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1、(2014 秋)秋)初二牛津初二牛津报纸电子版(第报纸电子版(第 26 期)期)Unit 8 词语笔记词语笔记For Reading and Listeningadvise 建议建议1. The teacher advised his students to practice English as often as possible.老师建议他的学生尽可能多地练习英语。2. I advise that you should take an umbrella with you.我建议你带把伞.【总结】advise 用作动词, 意为 “建议”。常用结构为 advise sb. to do sth.

2、 意为 “建议某人做某事”, 如例 1; advise+从句, 意为 “建议”, 如例 2。【拓展】advise 的名词形式是 advice, 是不可数名词。若表示 “一条建议”, 应用 a piece of advice; “两条建议” 为 two pieces of advice; “一些建议” 为 some advice。例如:Can I give you a piece of advice on your plan? 我可以给你的计划提条建议吗?【运用】用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The doctor advised me _ (take) more exercise.2. Can

3、you give me some _ (advise) on learning English?suggestion 建议建议; 提议提议1. The doctor gave me some suggestions on how to live a healthy life.就如何过健康的生活, 医生给了我一些建议。2. She made some helpful suggestions on how to protect the environment.就如何保护环境, 她提出了一些非常有用的建议。【总结】suggestion 用作名词, 意为 “建议; 提议”,是可数名词, 如例 1; m

4、ake a suggestion 意为 “提出建议”, 如例 2。【拓展】suggestion 的动词形式是 suggest, 意为 “建议”。常用结构为 suggest doing sth. 意为“建议做某事”, 例如:She suggested taking the children to the park. 她建议带孩子们去公园。【运用】根据汉语提示完成句子, 每空一词。3. 你能就如何学好英语给我些建议吗?Can you _ _ _ _ on how to learn English well?4. 我建议周末去看电影。I _ _ to the movies this municate

5、 沟通沟通We communicate with foreign students once a month.我们每月与外国学生交流一次。【总结】communicate 用作动词, 意为 “沟通; (与某人) 交流信息”, 经常与介词 with 连用,如例 1。【拓展】communicate 的名词形式是 communication, 意为 “交流”。【运用】根据汉语提示完成句子, 每空一词。5. 当你遇到困难时, 应该与父母交流。You should _ _ your parents when you are in trouble.6. The Internet is an importan

6、t means of _.hide 藏藏; 隐藏隐藏1. She hid her face in her hands and started to cry.她用手捂住脸哭了起来。2. The sun was hidden by the dark clouds.太阳被乌云遮住了。【总结】hide 用作动词, 意为 “藏; 隐藏”; 它的过去式和过去分词分别为 hid 和 hidden, 如例 1 和例 2。【拓展】hide 的常用结构为 hide sth. from sb.意为 “对某人隐瞒某事”。例如:Please dont hide your feelings from me.请不要对我隐瞒

7、你的感情。【运用】连词成句。7. my, hid, in, diary, drawer, I, my(.)_8. hide, thoughts, me, from, your, do, why, you(?)_attack 袭击袭击; 攻击攻击1. The commander ordered his soldiers to attack the enemies at night.司令命令他的士兵夜里袭击敌人。2. Alice was attacked by a snake when walking through the forest.穿过森林时, 爱丽丝被蛇袭击了。【总结】attack 用作

8、动词, 意为 “袭击; 攻击”, 如 l 例 1 和例 2。【拓展】attack 用作名词意为 “袭击; 攻击”。例如:The boy was sent to hospital after a serious attack by a dog.被狗严重袭击后, 男孩被送到了医院。【运用】连词成句。9. me, in, a, street, he, attacked, dark(.)_10. months, was, attack, three, the, city, under, for(.)_句型导航句型导航 Sentence guideStructure analysis 长难句解析长难句解

9、析1. He gave students some suggestions on how to improve their English.他就如何提高英语水平向学生们提供了一些建议。他就如何提高英语水平向学生们提供了一些建议。【解析】on how to improve their English 意为 “关于如何提高他们的英语水平” 其中 “疑问词+不定式” 的结构在句中作介词 on 的宾语。例如:He wrote a book on how to protect the environment. 他写了一本关于环境保护的书。2. You should communicate in Engl

10、ish with your friends whenever you can.你应该尽可能地用英语与你的朋友们交流。你应该尽可能地用英语与你的朋友们交流。【解析】句中的 whenever 为连词, 意为 “在任何的时候”。whenever you can 是由whenever 引导的时间状语从句。为了避免重复, 省略了谓语部分, 若补全句子则为: whenever you can communicate in English with your friends. 例如: You can come to my house whenever you want. 你可以随时来我家。Structure

11、 imitation 句式仿写句式仿写1. It gave me a chance to learn new words.它给了我一个学习新单词的机会。它给了我一个学习新单词的机会。【解析】give sb. a chance to do sth. 意为 “给某人一个做某事的机会”。例如:Please give me a chance to explain. 请给我一个解释的机会。2. “In my opinion, every school should have an English Week. Its well worth doing,” she said. 她说她说: “依我看依我看,

12、每个学校都应该有每个学校都应该有 英语周英语周。它很值得开展。它很值得开展。 ”【解析】sth. be well worth sth. / doing sth., 意为 “值得; 有价值”。例如:This film is very interesting. Its well worth seeing. 这部电影很有趣, 非常值得一看。【跟踪练习】根据汉语意思完成句子, 每空一词。1. 三年前, 我父亲给了我一个出国留学的机会。My father _ _ _ _ _ study abroad three years ago.2. 那个有着大量藏书的图书馆很值得参观。The library wit

13、h a large collection of books _ _ _ _.短语收藏夹短语收藏夹 Phrase collectionUnit 8 短语聚会短语聚会1. treasure hunt 寻宝游戏2. in public 公开地; 在别人 (尤指生人) 面前3. put on 上演4. take part in 参加5. in my opinion 依我看6. be worth doing 值得做7. above all 最重要的是; 尤其是8. look out 小心9. give a speech 做演讲【操练场】根据句意从上面选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空, 补全句子。1. T

14、he Drama Club plans to _ a play before the end of this month.2. Children all dressed up to _ the Christmas party.3. You should be more confident when speaking _.4. A famous writer will _ in the lecture hall this afternoon.5. _, parents should spend more time with their children instead of making mon

15、ey.For Unit 8Section A (For Reading)I. 根据句意及图片提示写单词, 补全句子。1. If you want to be a speaker, you first have to learn how to make a _.2. If there is something important happening in our school, students will usually see a _.3. Would you like to join in this singing _? It sounds very interesting.4. This is a famous programme in China. Many people bring their _ to experts to find out whether they are real ones.5. I want to know who can be the _ of the match.II.



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