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1、六年级上册六年级上册 第六单元第六单元第第 1 课时课时 教案教案Teaching contents 教学内容教学内容Story time lets know more about the wand. Read the story and find more passwords in the story.S: 阅读故事,找出 make+名词(宾语)+ 形容词的结构,并尽可能自己说出口令,如 Colourful, colourful, make Tinas clothes colourful.make Tina small, make Tina big, make me small, make

2、you small, make me happy, make your clothes colourful, make her very excited, make the world beautiful.T: Is the story interesting?S: Yes.T: Lets go on to read the story. (继续呈现故事:Bobby and Tina went to the park. They wanted to make the park more beautiful. What can they do to make the park more beau

3、tiful? )S: Trees, trees, make the park green.Lake, lake, make the park beautiful.Flowers, flowers, make the park colourful.T: Now the park is beautiful. But what can we do to keep the park beautiful? Tina was worried about it. Bobby had a good idea. Can you help them? You can talk with your partners

4、: What can we do to keep the park beautiful? S: We can plant /We can water /We can keep clean.We cant walk/pick/climb/litter 【设计意图:学生在故事情境中,不知不觉地操练 make+名词(宾语)+ 形容词(补语) ,并通过参与故事,学习并练习了句型 What can we do to keep ?、We can 。 】3. ProductionT: More and more people came to the park. They walked on the gras

5、s, climbed the tree, picked flowers and littered on the grass. The park was dirty and messy. Bobby and Tina knew the wand could make the park beautiful. But it couldnt keep it beautiful. What could they do to keep the park clean and beautiful? Bobby and Tina had a good idea. Lets read their proposal

6、 (倡议书). S: (朗读倡议书)Lets keep the park beautifulDear friends,The trees are green. The flowers are colourful. They make the park beautiful. They make us happy. So please dont walk on the grass. Dont pick flowers in the park. Dont climb the trees. Lets plant more trees and flowers. Lets water the trees

7、and flowers together. The lake is clean. The grass is beautiful. They make the air clean. They make us healthy. So please dont throw rubbish into the lake. Dont litter on the grass. We can put the rubbish in the bin. We can pick the rubbish with our classmates at the weekends. Come on, everybody. Jo

8、in us. Lets keep the park clean. Lets keep the park beautiful. Lets make our life more colourful. Bobby and TinaT: (指导学生读倡议书,理解内容后,布置小练习) This is Bobby and Tinas proposal. What about yours? Please write a proposal by yourself.S: (独立完成练习)_ make(s) _. To keep the park more beautiful, we can_. We can t

9、 _.T: (指导学生完成练习,请学生分享自己的倡议书)【设计意图:通过让学生写倡议书,将本课的两个语法点整合在一起,让学生巩固操练。 】 Step 4 Consolidation T: If we can do it like this, many places in our city will be beautiful. Our city will become better and better. To create the National Health City, start from me.S: To create the National Health City, start f

10、rom me. (在教师的帮助下读出来这句话,并理解其含义)T: Lets enjoy the beautiful scenery in Suzhou. (播放一组苏州风景图)【设计意图:通过一组美丽的苏州风景图,激发学生珍惜和热爱城市环境,从而增强他们的环保意识。 】Homework 家庭作业家庭作业1. Copy the sentence patterns. 2. Discuss with your family about how to keep our city clean. Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:PPT 课件、练习纸板书设计

11、:Unit 6 Keep our city cleanWhat makes our city dirty? The passwordmake Tina small, make Tina big, make me small, make you small, What can we do to keep our city clean? make me happy, make your clothes colourful, make her very excited, make the world beautiful.说课说课本节课以复习 Story time 开始,通过问题 What do yo

12、u think about our city?联系实际,引导学生发现我们城市的环境卫生方面的问题,并用上节课所学的句型进行讨论。最后,教师将学生讨论的三个问题汇总成为一个大问题:What makes our city dirty?。学生通过这个问题的提示,回忆并复述 Story time 的第一部分。随后,教师提出两个问题:Who makes our city dirty?、Who keeps our city clean?,由此引导学生对 What can we do to keep our city clean?进行思考,在回忆课文第二段内容的基础上,完成填空,练习情态动词 can 后的动

13、词词组。在语法学习部分,教师自编了一个关于魔法棒的故事。一来,纯粹的语法课比较枯燥乏味;二来,本节课主要学习句型 What makes dirty/messy?、What can we do to keep ?以及它们的答句,内容较简单。其中的教学重难点是短语 make+名词(宾语)+ 形容词(补语) ,教师通过呈现魔法棒的魔力,不断在故事中呈现这个短语,让学生在阅读过程中将故事中出现的这类短语全部找出来,同时让学生体会和总结规律,并在此基础上引导学生跟着故事情节,逐步说出魔法口令 make+名词+形容词。随着故事情节的发展,通过“让我们保持公园的美丽” ,提出 What can we do

14、to keep the park beautiful?的话题,让学生操练句型 We can /We cant 。由于该句型较为简单,所以在故事中一带而过。进而将学生的视角拉到人们对公园环境的破坏,让学生来读Bobby 和 Tina 的倡议书,并在理解的基础上,自己动笔来写一些倡议书,通过这个练习把这节课的两个句型结合在一起进行复习巩固。在本课的结尾处,教师播放了一组美丽的城市风景图,通过这个环节,联系生活实际,让学生感受我们城市里美好的风光,使他们产生“环境卫生,从我做起”的想法,让他们更加珍惜和热爱我们的城市,产生保护环境的意识。本节课的几个主要关注点: 关注学生对语法知识的整体认识和具体运

15、用 关注学生的合作性学习 关注学生的阅读习惯,培养他们的阅读兴趣 关注学生的情感发展,增强他们的环保意识六年级上册六年级上册 第六单元第六单元第第 3 课时课时 教案教案Teaching contents 教学内容教学内容Fun timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标1. 通过海报的制作和演讲的展示巩固本单元主要句型 What makes dirty/messy?、What can we do to ?,以及保护环境的一些相关短语。2. 能进一步深化了解及运用 make+名词(宾语)+ 形容词(补语)的结构和情态动词 can(表示可

16、以)的新用法。3. 能小组合作完成海报,能就完成的海报做宣传演讲,锻炼语言运用能力。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点教学难点:能在掌握“保持我们城市洁净”这个话题的基础上,自如地交流和谈论“我们如何保持校园整洁” 。教学重点:能掌握并熟练运用句型 What can we do to keep ?,以及其答句 We can 。Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程Step 1 Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you?S: T: Today well come to Unit 6 Keep our city


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