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1、 博识家教 助孩子考试无忧!富阳博识教育培训中心 咨询热线:0571-63323931 633239521九年级英语期中检测卷九年级英语期中检测卷(满分:150 分 考试时间:90 分钟) 一、单项填空(20 分) ( )1.Give me a packet of _ please. Im hungry.A.water B.sweets C.paper D.coke ( )2.Keep out of the fire, Its _.A.danger B.dangerous C.nice D.great ( )3.The cables _ a power station where we ma

2、ke electricity.A.connect to B.are connected to C.are connected D.connects ( )4._ you help me to take the bag?A.Should B.Must C. Dont D.Can ( )5.You _ cross the road when the traffic lights are red.A.mustnt B.cant C.may not D.dont ( )6.I find _ hard to learn maths well.A.its B.it C.that D.this ( )7.D

3、o you think the story _?A.to excite B.excites C.exciting D.excited ( )8.A poem is _ a story.A.similar to B.different from C.the same with D.better than ( )9.I dont know _ his girl friend is.A.who B.whose C. that D. whos ( )10.These picture books are _.A.their B.they C. them D. theirs ( )11.I cant ea

4、t up the big apple. Give me a small _.A.it B.ones C.one D.its ( )12._ the light when it is bright.A.Turn on B.Turn off C.Turn up D.Tnrn down ( )13.Some factories _ dirty water _ rivers.A.makeinto B.gointo C.pureinto D.puredown ( )14.I have _ good friends. I feel very happy.A.few B.a few C.little D.a

5、 little ( )15._ eggs are there in the fridge?A.How much B.How many C. How old D.How often ( )16.My classmates _ me to be the member of the team.A.let B.elected C.made D.had ( )17.We _ to talk about it at the next time.博识家教 助孩子考试无忧!富阳博识教育培训中心 咨询热线:0571-63323931 633239522A.made a decision B.made fun

6、C.made a mistake D.made a face ( )18.Our English teacher has _ in teaching English. She teaches well.A.money B.books C.help D.experience ( )19.My mum suggests that I _ drink much milk every day.A.must B.may C.should D.can ( )20.Children _ sleep nine hours a day.A.ought to B.ought C.oughtnt D.oughtnt

7、 to 二、完成对话(5 分)TOMY Excuse me. Are you Sandra Li? SANDRA 1 TOMY Im Tony Liang. Im in Grade Eight. We are publishing a newspaper this year, and Im the sports editor. SANDRA 2 How can I help you, Tony?TOMY Well, Id like to interview you about the girls table tennis team, please. SANDRA Yes, all right.

8、 3 TOMY Could we meet today after school? SANDRA No, 4 , Im afraid. What about tomorrow, in the lunch hour?TOMY Yes, that would be fine. 5 ? SANDRA All right. Ill meet you in Room 7, at about half past twelve.TOMY Right. Thanks very much, Sandra. Goodbye. SANDRA Bye.三、根据汉语提示补全句子(每空一词,10 分) 1我们简洁地考虑了

9、一下最后这个问题。We _ the last question _.A.I have a match today, B.Can you come to Room 7? C.I see. D.Thats OK E.When do you want to meet? F.Can you help me? G.Yes, thats right博识家教 助孩子考试无忧!富阳博识教育培训中心 咨询热线:0571-63323931 6332395232我们都为她投了票。We all _ _ her. 3对我来说到这来很不容易。_ not easy _ me to get here. 4她甚至不知道电是什

10、么。She doesnt even know what _ _. 5你必须总是对电很小心。You must always be _ _ electricity.四、英译汉(10 分)1.We call the thick wires cables.2.There wasnt much on that night.3.She was brushing her teeth and the tap was on.4.Remember not to waste me or pollute me.5.We arranged to have the next meeting in one weeks ti

11、me.五、同义句转换(每空一词,10 分)1.Can you get me a packet of electricity?Can you _ a packet of electricity _ me? 2.Its the noisiest house in the whole of our town.Its _ _ any houses in the whole of our town. 3.Daisy saw no one.Daisy _ _ any one. 4.Ill be back in the sea again.Ill _ _ the sea againl. 5.I was el

12、ected to be the secretary by the others.The others _ _ to be the secretary. 六、完形填空(15 分)January l is New Years Day. People usually give parties to celebrate 1 . The Spring Festival comes 2 . It is the most important holiday in 3 . Before the Spring Festival, people 4 their houses and do a lot of sho

13、pping. On the 5 of the festival family members meet for a big 6 . After 7 they watch TV until midnight. They enjoy 8 and eating. 9 , 博识家教 助孩子考试无忧!富阳博识教育培训中心 咨询热线:0571-63323931 633239524people cheer to welcome the New Year and wish other good 10 . Teachers Day is 11 September 10. Students give cards or 12 to their teachers to express their thanks. The Mid-autumn Festival comes in September or October. People get 13for a family dinner and then eat moon-cakes and watch the full,


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