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1、考研英语大作文高分必背句型考研英语大作文高分必背句型2010 年 03 月 03 日 14:20 来源:新东方 【发表评论】经过对各类考研作文的分析和挖掘,我们发现,在 200 词以下的短作文中,三段设置是一个比较合理的格局。特别是提纲三点出现的内容和规律,我们可以发现一共出现过十种常见的段落。这些功能段落通过组合,可以形成多种多样的考法。由于考研写作相对来说比较模式化,因此段落的出现也很有规律。可以看出以下的情况:重磅阅读第一段: 话题引出段 / 图画图表描述段第二段: 观点列举段 / 利弊分析段 / 举例论证段 / 原因列举段 /意义阐释段第三段: 归纳结论段 / 未来趋势段 / 建议措施

2、段 任何一次考试,只要在以上段落中进行三段组合,就可以进行一种命题。把握住了这种规律,考生就可以解剖大作文。把任何大作文看作三个部分的组合,如果有了各部分组合的固定精彩语言,就可以以不变应万变。以下列举出十大功能段落的精彩句型,供大家背诵使用。1)话题引出段Nowadays, there is a growing concern over the issue of People in growing numbers are directing their attention to With the development of , the problem of has become incre

3、asingly serious.When it comes to , peoples notions may vary from one to another.Recently, a heated discussion has sprung up as to Traditional virtue/value has it that, yet people arecurrently.2)图画图表描述段As is vividly shown in the picture,It is clearly depicted in the picture that This picture depicts

4、a thought-provoking scene of According to the figures given in the chartThe chart above provides a series of essential figures, illustrating the changes taking place in a time span of years.3)观点对比段Opposite voices are now rising in the debate. Some people firmly believe that. On the contrary, quite a

5、 few people argue thatThe controversial issue has aroused opposite opinions. One focuses on . ;the other opinion revolves around4)利弊列举段Every coin has two sides, and this issue is no exception. Above all, In additionMore importantly However, the negative influence it renders should not be neglected.

6、.not only but alsoIs this phenomenon a blessing or a curse.? The following list of advantages and disadvantages can explain everything.5)举例论证段For instance;Takefor an example;A case in point isThe following illustrations can serve as strong evidence of the phenomenon.6)原因列举段Why should this phenomenon

7、 take place? There are generally three factors accounting for it.Having taken everything into consideration, we may attribute the sharp change to three aspects.7)意义阐释段The purpose of the picture is to show us that due attention has to be paid to.The fact/phenomenon thatindicates that Having scrutiniz

8、ed the details of the picture, we can discuss the implications subtly conveyed from it.8)归纳结论段In conclusion,In my opinion,As far as I am concerned,Taking into account all the analyses above, we may confidently come to the conclusion that9)预测趋势段There is no denying that will continue increasing/decrea

9、sing in the better/worse direction.Undoubtedly, the tendency reflected from the chart will undergo a continuous increase/decrease in the near future.10)建议措施段Therefore, it is imperative that we should take some drastic measures.As far as I am concerned, two effective measures must be immediately taken to pull through the crisis.As a result, it is advisable to settle the problem by two means.把握住了以上所列举的一些精彩句型,就可以达到任由提纲组合,句型同步组合的目的。只要作文中具备了高分句型,其它部分随机应变或即兴发挥,都可以保障作文的语言水准是在高分级别。希望同学们利用好框架,在考试中游刃有余地展开,取得高分。


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