牛津译林版英语高三Module 9《Unit3 The meaning of colour》word教案

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1、Module 9 Unit3 Welcome and Reading 一重点单词 1.价值 n. 宝贵的 adj. 无价值的 adj. 价值观 n. 2.诚实 adj. adv. n. 不老实 n. 3.平等 adj. adv. n. 不平等 adj. 4.决定,选举 v. n adj. 5.强壮的 adj. n.体力 vt.加强 6.影响 v. 有影响力的 adj 7.容忍 vt. adj. n. 8.宣布 v. n. 9.精神 n. adj. 10.考虑,认为 v. n. adj. 考虑做某事 被认为 考虑到 二从课文中找出下列句子 1.不同的国家与不同的颜色有关。2.这些旗帜不仅仅是缝在

2、一起的彩色布条。3.法国国旗上使用的红色、白色和蓝色是大革命座右铭的形象提示自由、 平等、博爱。4.法国大革命成功消除了社会不平等,这对其它国家的影响甚大,尤其是欧 洲国家。5.殖民地居民决议,他们必须争取自由,而消极被动无法赢得独立。6.有了独立宣言 ,美国脱离了英国,成为自治的联邦制国家。7.这面国旗简单至极,上半部分是红色的带子,下半部分是白色的带子。它 是以十三世纪的九道红白条的国旗为基础的。8.它还可以象征印尼火山的火焰,或象征着赤道穿越这个国家。三同义句转换 (1) These flags are not only just colourful pieces of cloth th

3、at are sewn togother. These flags are _ _ _ just colourful pieces of cloth _ _ togother. (2) The French Revolution succeeded in getting rid of inequality, which influenced many countries in Europe. The French Revolution was_ in _ the society of inequality, which _ _ _ _ _ many _ countries.(3) The Am

4、erican colonists wanted independence very much, but the British were against this. The American colonists _ independence, but the British _ this.(4) The three colours are a visual reminder of the motto of the Revolution-Liberty, equality and fraternity.The three colours _ people _ the motto of the R

5、evolution-Liberty, equality and fraternity.(5) On the Indonesian flag the colours are related to food.On the Indonesian flag the colours _ _ _ _ food.(6) A flag tells us something about the country it stands for and often is a symbol the orignin of that country.A flag tell us something about the cou

6、ntry it _ and often _ the origin of that country.(7) Many people died from lack of food.Many people died of _.四翻译下列各句1) 人们的工作经历一定要考虑在内。Peoples work experience must be _.2) 越来越多的人用布口袋来替代塑料口袋。More and more people _ ones made of cloth.3) 你的生意如果能由这些原则所引导,将会取得成功。_, our business will be a success,.4) 他们再也

7、无法容忍在政府里没有发言权。They could no longer _ in the government.5) 这个节日可以追溯到一千年前。This festival can _ 1000 years ago.6) 这次改革导致了全国的一些根本性的改变。This reform _ throughout the country.7) 医疗队由来自不同医院的 20 位医生和护士组成。The medical team _twenty doctors and nurses from various hospitals.8) 你被动的话是无法得到这样好的一个机会的。You cannot get su

8、ch a good chance _.Grammar一选词填空when where why who what which how that whether whatever1. Several years later, word came Napoleon himself was coming to inspect them2. He must answer the question he agrees to it or not.3. I have asked the question it was true just now.4. I have no idea he will be back

9、.5. It is a question he did it in such a short period.6. We still have the doubt _ he acquired the knowledge of astronomy. 7. The problem is hard for us to settle, _will be sent to attend the conference to be held next month.8. For the time being, we only care about one thing _ you can bring us in t

10、he next English class.9. Everyone there holds the faith _ they may face, they will overcome any difficulty to finish it bravely.10. The baby asked his mother a question which is difficult to answer, _ child did she like best among her five children. 二真题回顾1. They have no idea at all _. (MET87) A. whe

11、re he was gone B. where did he go C. which place he has gone D. where has he gone 2. Do you have any idea _is actually going on in the classroom? (2005 辽宁) A. that B. what C. as D. which 3. _is no possibility _Bob can win the first prize in the match. (Shanghai 2001) A. There; that B. It; that C. Th

12、ere; whether D. It; whether 4. Information has been put forward _more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities. (Shanghai 2000) A. while B. that C. when D. as 5. Its thirty years since we last met But I still remember the story, believe it or not, _ we got lost on a rainy night. (2

13、006 四川) A. which B. that C. what D. when (B) 6. Along with the letter was his promise_ he would visit me this coming Christmas.( 2005 上海卷) A. which B. that C. what D. whether 7. There is much chance _ Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race. (2006 天津卷) A. that B. which C until D of which8. Danby left word with my secretary _ he would call again in the afternoon. (2005 浙江卷) A. who B. that


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