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1、Lecture 14Translation of English Advertisement (广告英语的翻译)1. Lexical features of English advertisement1) Frequent use of adjectives and their superlative and comparative degrees Famous world-wide gourmet cuisine. Excellent daily specials and mouth watering desserts. 世界有名的美食烹调。精美的每日特色饭菜和令人垂涎的点心。 Tender

2、 tailoring. Feminine but far from frilly gentle on your budget, too. 做工,精巧细致;式样,娇媚自然;价格,低廉宜人。 For the first time, theres a remarkable gel that can give your hair any look you wantsleeker, fuller, straighter, curlier, more natural, even wetwithout a drop of alcohol or oil. 一种前所未有,不同寻常的发乳问世了。它可以使您的头发随

3、心所 愿更光滑、更丰茂,更平直、更卷曲、更自然、甚至保持湿度 却不含一滴酒精或油脂。 Our philosophy is simple. To give you the most important things you want when you travel: the best location, the best standards and the special attention a businessman needs. 我们的宗旨很简单。让您在旅行中得到企 业家最想要的一切:最好的地点,最高的 标准和特殊的服务。2)Creating new words and odd words

4、to cause novelty TWOGETHER The ultimate all inclusive one price sunkissed holiday. 两人共度一个阳光灿烂的假日,一切费用 均包括在单人价格之内。 What could be delisher than fisher? 还有什么比钓鱼更有味?3)Abbreviations and compound words in order to save space Where to leave your troubles when you fly JAL. 乘坐日航班机,全无一路烦恼。 Even at just over $

5、100 per person per day, our thrill-of-a-lifetime trips are cheap. 即使每人一百多美圆,我们那令人终生难 忘的极富刺激的旅行仍然便宜。4)Both elegant words and colloquialisms are used The home of your dreams awaits you behind this door. Whether your taste be a country manor estate or a penthouse in the sky, you will find the following

6、 pages filled with the worlds most elegant residences. 打开门,等着您的就是梦寐以求的家。无论您 想要一座乡间宅地,或是一间摩天大楼的顶屋, 翻开下面几页就可以看到世界上最美的住宅,供 您挑选。 Moms depend on Kool-Aid like kids depend on moms. 妈咪依赖果乐,就像宝宝依赖妈咪一样。2. Grammatical features 1) More simple sentences to be eye- catching and easy to understand. Coca-Cola is i

7、t! 可口可乐就是棒! Fresh Up with Seventh-Up 畅饮七喜,精神倍增。2)More compound sentences with parallel structures, brief and clear Introducing FITNESS magazine. Its about health, its about exercise, its about your image, your energy, and your outlook. 向您推荐健康杂志,说健康,说锻炼,说 形象,说精力,说展望。 The Olympic challenge is ours, an

8、d so is the human challenge. Samsung is forging ahead in electronics, and the race into a new age is about to begin. 奥林匹克是对我们的挑战,也是对全人类的挑 战。三星电子乘风前进,迈入新时代的比赛即将 开始。3)More ellipsis with condensed language Youll enjoy relaxed sunny days. Warm, crystal clear lagoons. Cool, green foliage. Waterfalls. Flo

9、wers. Exotic scents. Bright blue skies, Secluded beaches, Graceful palms. Breathtaking sunsets. Soft evening breezes. And food that simply outstanding. 您会享受这阳光明媚的轻松日子。温暖、清澈的环礁湖 。清凉、碧绿的树叶。瀑布、花丛,异样的芬芳,明亮的 蓝天,幽静的海滩,优美的棕榈,壮丽的日落,轻柔的晚 风。还有那绝妙的食物。 Its a moment you planned for. Reached for. Struggled for. A

10、 long-awaited moment of success. Omega, for this and all your significant moments. 这是您计划的时刻,期望的时刻,争取的时刻,长久等 待的成功时刻。欧米茄,记下此刻,和所有重要时刻。4)More imperative sentences with strong sense of encouragement So come into McDonalds and enjoy Big Mac Sandwich. 走进麦当劳,享用大三明治。 For more of America, look to us. 想更多了解美国

11、,来找我们。5)Using negative sentences to describe other things to set off by contrast We would never say the new Audi 100 is the best in its class. We dont have to. 我们根本不必说新型奥迪100是同类车中最好的。没有 这个必要。 Q: Where in America can you find a better pair of Mens Twills for $32.50? A: Nowhere that we know of. 问:你能在美

12、国其他地方花32.50美圆买到一条更好的 斜纹布男裤吗? 答:据我们所知,不能。 If you cant relax here, you cant relax. 次地不能放松,无处能放松。6)Frequent use of active voice and simple present tense Harmony of style and performance set this new 626 apart. Qualities are at the heart of every Mazda. 式样与性能的协调一致使新型626与众不同。质 量是马士达的核心。 The Charisma of t

13、he Filipina. It comes from somewhere within. And it shines on every flight. 菲律宾航空公司的魅力,来自内在的本质,在 每一次飞行中闪耀生辉。3. Rhetorical Features Featherwater: light as a feather. 法泽瓦特眼镜:轻入鸿毛。(simile) To spread your wings in Asia. Share our vantage point. 在亚洲展开您的双翼,同我们一起飞高望 远。(metaphor) My Paris in a perfume. 巴黎在我

14、的香水中。(metonymy) Im More satisfied! 我更满意摩尔牌香烟。(pun) We take no pride in prejudice. 我们不以偏见为荣。(expression from classics) Weve hidden a garden full of vegetables where youd never expect. In a pie. 我们在您想不到的地方藏着整个菜园。就在馅饼 里。 Flowers by Interflora speak from the heart. 植物园培育的鲜花倾诉衷肠。(拟人) Dish after dish afte

15、r dish. People expect us to be better. 一盘一盘又一盘。人们盼望我们更好。(重复) A contemporary classic. A timeless timepiece. 当代的经典作,永久的记时器。(antithesis) Hi-Fi, Hi_Fun, Hi-Fashion, only from Sony. 高保真,高乐趣,高时尚,只来自索尼。( alliteration)Translation Practice Tomorrow will be a reflection of tonight Nightime is a special time, a time of rest and renewal. Your body begins to relax to unwind from the activity of the day and slip into softer rhythm of the


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