外研版高中英语必修4 Module 3《Body Language and Non-verbal Communication》考点整理

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《外研版高中英语必修4 Module 3《Body Language and Non-verbal Communication》考点整理》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版高中英语必修4 Module 3《Body Language and Non-verbal Communication》考点整理(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、短语短语典句典句考点考点 more than 多于多于;不仅仅不仅仅;比比更更 【经典例句经典例句】 I love you more than I can say. 我爱你用言语难以表达。Hibernation is more than sleep.It is a very deep sleep. 冬眠不仅是睡眠,而是很深的睡眠。 【考点聚焦考点聚焦】 1)more than+表语(形容词或分词),相当于 very 或 much。如:Her parents are more than pleased with her results. 她父母对她的成绩很满意。 2)more than+名词/数

2、词,相当于 not only。如:More than one person was invited. 受到邀请的不仅一人。 (注意谓语动词用单数。) 3)more+形容词+than+形容词,肯定前者,否定后者。如:That soldier was more brave than wise. 那位战士有勇无谋。 【活学活用活学活用】 14.猜测词义He is more a scholar than a teacher. _ 答案:答案:与其说不如说 on guard(保持(保持)警惕警惕 【经典例句经典例句】 He is always on his guard against saying wr

3、ong words. 他一直保持警惕不要说错话。 【考点聚焦考点聚焦】 1)反义词组:off guard (失去)警惕 2)此短语中介词 on 意为“处于某种状态”,又如: on business(在)出差;on holiday (在)度假;on special offer 特别优惠 【活学活用活学活用】 15.根据汉语完成句子Be_ _against those who are going to rob you. 要提防那些要抢劫的人。 答案:答案:on guard up and down 一上一下地;来来回回地一上一下地;来来回回地 【经典例句经典例句】 He is walking up

4、and down the platform. 他正在站台上走来走去。 【考点聚焦考点聚焦】 1)近义短语:back and forth 前前后后 2)up and down 既可以作介词也可以作副词,意思为 “上上下下地;前前后后地;来来往往 地”等。如:The lonely boy is walking up and down (in)the street. 那个孤独的孩子在街道上来来回回地走着。 【活学活用活学活用】 16.用本单元的单词替换下列画线部分We have looked for it from side to side. _ 我们到处都找过了。 答案:答案:up and dow

5、n in respect 尊敬地尊敬地 【经典例句经典例句】 He took off his hat and bowed to the queen in respect.他摘下帽子向王后尊敬地鞠了一躬。 【考点聚焦考点聚焦】 “in+抽象名词”结构表示某种状态或方式,经常在句子中作状语。又如: in surprise/silence/astonishment/excitement/anger 吃惊/默默/大吃一惊/兴奋/生气地 【活学活用活学活用】 17.猜测词义Some people have no respect for the speed limit and consequently a

6、re punished. _ 答案:答案:不尊重,不在乎 give away 暴露暴露(自己的情况自己的情况);分发分发 【经典例句经典例句】 His accent gave him away. 他的口音把他暴露了。She gave away all her money to the poor. 她把钱都送给穷人了。 【考点聚焦考点聚焦】 1)易混短语:give off 发出;释放出 2)give away 短语中 away 是副词,其宾语如果是代词的话,放在中间。give away 意思有“赠送; 捐赠;分发(奖品);失去或错过(机会);泄露;暴露”等。如:He gave away his

7、books to a library. 他把自己的书籍捐赠给一家图书馆。The mayor gave away the prizes at the school sports day. 市长在学校运动会上颁发奖品。 【活学活用活学活用】 18.英译汉The bride was given away by her father. _ 答案:答案:在婚礼上,新娘由其父亲交给新郎。 say hello to 向某人问好向某人问好 【经典例句经典例句】 Lets go to say hello to him. 我们去跟他打个招呼吧。 【考点聚焦考点聚焦】 1)同义短语:greet ab.向某人问好 2

8、)say.to 可构成很多短语,如: say goodbye to 向某人道别;say sorry to 向某人道歉;say yes/OK to 同意某事;say no to 拒绝某事 【活学活用活学活用】 19.汉译英 向别人道别是礼貌的。 _ 答案:答案:It is good manners to say goodbye to others. at the end of 在在末端末端(尽头尽头);在在最后最后 【经典例句经典例句】 Let us suppose we can visit a home at the end of this century. 假设我们能够在本世纪末访问一个家庭

9、。 【考点聚焦考点聚焦】 1)同义短语:by the end of 在最后 2)at the end of 在末端(尽头);在最后(既可以指时间也可以指地点)At the end of the street,youll find the hospital. 在这条街的尽头,你可以找到那所医院。 3)at the end of 意思是“某事物结束的地方”,短语中的 at 不能换成 in;in the end 意思是“最 后;终于”,后面不能接介词 of。 【活学活用活学活用】 20.选词填空My companion waited for me_of the street.(at the end;

10、in the end) 我的同伴在街道尽头等我。 答案:答案:at the end add.to.把把加到加到 【经典例句经典例句】 Please add some coal to the fire. 请往火里加点煤。 【考点聚焦考点聚焦】 1)近义词:increase 增加 2)add to 还可以表示“增添,增加”。如:The fashionable clothes she wears add to her charm. 她穿的时髦衣服增添了她的魅力。 3)形近词:add up to 的意思是“总计,总共”。如:The school education that Lincoln received added up to no more than one year. 林肯所受的学校教育总共才一。 【活学活用活学活用】 21.改错The snowstorm was added to our difficulties. _ 答案:答案:去掉 was


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