外研版英语九下Module 7《Unit 3 Language in use》word学案

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1、Module7 Eating togetherUnit 3 Language in use学习要点 1、 正确使用下列词和词组: 2、 掌握和正确运用被动语态的各种时态 学习过程 一、Words 根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词 1. There is some food which can be e with your fingers. 2. My uncle is b ;he cant see anything . 3. Who is the o of the big house? 4. A b is very helpful to us .It can provide us with hon

2、ey 5. When you cant see, your s of taste will improve. 6. I (想知道)where you were just now. 7. If you want to improve your spoken English, you should practise (说) it as much as possible . 8. In the USA, 16th birthday parties are usually important (庆典)for teenagers. 9. She was walking (朝;向) town when I

3、 met her. 10. He (装满) his bag with books and went out. 二、Sentences 根据汉语意思完成句子 1.他们用了两个月横穿沙漠。 It took them two months the desert. 2.这茶的味道很香。 This tea . 3.我被叫去装饰大厅。 I have decorate the hall. 4.外国人经常用刀和叉吃东西。 Knives and are often used to eat food by foreigners. 5.你将被邀请去自选食物。 Youll be invited to 时态、语态练时态

4、、语态练习习 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1.This book can (use )as a textbook. 2.These beds ( make) of wood 3.The CDs ( make) to that school as presents last month. 4.English (speak) in Canada. 5.The old man was quite weak after the accident, so he must (look) after. 6.They know salt (produce) in many places. 7.My hom

5、ework (finish) in two hours.8.We dont know when the school (found.) 9. the play ( put )last Sunday? 10.The trees (not water) last week. 改为被动语态 1.My brother often tells me something about his class.2.I saw the boy run yesterday.3.He told me that he would come back soon4.My mother is going to knit a sweater for me.来5.People couldnt see the moon because of the clouds.


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