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1、政治经济类文本的翻译2021/3/111词汇特点1)时代性强安居工程Housing project for low-income urban residents创新型国家innovation-oriented country 资源节约型社会resource-conserving society中国太空人Taikonaut2021/3/1122) 政治色彩浓厚贯彻落实十一五计划implement the Eleventh Five-Year Plan八荣八耻Eight Dos and Eight Donts Eight Graces and Eight Disgraces三个代表Three Re

2、presents (The Party must always represent the development trend of Chinas most advanced productive forces, represent the orientation of Chinas most advanced culture and represent the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people)2021/3/1133) 语言简洁精炼三来一补three processings and

3、 one compensationprocessing supplied materials, assembling supplied parts, processing in accordance with supplied samples and compensation trade 2021/3/1144) 比喻意义多割肉cut loss/liquidation 豆腐渣工程jerry-built project/shoddy construction 2021/3/115必须始终不渝地坚持两手抓,两手都要硬的方针,加强精神文明建设。We must unswervingly give eq

4、ual importance to economic development on one hand and to the development of socialist culture and ideology on the other hand. 2021/3/116以江泽民为核心的党中央坚持两手抓、两手都要硬的方针,从多方面加强精神文明建设The Party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core, in adherence to the principle of placing equal emphasis on

5、material progress and ethical and cultural progress, with neither aspects neglected, has promoted ethical and cultural progress in all fields. 2021/3/117必须清楚看到,“一手比较硬,一手比较软”的问题还没有解决。We must see with a sober mind that ” attaching importance to material progress while neglecting ethical and cultural p

6、rogress” has not been solved. 2021/3/118十年来最大的失误在教育。一手比较硬,一手比较软。The most serious error in the previous ten years were made in education. Some things were stressed while others were neglected. 2021/3/119搞现代化建设一定要坚持以经济建设为中心,要有两手,只有一手是不行的。In going in for modernization, efforts must be made to keep econ

7、omic development as the central task, and equal importance should be attached to both aspects for stressing only one aspect is not enough. 2021/3/1110发展才是硬道理。抓住机遇,发展自己,关键是发展经济。Development is the most essential criterion. The key to seizing the opportunity and developing ourselves lies in expanding t

8、he economy. 2021/3/1111发展是硬道理,中国解决所有问题的关键在于依靠自己的发展。Development is the absolute principle. The key to the solution of all Chinas problems lies in our own development. 2021/3/1112直译中国经济成功的进行了“软着陆”,这是宏观经济调控的结果。它控制了通货膨胀,避免了经济的大起大落,保持了经济的快速增长。The Chinese economy has successfully made a soft landing, a re

9、sult of macroeconomic control, which has curbed inflation while maintaining rapid ecnomic growth without major fluctuations. 2021/3/1113转换形象不容员工中那种害群之马。We cant allow any black sheep among our employees. 60年代出现的“亚洲四小龙”。“Four Asian Tigers” that appeared in the 1960s不应给农民发白条。We should not issue blank p

10、aper to the farmers. We should not issue IOU to the farmers.清理三角债To clear up the triangle debtsTo break up the debt chain2021/3/1114释意政策上不搞“一刀切”。We should not impose cutting by one knife on the implementation of the policies. We should not impose uniformity on the implementation of the policies. 202

11、1/3/1115政治经济用语的字面意义与内涵表达指称意义也叫所指意义、认知意义,指词与所指客体、思想或行为之间的直接关系。(denotation, designative meanings, cognitive meaning, referential meaning, conceptual meaning)蕴涵意义,也称情感意义,指词内含的情感和联想意义. (connotation, affective meaning, implied meaning, suggested meaning )2021/3/1116不看具体语境究其内涵意义,很难想到他们相应的正确英语表达法。仅仅根据其字面意义

12、,这类用语无法译出,即使查字典,也常常无从查起。因此,必须在吃透原文,从整个篇幅着眼,不拘泥于个别字句,注重特定语境中上下文的关系,注重文化差异,译出其内涵意义。2021/3/1117积极鼓励社会力量办学,以调动各方面办学的积极性。We shall encourage the running of schools by non-governmental sectors so as to bring the initiative of all quarters into play. We should encourage all sectors of society to establish s

13、chools and provide guidance in this regard. 2021/3/1118这些地区要靠先进技术,集约化经营和产业结构升级,在发展外向型企业中创造新的优势。All of these areas should make further progress in developing export-oriented enterprises by application of advanced technologies and intensive management and by upgrading their industrial structure. 2021/

14、3/1119破产企业要真关闭,不准假破产,真逃债。Bankrupt enterprises shall be closed and no enterprises shall be allowed to evade payment of debts through declaring bankruptcy. 2021/3/1120人民币汇率顺利并轨,汇价稳中有升。The official rate of exchange for RMB was made uniform with the market rate and the value of RMB rose somewhat while r

15、emaining stable. 2021/3/1121句法特点动词多各级财政要要按照“一要要吃饭,二要要建设”的原则,保证保证机关事业单位工作人员工资和离退休费按时足额发放发放,逐步改善改善他们的工资待遇。Government financial departments at all levels need to ensure that the salaries of government employees and pensions for retirees are paid in full and on time and gradually increase salaries in ac

