyone else.(different)答案:dif

4、ferently 55. She was _ in the kitchen when the light went out.(serve)答案:serving/served 【2011贵州安顺】综合语言应用(共40分,每小题2分) A. 用所词的适当形式填空。1. A large number of _ (foreign) visit Guizhou province these years. 2. Thank goodness! The letter I looking forward to _ (reach) me at last. 3. Hainan Island is a _ (won

5、der) place to spend summer. 4. The dinner room must _ (clean) three times a day. 5. My cousin is used to _ (study) with his new friends in Australia. 答案: 1. foreigners2. reached3.wonderful4. be cleaned5. studying 【2011 泰州】五、词汇运用 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空不限一词) 。 (10 分)1. Eating too much sweet is bad for your

6、 _(tooth). 2. He is a _(honest)boy so we seldom believe what he says. 3.We Chinese will celebrate the _(ninety)birthday of the Chinese Communist Party(中国共 产党)in many ways.4. In the modern world, people often contact each other by _ (send) e-mails. 5. To keep healthy, I decide _(exercise) half an hou

7、r every day. 6. When traveling, youd better take a map with _ (you). 7. The students in Class 2 are having a _(discuss) about how to achieve a balance between study and play. 8. Though she answered the teachers questions _(incorrect),the teacher didnt blame her. 9. More and more people have their ow

8、n cars. Thats why theres _(heavy)traffic than before. 10.Why are you so happy today?Because I _(win)the badminton match. 答案:1.teeth 2.dishonest 3.ninetieth 4.sending 5.to exercise 6.you 7.discussion 8.correctly 9.heavier 10.have won 【2011 山东济宁】阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。 (请将各小题答案写在短文后相应的横线

9、上)ADo you still remember Old Henry? Last Sunday, he 1 (go) for 用教学质量说话的校外辅导班跃进教育3a walk with Wang Wang, his cute dog. It was a nice day. Old Henry sat down and watched Wang Wang 2 (play) with a friendly black cat. Then it was time to go home. Old Henry looked for his dog. But Wang Wang 3 (be) not th

10、ere! Now Old Henry is very sad. He 4 (miss) his dog and doesnt want to do anything. 答案:1. went 2. paly 3. was 4. misses 【2011 山东济宁】BMy pen pal Peter came to Beijing 3 months ago. These days he 5 (learn) Chinese in a language school. He likes travelling. And he 6 already 6 (visit) many great places o

11、f interest in our country. Next month, he 7 (fly) to Harbin for the summer vocation. I am sure he will have a good time. 答案:5. has learnt 6. has, visited 7. will/is going to fly 【2011 山东临沂】六、词形转换(共 6 个小题,计 6 分)71. This is one of the _(big) rabbits in the world. He eats 12 carrots, six apples and two

12、 cabbages every day. 72. My neighbor Helen never talks to me. She is so _(friendly)73. As we know, Zhang Jiajie is famous for the different _ (shape) of mountains. 74. David is good at drawing and hes going to be an _(art) when he grows up. 75. The _(wonder) ocean is the largest habitat in the world

13、. 76. If people dont have breakfast in the morning, they will feel tired and get angry _(easy) 71. biggest 72. unfriendly 73.shapes 74. artist 75. wonderful 76. easily (2011南京)B1. Its _(polite) to ask a lady about her age in western countries. 2. The story _ (it) is interesting, but its a little dif

14、ficult for children. 3. Look! The teenagers are making cards _ (show) love for their mothers. 4. Anna doesnt like playing computer games. Sometimes she does it _ (simple) to relax. 5. Zhang Jike, a 23-year-old player, won the gold medal in the _ (man) singles of the World Table Tennis Championships

15、last month. 6. In order to provide better services for foreigners during the 2nd Youth Olympic Games, lots of bus and taxi drivers are busy _ (learn) English. 1.impolite 2. itself 3. to show4. simply 5. Mens6. learning 【2011湖南永州】41. The _ Sunday in May is Mothers Day. (two) 42. The teacher told us not to go_ alone in the river, (swim) 43. I want to be an_ when I grow up. (invent) 44. Shouting in public is_. (polite) 45. We are _ about the good news. (excite) 46. The


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