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1、教学设计黑石礁小学 管祖新一教学背景:1.面向学生:小学 学科:英语2.课时:13.学生课前准备:预习课文,教材二教学课题:是新课标英语 9 册 8 模块的内容,让学生在了解文化差异的同时,提高学习英语的兴趣。三、教材分析本课是小学一年级起点新标准英语第 9 册第 8 模块的内容.本册教材重在介绍中英之间存在的差异,而本课也是不同之一。本课通过一些图片,让学生掌握和理解本课的重要句型和单词,并让学生了解中英学校之间的文化背景差异,在一系列的练习之后,学生了解了更多的生活差异。四、学生分析五年级的学生有四年英语学习的语言基础,对英语有一定兴趣,有一定自学能力和语言组织能力,因此在设计上应采用任务

2、型教学从听说入手,创设情景,设计游戏、歌谣,激发学生学习兴趣;所设计的内容面向全体学生,由易到难,让学生在愉快的氛围中从不同程度得到提升。从而达到培养学生综合运用语言能力的目的,激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,增强自信心,并且学生有着极大的兴趣来了解和学习不同的文化背景知识。五、设计理念新课程标准倡导的是“自主、合作、探究”的学习方式,我的一切教学活动的设计都是以“能激发学生的主动学习意识”为出发点, 从学生生活实际入手,将教学内容按照“由浅入深,由输入到输出”的原则设计为学生感兴趣、乐于参与的教学活动,使教学任务活动化。同时注重知识的归纳总结,引导学生对学过的知识进行梳理,从而形成系统的知识体系。

3、六、教学目标1、知识目标:巩固和运用目标语句 In England, the children sit around tables.We sit in lines in China.They singsongs together every morning. We do morning exercises.2、能力目标:培养学生综合运用语言的能力。七、教学重、难点重点:比较中英学校的不同。难点:培养学生从词到句、从句到段落的语言综合运用能力。八、教学准备CAI,computer,exercise paper.九、教学流程I.热身复习,活动启动1.Sing a song. 2.Free talk

4、.T:What day is today? What time do you get up?What time do you go to school?What do you do at break time?(引导学生说出完整的句子)3.T: Great. What do you know about the schools in England? Whats the difference between English school and Chinese school? (让学生自己在电脑上查找材料,汇报).呈现文本,归纳梳理1. T: What time do we start sch

5、ool?S7 answers: We start school at eight oclock.T: Please compare the two sentences.(School starts at 8 oclock.-CAI)2. T: After we learned M8,we have known sth. About English letters. Lets look.Whats the differences between English address and Chinese address?Ss: English address is from small to big

6、; Chinese address is from big to small.(比较中英地址区别)3. T: We have known the differences between English and Chinese schools. Do you remember? Now lets try to find.Then do an exercise. (AB P76-1), after this check the answers.T: Now lets go on knowing sth. About English schools. (AB P76-2).活动训练,强化技能T:I

7、also know some other differences between English children and us? Can you tell the differences ?1.Let them look at the pictures to say the differences.2.Look at the short passages to find the differences.3.Above all ,we know English and Chinese schools differences. Now lets learn something about American children. Listen and try to finish the reading questions. Are you ready? Lets begin.(Then check.).任务完成与反馈T:Until now we have known more differences between English and Chinese schools. Now do you want to write a letter to our friend in North Lincolnshire?Please try to fill in the blanks.


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