16、cordance with the principle of subsistence first and development second. 2021/3/1122简单小句多继续改善投资环境,健全法制,依法办事,改进服务,提高效率。规范招商引资行为,逐步实行国民待遇。We need to continue improving the investment environment and the legal system. We need to do everything in accordance with the law, render better services to invest

17、ors, improve our efficiency, and standardize our work related to attracting foreign businesses and investment. We will gradually give foreign-funded enterprises the same treatment as their Chinese counterparts. 2021/3/1123同义同形反复1)变换用词全民族的思想道德素质、科学文化素质和健康素质明显提高。The ideological and ethical standards,

18、the scientific and cultural qualities, and the health of the whole people will be enhanced notably. 2021/3/1124认真贯彻落实侨务政策,进一步做好侨务工作。We should conscientiously implement the Partys policy on overseas Chinese affairs and do a better job in this regard. 2021/3/1125变换词性(党的基层组织)应该成为贯彻“三个代表”重要思想的组织者、推动者和实践

19、者。They should organize, motivate and practice implementation of the important thought of the Three Represents. 2021/3/1126扩大党员和群众对干部选拔任用的知情权、参与权、选择权和监督权。Party members and ordinary people should have more right to know, to participate, to choose and to supervise. 2021/3/1127提取公因式必须尊重劳动,尊重知识,尊重人才,尊重创造

20、。We must respect work, knowledge, competent people and creation.使经济更加发展,民主更加健全,科技更加进步,文化更加繁荣,社会更加和谐,人民生活更加殷实。We will further develop the economy, improve democracy, advance science and education, enrich culture, foster social harmony and upgrade the texure of life for the people. 2021/3/1128勇于实践,锐意创

21、新。to boldly engage in practice and innovation 聚精会神搞建设,一心一意谋发展。Concentrate on construction and development 2021/3/1129并列句多我们要继续坚定不移的坚持以经济建设为中心。我们要继续坚定不移的推进改革开放。我们要继续坚定不移的保持社会稳定。我们要继续坚定不移的贯彻执行独立自主的和平外交政策。We will unswervingly focus on economic development, press ahead with reform and opening-up, mainta

22、in social stability and pursue the independent foreign policy of peace.2021/3/1130结合国有商业银行国有商业银行集中处理不良资产处理不良资产的改革,成立四家金融资产管理公司金融资产管理公司,确定对符合条件符合条件的580户国有大中型企业实施债务转股权债务转股权。The four financial asset management companies, which were set up as part of the reform to dispose of bad assets of the state-owne

23、d commercial banks, selected 580 eligible large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises for their debt-to-equity reform. 2021/3/1131面对严峻的国际经济环境,我们积极应对,趋利避害,变挑战为机遇,开创了对外开放的新局面。Despite the grim international economic environment, we have created a new situation in our opening up by responding positiv

24、ely, striving to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and turning challenges into opportunities. 2021/3/1132Exercises我们应该大力恢复和保护森林和土地,减慢人口增长,减轻发展中国家的债务,提高能源效率,开发可能再生的资源,如水力、太阳能等。由于实行了加强宏观调控的十六条措施,使中国大约在两年多一点的时间解决了经济过热的问题,恢复了经济增长的势头。在经济高度发展的社会,仅小部分人从事农业,农业生产率较高,而大部分劳动力则从事与其他商品的生产及服务性行业。2021/3/113

25、3无论对于一个国家还是整个世界,以损害环境为代价来维持经济快速发展绝非长久之计。今天的广东正处于经济和社会转型的关键时期,工业化、城市化进城加快,重化工业快速发展,依靠粗放型增长方式实现经济增长越来越难以为继,发展面临严峻挑战。2021/3/1134我们应该大力恢复和保护森林和土地,减慢人口增长,减轻发展中国家的债务,提高能源效率,开发可能再生的资源,如水力、太阳能等。We should make major efforts to restore and protect forests and land, slow down population growth, relieve the deb

26、ts of developing countries, raise energy efficiency and develop renewable energy sources, such as water power and solar energy. 2021/3/1135由于实行了加强宏观调控的十六条措施,使中国大约在两年多一点的时间解决了经济过热的问题,恢复了经济增长的势头。Thanks to the sixteen measures adopted in strengthening macro-regulation and control, within a period of a

27、little more than two years, China successfully resolved the problem of economic overheating and resumed the momentum of economic growth. 2021/3/1136在经济高度发展的社会,仅小部分人从事农业,农业生产率较高,而大部分劳动力则从事与其他商品的生产及服务性行业。In a society with a highly developed economy, only a small proportion of population is engaged in

28、agriculture. Its agricultural productivity is relatively high, and most of the working population is engaged in the production of other goods and services. 2021/3/1137无论对于一个国家还是整个世界,以损害环境为代价来维持经济快速发展绝非长久之计。Whether for a country or the entire world, fast economic growth cannot be maintained/sustained

29、 in the long run at the expense of the environment. 2021/3/1138今天的广东正处于经济和社会转型的关键时期,工业化、城市化进城加快,重化工业快速发展,依靠粗放型增长方式实现经济增长越来越难以为继,发展面临严峻挑战。Guangdong now is at a crucial stage of social and economic transition. It is undergoing an accelerated pace of industrialization and urbanization. It encounters more and more difficulties in relying on extensive modes of growth to develop its economy and faces severe challenges to its economic development. 2021/3/1139



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