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1、七年级英语试卷二 第 1 页 共 6 页2010-2011 学年度第一学期期末学年度第一学期期末调调研七年研七年级级英英语语模模拟试拟试卷卷(二)(二) ( (总总分:分:100 分分 考考试时间试时间: :90 分分钟钟) ) 第 I 卷 (选择题部分 共 60 分) 一、听力(每小题 1 分,共 20 分 ) A. 听对话,选择合适的图画或答案。每段对话读两遍。 ( ) 1. Whats the date today?A. B. C. ( ) 2. What is Simons mother?A. B. C. ( ) 3. What does Amy like doing?A. B. C.

2、 ( ) 4. What is Daniel wearing?A. B. C. ( ) 5. Where will the man go?A. A clothes shop. B. A flower shop. C. A sports shop. ( ) 6. Who is Amy shopping with? A. Amys parents. B. Amys brother. C. Amys friends. ( ) 7. Why is Jane crying?A. Her teddy bear is lost. B. She cant find her way home.C. She ca

3、nt arrive at the zoo. ( ) 8. What time is it now? A. 11:45 B. 11:15 C. 11:30 ( ) 9. How much is the dress now? A. 70 yuan. B. 100 yuan C. 30 yuan ( ) 10. What would Lily like to drink? A. A cup of apple juice. B. A cup of coffee. C. Two hamburgers. B. 听下面的对话或独白,选择正确的答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第 11、12

4、小题。 ( ) 11 . What is Mike doing?A. He is doing his homework. B. Hes chatting with his friends.C. Hes cleaning the classroom. ( ) 12. Who is Tom, do you know?A. Mikes brother. B. A friend of Mikes. C. A friend of Anns9 March8 March7 March七年级英语试卷二 第 2 页 共 6 页听下面一段对话,回答第 13-15 小题。 ( ) 13. Where is Jim

5、going to spend his holiday?A. Nantong. B. Beijing. C. Shanghai. ( ) 14. How are they going there? A. By train B. By plane. C. By bus. ( ) 15. How many of them will go there?A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. 听下面一段独白,回答第 16-20 小题。 ( ) 16. Uncle Baker and my father work on the same _.A. farm B. school C . fa

6、ctory ( )17. Uncle Baker is _.A. sixty B. fifty years old C. forty ( ) 18. Uncle Baker can stay at home on _.A. Saturday B. Sundays C. Saturdays and Sundays ( )19. -What does he like doing? -_.A. Cleaning his car B. Playing football C. Flying a kite ( )20. Uncle Baker is _.A. American B. English C.

7、Chinese 二、单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 15 分) ( ) 21. Every morning we read English for _. A. half a hour B. a half hour C. half an hour D. an half hour ( ) 22. Daniel usually gets up _ six _ the morning. But _ Sunday morning, he gets up after eight oclock. A. at; in; on B. at; on; in C. in; in; on D. in; on; at (

8、 ) 23. Helens bag is blue. What about _? A. your B. you C. you bag D. yours ( ) 24. There are ten chairs and twelve teachers here. So we need _ chairs.A. still two B. more two C. two more D. two another ( ) 25. - Do you often exercise, Jack? - No. _. I dont like sports at all. A. Seldom B. Very ofte

9、n C. Usually D. Always ( ) 26. We usually _ at 4:50 p.m. Then we go home.A. get up B. do morning exercises C. have lessons D. do after-school activities ( ) 27. The music _.A. wakes up me B. wake me up C. wake I up D. wakes me up ( ) 28. Millie works hard _ English and she is good _ it.A. on; at B.

10、on; in C. at; at D. in; at ( ) 29. Thanks _ e-mails to me.A. for write B. to writeC. for writingD. writing ( ) 30. -_ there _ interesting news in todays newspaper?- Yes, there _.A. Is; any; is some B. Are; any; are some C. Is; an; is one D. Are; some; are; some ( ) 31. -_ the boy enjoy _ the World C

11、up? -Yes, he _.七年级英语试卷二 第 3 页 共 6 页A. Does; watch; does B. Do; watch; do C. Does; watching; does D. Do; watching; do ( ) 32. Would you like _ football with us?-Of course. I like _ football very much.A. to play; play B. playing; to play C. to play; playing D. play; playing ( ) 33. The students are lo

12、oking forward to _.A. celebrate Teachers Day B. celebrating Teachers DayC. celebrate Teachers Day D. celebrating Teachers Day ( ) 34. We shouldnt watch _ TV. Its bad for our eyes.A. too muchB. much tooC. too manyD. many too ( ) 35. Can I help you? - _A. Yes, you can. B. No, thank you.C. Yes, please.

13、 D. Im looking for some cards.三、完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) People from different 36 and places have their own traditional clothes. In Scotland (苏格兰) men 37 kilts (短裙). A kilt looks like a skirt_ 38 it is very thick (厚). The colour and pattern (样式) of a mans kilt can tell you what the name of his family is. They also wear stockings and carry a small knife in one of their stockings. They keep their money safe (安全) in specia



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