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1、第 1 页 共 18 页丰台区丰台区 2011-2012 学年第二学期初三统一练习学年第二学期初三统一练习英英 语语 试试 卷卷来源来源:Zxxk.Com考考 生生须须 知知1.本试卷为闭卷考试,共 12 页,满分 120 分,考试时间为 120 分钟。2.请在试卷和答题卡上准确填写学校名称、姓名和准考证号。3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。答题卡上的选择题用 2B 铅笔规范填涂,其他试题用黑色签字笔作答。4.考试结束后,请将试卷、答题卡和草稿纸一并交回。听力理解听力理解 (共共 26 分分)一、一、 听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。听对话,选择与对话内

2、容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。 (共(共 4 分,每小题分,每小题 1 分)分) 1. A. B. C. 2. 3. A.B.C. 4. A. B. C. 第 2 页 共 18 页C, B, A, C二、二、 听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,选择正确答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,选择正确答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。 (共(共 12 分,每小分,每小题题 1 分)分) 请听下面的对话,完成第请听下面的对话,完成第 5 至第至第 6 小题。小题。5. Where does the woman want to go? A. A bookstore. B. A b

3、ank. C. A restaurant.6. How far is it from the speakers? A. Five minutes walk. B. Ten minutes walk. C. Fifteen minutes walk.请听下面的对话,完成第 7 至第 8 小题。7. Who is travelling in France? A. Alice and her mother. B. Alice and her father. C. Alice and her friend. 8. How is the weather there? A. Cloudy. B. Snow

4、y. C. Sunny. 请听下面的对话,完成第 9 至第 10 小题。9. What party did Bob go to yesterday evening? A. A birthday party. B. A dinner party. C. A reading party.10. Why did Bob enjoy the party? A. Because he met new friends. B. Because he got new books. C. Because he had a nice talk.请听下面的对话,完成第 11 至第 13 小题。11. What ev

5、ent will Sam do at the school sports meet? A. The high jump. B. The 800-meter run. C. The long jump. 12. How long will their school sports meet last? A. Just one day. B. Two days. C. One day and a half.13. Where do you think Sam is practicing? A. B. C. 第 3 页 共 18 页A. On the school playground. B. In

6、a street. C. In his houses yard.请听下面的独白,完成第 14 至第 16 小题。14. How can you probably get this talk? A. From a class. B. By the radio. C. From a meeting. 15. What is the talk mainly about? A. How to prepare vegetable dishes. B. Importance of eating vegetables. C. How to help kids love vegetables. 16. Wha

7、t can we infer from the second point? A. Cooking a vegetable in another way may change kids attitude to it.B. The longer you cook a vegetable, the better it tastes. C. Its not good to force kids to eat vegetables.语言知识运用语言知识运用 (共(共 25 分)分) 四、单项填空(共四、单项填空(共 13 分,每小题分,每小题 1 分)分)从下列各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选

8、择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。22. Hi, Mary. Could you lend _ your pen? OK. Here you are. A. I B. me C. my D. mine23. _ March, 12th, we planted trees in a park. A. In B. On C. At D. To 24. _ did you go to the doctor, Tim? Two weeks ago.A. How B. Where C. What D. When 25. I phoned you at six yesterday evening, _ nobo

9、dy answered. Meet a Person at StationPlace:17. Beijing _ Railway Station Time:18. _ this evening.Name:19. _ BakerAppearance:Suitcase:20. _ and slim with long fair hair21. large and _ in color第 4 页 共 18 页A. because B. or C. but D. so26. Look here, please. Who can do this problem? I _, Miss Li. A. can

10、 B. need C. should D. must 27. Sam, youre much _ than I last saw you. A. thin B. thinner C. thinnest D. the thinnest28. This is a really interesting story. I enjoy_ it.A. readingB. read C. to read D. reads 29. What are the kids doing? They _ the flowers in the garden.A. water B. watered C. have wate

11、red D. are watering 30. Jim, how about going to the movie Mission Impossible IV tonight? Well, I _ it already. A. see B. saw C. have seen D. will see 31. I will let you know as soon as I _ back. A. get B. got C. will get D. have got 32. A talk on pop music _ in the school hall next Sunday. A. is giv

12、en B. gives C. will be given D. will give 33. Look, there _ little water in the river! How come? A. be B. am C. is D. are 34. Do you know _ yesterday afternoon? Sorry, Ive no idea. A. where is Tom B. where Tom is C. where was TomD. where Tom was五、完形填空(共 12 分,每小题 1 分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D

13、 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。“Everything happens for the best.” Whenever I faced disappointment, my mother would say this to me.After I graduated from 35_ in 1932, I decided to find a job in radio as a sports announcer (广播员). I went to Chicago and knocked at the door of every station. But 36_, I was refused every

14、time.At one station, a kind lady told me that 37_ stations wouldnt hire an inexperienced person and 38_ 第 5 页 共 18 页that I try my luck at smaller stations. Following her advice, I went back to Dixon, where I had grown up. There were no radio-announcing jobs in Dixon, and my father said a newly-opened store wanted a local athlete to work for it. I applied for the job, but I was refused 39_.“Everything happens for the best,” Mom reminded me. Dad 40_ me the car to look for a job. I tried WOC Radio in Davenport, Iowa.


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