北师大版英语六年级期末基础复习知识 - 副本

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1、1单词分类单词分类1.水果水果: (fruit ) What fruit do you like / dislike? Whats your favorite fruit? apple (苹果), orange ( 橘子),lemon(柠檬) ,watermelon ( 西瓜), strawberry (草莓) Whats this ? Is it a pear? It an orange. Yes, it is. ( No, it isnt ) 2.蔬菜:(蔬菜:(Vegetables) tomatoes (西红柿), ,mushrooms (蘑菇), What are these thos

2、e ? Are these those beans? They are onions. Yes, they are. (No, they arent .) 3. 颜色颜色: (Color) What color is it? What color do you like/ dislike ? red(红色) , green(绿色) , blue(蓝色) , black(黑色) , white(白色)4. 工作工作(job /work) What does she /he do? What do you do? She/ He is a worker. I am a teacher. docto

3、r nurse s worker policeman vet 5交通工具:交通工具: How do you go to school/ work? By: bike bus train car , on foot 6. 星期:(星期:(week) What day is it today? Its Monday.Monday (Mon. 星期一),Tuesday ( Tue. 星期二),Wednesday (Wed. 星期三), Thursday(Thur.星期四) ,Friday (Fri. 星期五),Saturday (Sat. 星期六), Sunday (Sun. 星期日) 7. 月份:

4、(月份:(month) January (Jan. 一月),February ( Feb. 二月),March (Mar. 三月), April (Apr. 四 月),May (May.五月),June (Jun. 六月),July (Jul. 七月),August (Aug. 八月), September (Sep. 九月),October (Oct. 十月),November (Nov. 十一月), December (Dec. 十二月) Whats the date today? Its January 1st. When is your birthday? Its January 12

5、th. 8、季节:(、季节:(Seasons) Spring (春), Summer (夏), Autumn (秋)= fall Winter (冬) Which season do you like ? I like spring because its green everywhere. 9Animals 动物动物 cat (猫) ,squirrel ( 松鼠),snake (蛇),bird(鸟) zoo (动物园) panda(熊 猫) 10人称人称 your你(们)的 my我的 she她 he他2family家庭 mother妈妈 father爸爸 sister姐姐 brother兄,

6、弟 me我 grandmother(外)祖母 grandfather(外)祖父 aunt(婶)姑,姨 uncle叔,伯,舅 mom妈 妈 dad爸爸 her她的 his他的 friend朋友 boy男孩 girl女孩 children孩子,儿童 it它 teacher教师 name名字 queen女王 11. Numbers: 数字数字Whats your telephone number?How much is it? How old are you? (1) 基数词: 0 zero 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eigh

7、t 9 nine 10ten 11eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty (2) 序数词: first 第一 second 第二 third 第三 fourth 第四 fifth 第五 sixth 第六 seventh 第七 eighth 第八 ninth 第九 tenth 第十 eleventh 第十一 twelfth 第十二 thirteenth 第十三 fourteenth 第十四 fifteenth 第十五

8、sixteenth 第十六 seventeenth 第十七 eighteenth 第十八 nineteenth 第十九 twentieth 第二十 13. 天气状况:(天气状况:(weather) Whats the weather like today ? Its windy .cloudy (多云的),rainy (夏雨的)snowy (下雪的) ,windy (多风的), weather (天气) 14形状形状 circle圆 heart心形,心脏 rectangle长方形,矩形 square正方形 15地点场所:(地点场所:(Places ) train station ( 火车站),

9、 ,museum (博物馆),amusement park (游乐场),bedroom (卧室),hospital(医院), 16 运动:(运动:(sports ) football = soccer(足球),basketball (篮球),badminton (羽毛球) ,table tennis (乒乓球),volleyball (排球), team (球队),row (排), 17. 食物食物 :(:(Food) milk (牛奶),hamburger (汉堡包), ,hot dog (热狗), French fries(炸薯条), ice cream (冰淇淋) 18 日常用品:日常用

10、品: bed ( 床), sofa ( 沙发),clock(钟) ,watch (手表),table ( 桌子),radio (收音机), lamp (台灯) ,television (TV) (电视机),photo ( 照片), ,newspaper 19身体部位:(身体部位:(body)3face (脸), ear (耳朵),eye (眼睛),head ( 头), nose ( 鼻子),mouth ( 嘴), teeth (牙齿), foot ( 脚), 20Subjects(科目科目) Chinese 语文 , English 英语 , Art 美术 , Math 数学 ,P.E. 体育

11、,Computer 电脑, History 历史, Music 音乐, Geography 地理 , Science 科学 21乐器:乐器:Play the piano 弹钢琴 , play the violin 拉小提琴 , play the guitar 弹吉他, play the flute 吹笛子, Play the drums 敲鼓 23. 活动:(活动:(Activities) take a bus ride a bike walk to school read storybooks read newspapers 乘公共汽车 骑自行车 步行去学校 读故事书 读报纸 have br

12、eakfast have lunch have dinner get up (late) go to bed go to sleep 吃早餐 吃午餐 吃晚餐 起床 上床睡觉 上床睡觉 have English class go to English class 上英语课 help Mom 帮妈妈干家务 have music class go to music class 上音乐课 go shopping 购物 have dance class go to dance class 上舞蹈课 watch TV 看电视 have swimming class go to swimming class

13、 上游泳课 birthday party 生日聚会 have art class go to art class 上艺术课 visit grandma 看望奶奶 have P.E. class go to P.E. class 上体育课 go out with family 和家人外出 have English corner go to English corner 参加英语角 go to the supermarket 去超市 go to the park 去公园 play with friends 和朋友们玩 go to the bank 去银行 go to the library 去图书

14、馆 go to the movie theater 去电影院 go to school 去上学 24.学习用品学习用品 pen pencil pencil-box book notebook 25.衣服衣服 clothes 外套,大衣 coat, T 恤 T-shirt, 西装 suit, 26 动词过去式(自己看书)动词过去式(自己看书) 27. 句型:句型: Dont walk Dont litter Dont touch Dont run Dont be late No bikes No cameras No smoking No food No parking No swimming 28.缩写缩写 Im= I am whos =who is thats= that is youre = you are whats =what is isnt = is not Ive = I have Ill= I will lets= let us hasnt= has not havent=have not 29.动词动词 :( verbs ) run (跑),jump (跳) ,swim (游泳),play (玩),come ( 来



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