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1、英语期末重点一填词1.UNIT 21)Weve just had a very fruitfulfruitful meeting with the management and were now much more hopeful about the pay rise. 2)The book Im reading explains the evolutionevolution of plant and animal life on earth.3)Living in a flat is all right,but it has its limitationslimitations-for ex

2、ample,you dont have your own garden.4)The two witnesses gave contradictory versionsversions of what had happened that night.5)DespiteDespite the fact that there was almost no hope of finding the missing boy,the search party still went on looking.6)Alice intendsintends to go back to work after she ha

3、s had her baby.7)The report is a bit lengthy;InIn shortshort ,it says that more money should be spent on education.8)Without an official pass,the guides will deny you accessaccess to the courthouse.9)Amy was trying to persuade her father to let her drive but she was getting nowhere. 10)Simon has don

4、e a supersuper job and deserves to be promoted. 11)Sorry the place is so messymessy ;I havent had time to clean up.12)Mr.White found to his dismay that his son had been spending far too much access contract data definitely despite download evolution fruitful intend limitation messy mild notable nowh

5、ere online quest super uncover version view webbring up in short take out think uptime chatting with his key pals(网友) onlineonline. 2.UNIT 351)In terms of population,Greater New York City is the largest urbanurban center in the United States. 2)The article provides a detailed analysisanalysis of the

6、 root causes of the accident.3)Many young grils like to keepkeep a a diarydiary for recording their private thoughts and feelings. 4)There are obvious benefits in allowing each student to go at his own pacepace.5)The dredger(挖掘机) represents a major technologicaltechnological advance in keeping the r

7、iver clear. 6)The tried traveler stopped to catchcatch hishis breathbreath and make sure of his directions.7)Bob didnt turn up at the party;I had an intuitionintuition that something must have gone wrong.8)Roger was quite stubborn and it was almost impossible to convinceconvince him of his mistakes.

8、9)In history the war between the Union and the eleven Southern states(1861-1865)is called American CivilCivil War. 10)The office building waswas recently renovatedrenovated for greater comfort and efficiency.3.UNIT 4administrative analysis civil compel convince distribute energetic intuition learned

9、 loan pace profession reflection renovate repay spark stimulate switch technological urbanbuild on catch ones breath keep a diary leave out send off 下 stay up take notesaffect click cover curl decay dot 布于 elaborate e-mail extensive(ly) fancy fasten grab handicap interpret junior junk lean limb 大树枝

10、maximum per physical relationship run spot strain surround twist wind add to at least bring back call up catch sb.s eye curl up in hopes of/in the hope of sort of take sb. to task1)He always uses my first name,although he is several years my juniorjunior.2)This is just my kind of diet-no junkjunk fo

11、od,plenty of fruit and vegetables,which I love.3)A beautiful newly constructed highway windswinds its way along the coast of the island.4)Vitamin C helps to combat stress either from worry of from intense physicalphysical exercise.5)Not only is measles(麻疹) a killer,but it also causes blindness,deafn

12、ess and mental handicaphandicap in thousands of children every year.6)Clickthe left mouse button twice and your card design will be printed.7)Many beautiful landscapes that glow in the gallery(画廊) are sadly decayeddecayed in reality.8)Few actors have so fully interpretedinterpreted the deepest feeli

13、ngs of Shakespeare as Olivier Laurence.9)As the patrol commander approached the door of the bank,he spotted a black briefcase leaningleaning against a wall.10)Money,of course,is no substitute for the loss of life or limblimb.11)The goat twistedtwisted its neck to make a grab at a fallen twig(嫩枝) on

14、the ground.12)As a mother,I give advice when my children need it,but basically our relationshiprelationship is one between equals.13)The city of Kyoto,the imperial capital,liies surroundedsurrounded by hills and is frequently bathed in mists.14)There are atat leastleast four companies,perhaps five,t

15、hat would like to start a 24-hour news channel.15)Banks raised interest five times from mid-1989 to mid-1990, inin hopeshopes ofof squeezing the bubbles in the stock and property markets.4.UNIT 71)The new dormitory completed a fortnight(两星期)ago is large enough to accommodateaccommodate over two hundred students.2)Tom was aggressiveaggressive at school and got into a lot of fights.3)The wife of one of the hostages appeared on TV last night to pleadplead for her husband


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