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1、英语中对等结构的用法在英语中当两个或两个以上的同等成分(主语、谓语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、宾语补足语等)并列时,要求它们的词性或结构相同,即名词对名词、形容词对形容词、副词对副词、动词不定式对动词不定式、介词短语对介词短语,这就是结构平等或结构对称。结构对称往往需要一定的连接词,常见的连接词有:as well as, and, or, eitheror, neithernor, fromto, notbut, not onlybut also, betweenand, instead of, rather than等。一、短语中的结构对称 1、在结构对称原则中要求:两个相同的名词放在一个平等

2、结构,里名词一般采用单数形式,并且不用冠词。如:face to face, day by day, little by little, step by step, hand in hand, side by side, shoulder to shoulder, arm in arm, toe to toe, eye to eye, from morning till/until/to night, from dawn until/till/to dark, from door to door, from place to place, from shop to shop, from bad

3、to worse2、下列短语已成固定说法,往往把它们当成一个整体看待:law and order, horse and cart, knife and fork, bread and butter 这些短语作主语谓语动词常用单数。father and son, husband and wife, women and children 这些短语作主语谓语动词常用复数。3、还有一类虽然不可使用复数形式,但可以加定冠词,也可以不加。如:from (the) east to (the) west, from (the) beginning to (the) end, (the) right and (

4、the) wrong 等。二、连接词或连接短语引出的对称结构 连接词或连接短语连接前后性质相同的词、短语或句子。如:1、连接对称主语Not only John but also Jean would like to sign up for this tour. 不仅约翰而且珍也想签名参加这次旅行。Either you or I am not allowed to stay here long. 你和我都不准在这里呆时间长。Man rather than nature can save the earth. 是人类而不是自然才能拯救地球。2、连接对称谓语Most of the students

5、in this modern school can dance as well as sing. 在这所现代党校的大多数学生都能唱会跳。Computers can not only store information but also produce information. 计算机不仅能贮存信息而且还能制作信息。3、连接对称宾语I have lost both my job and my fame owing to a careless accident. 由于这次粗心的事故我既失去了工作又失去名声。We searched from shop to shop for a proper gif

6、t for my American friend Pippa. 我们挨家商店寻找一件适合美国朋友 Pippa 的礼物。4、连接对称表语Things are now much better rather than worse. 事情好多了,而不是更糟。He is an artist rather than a scientist, as you expected. 不象你想象的那样,他是位艺术家而不是科学家。5、连接对称状语Id like to travel by train instead of by plane this summer. 今年夏天我想乘飞机旅行而不想坐火车。My fellow

7、, I came around here to gain money instead of to spend money. 我的朋友,我来是了为了赚钱的,不是花钱的。6、连接对称定语I have collected many paintings, both old and valuable. 我已贮藏了很多古老而价值高的图画。We had an adventurous but exciting trip through the dark forest in north Africa last year. 我们去年进行了一次冒险而又令人兴奋的旅行,这次旅行是从黑色的森林到北非的。7、连接对称补足

8、语A word of encouragement might have made me respect rather than hate him. 一句鼓励的话会使我对他很尊敬,而不是恨他。Nobody could do anything to make the crying baby happy and calm. 没人能够使这个哭泣的孩子高兴、镇静。8、连接对称从句I was absent from the conference partly because I forgot the exact date and partly because I was busy those days.

9、我没去参加会议部分原因是由于我把日期忘了,部分是由于我这几天太忙。I wrote poems not because they were beautiful but because they could express my own feelings. 我写诗不是因为诗歌美,而是因为它们能表达我的真感情。9、连接对称主句常用的连接词有:and, or, eitheror, neithernor, not only, but also, while, when, for 等。如:Work hard and youll surely succeed. 努力工作你当然会成功的。Would you l

10、ike to have a cup of tea or shall we get down to business? 你想喝杯茶还是开始工作?Either you do the work all by yourself or we leave it till tomorrow. 要么你自己做这活,要么我们把它留到明天。Neither do you understand what he is lecturing nor am I interested in this lecture. 你没听懂他的讲刘,我对此也不感兴趣。Not only did they break into his offic

11、e and steal his books, but they also tore up his papers. 他们不仅闯进他的办公室偷走了书,而且还撕毁了他的论文。Not only is television boring, but it also wastes a lot of time. 电视不仅令人感到枯燥而且浪费很多时间。Jane was dressed in brown while Mary was dressed in blue. 简穿着棕色衣服而玛丽却穿着蓝色衣服。While their country has plenty of oil, ours has none. 他们的国家有充足的石油,然而我们的国家却没有。Why do you want to get a job when youve got a good one? 你有一份很好的工作为什么还想找一个?We must start off early, for we have got a long way to go. 我们必须早出发,因为我们还有一大段路要走。


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