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1、1 自我證明表格 控權人 Self-Certification Form Controlling Person 重要提示 Important Notes: 這是由帳戶持有人向兆豐國際商業銀行新加坡分行提供的自我證明表格,以作自動交換財務帳戶資料用途。兆豐國 際商業銀行新加坡分行可把收集所得的資料交給新加坡稅務局,稅務局會將資料轉交到另一稅務管轄區的稅務當局。 This is a self-certification form provided by an account holder to Mega International Commercial Bank Co., Ltd., Singap

2、ore Branch for the purpose of automatic exchange of financial account information. The data collected may be transmitted by Mega International Commercial Bank Co., Ltd., Singapore Branch to the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore for transfer to the tax authority of another jurisdiction. 如帳戶持有人的稅務

3、居民身分有所改變,應盡快將所有變更通知兆豐國際商業銀行新加坡分行。 An account holder should report all changes in its tax residency status to Mega International Commercial Bank Co., Ltd., Singapore Branch. 除不適用或特別註明外,必須填寫這份表格所有部分。如這份表格上的空位不敷填寫,可自行增列填寫。必填項目 中標有星號(*)的部分信息,並將報送新加坡稅務局。 All parts of the form must be completed (unless no

4、t applicable or otherwise specified). If space provided is insufficient, continue on additional sheet(s). Information in fields/parts marked with an asterisk (*) are required to be reported by the reporting financial institution to the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore. 有關稅務居住和身份的更多信息,請諮詢您的稅務顧問,

5、國內稅務機關或下列網址 https:/www.iras.gov.sg/IRASHome/Quick-Links/International-Tax/How-account-holders-of-FIs-will-be-affected/ and the https:/www.iras.gov.sg/irashome/crs/ For more information on tax residence and status, please consult your tax adviser, domestic tax authority or the information at the http

6、s:/www.iras.gov.sg/IRASHome/Quick-Links/International-Tax/How-account-holders-of-FIs- will-be-affected/ and the https:/www.iras.gov.sg/irashome/crs/ 如果您是法人帳戶持有人的控制人,請填寫此表格,該帳戶持有人是自我證明表格 -法人 (包含合夥組織)第 2 部分列出的消極性非 金融機構。 Please complete this form if you are the Controlling Person of an Entity Account H

7、older which is a Passive NFE set out under Part 2 of the Self-Certification Form Entity (including Partnership). 對於每名法人帳戶持有人須分別填寫一份表格 For joint or multiple Persons, use a separate form for each Controlling Person. 第 1 部 控權人的身分辨識資料 Part 1 Identification of Controlling Person (1) 控權人的姓名 Name of Contro

8、lling Person 稱謂 ( 例如:先生、太太、女士、小姐 ) Title (e.g. Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss) 姓氏* Last Name or Surname * 名字* First or Given Name * (2) 當前住宅地址 Current Residential Address 第 1 行(例如:室、樓層、大廈、街道、地區)* Line 1 (e.g. Suite, Floor, Building, Street, District)* 第 2 行 ( 城市 )* Line 2 (City) * 第 3 行 ( 例如: 省、州 ) Line 3 (e.g.

9、Province, State) 國家 * Country * To: Mega International Commercial Bank Co., Ltd., Singapore Branch 80 Raffles Place #23-20 UOB Plaza II Singapore 048624 UEN NO: S96FC5249G 2 郵政編碼/郵遞區號碼* Post Code/ZIP Code * (3) 通訊地址通訊地址 ( ( 如通訊地址與如通訊地址與當前當前居住地址不同,填寫此欄居住地址不同,填寫此欄 ) ) Mailing Address (Complete if diff

10、erent to the current residential address) 第 1 行(例如:室、樓層、大廈、街道、地區) Line 1 (e.g. Suite, Floor, Building, Street, District) 第 2 行 (城市 ) Line 2 (City) 第 3 行 ( 例如: 省、州 ) Line 3 (e.g. Province, State) 國家 Country 郵政編碼/郵遞區號碼 Post Code/ZIP Code (4) 出生日期 * ( 日/月/年 ) Date of Birth * (dd/mm/yyyy) 第 2 部 你作為控權人的法

11、人帳户持有人 Part 2 The Entity Account Holder of which you are a controlling person 填寫你作為控權人的法人帳户持有人的名稱。 Enter the name of the entity account holder of which you are a controlling person. 法人法人 Entity 法人帳户持有人的名稱法人帳户持有人的名稱 Name of the Entity account Holder (1) (2) (3) 第 3 部 居留司法管轄區及稅籍編號或具有等同功能的辨識編號 ( 以下簡稱 稅

12、籍編號 ) * Part 3 Jurisdiction of Residence and Taxpayer Identification Number or its Functional Equivalent (“TIN”) * 提供以下資料,列明 ( a ) 帳戶控權人的居留司法管轄區,亦即帳戶控權人的稅務管轄區 ( 新加坡包括在內 ) 及 ( b ) 該居留司法管轄區發給帳戶控權人的稅籍編號。列出所有 ( 不限於 5 個 ) 居留司法管轄區。 Complete the following table indicating (a) the jurisdiction of residence

13、(including Singapore) where the controlling person is a resident for tax purposes and (b) the controlling persons TIN for each jurisdiction indicated. Indicate all (not restricted to five) the jurisdictions of residence. 如果控權人是新加坡的稅務居民,則TIN是NRIC或FIN。 If the controlling person is a tax resident of Si

14、ngapore, the TIN is the Singapore NRIC or FIN. 如果帳戶持有人是在五個國家/地區的稅務居民,請使用單獨的表格。 If the account holder is tax resident in more than five countries/jurisdictions, please use a separate sheet. 如沒有提供稅籍編號,必須填寫合適的理由 A、B 或 C: If a TIN is unavailable, provide the appropriate reason A, B or C: 理由 A 帳戶控權人的居留司法

15、稅務管轄區並沒有向其居民發出稅籍編號。 Reason A The jurisdiction where the controlling person is a resident for tax purposes does not issue TINs to its residents. 理由 B 帳戶控權人不能取得稅籍編號。如選取這一理由,解釋帳戶控權人不能取得稅籍編號的原因。 Reason B The controlling person is unable to obtain a TIN. Explain why the controlling person is unable to ob

16、tain a TIN if you have selected this reason. 理由 C 帳戶持有人毋須提供稅籍編號。居留司法管轄區的主管機關不需要帳戶持有人披露稅籍編號。 Reason C TIN is not required. Select this reason only if the authorities of the jurisdiction of residence do not require the TIN to be disclosed. 3 居留司法管轄區居留司法管轄區 Jurisdiction of Residence 稅籍編號稅籍編號 TIN 如沒有提供稅籍編號如沒有提供稅籍編號,填寫理由填寫理由 A、B 或或 C Enter Reason A, B or C if no TIN is available 如選擇理由如選擇理



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