北师大版高中英语选修六Unit 17《Laughter》word导学案3

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1、班级:_ 姓名:_ 层次:_ Unit17 LAUGHTER 导学案导学案(1)Lesson 1-Whats so funny?编写人:王素仙 审核:高二英语组Tips:Laughter is the best medicine.Learning aims(学习目标学习目标):A(层次层次): Remember some important wordsB:Keep some important words, phrases in mind. C,D:Learn some important words,phrases and language points in the part.Learn

2、to tell a joke or anecdotes in English. Important and difficult point:By reading the model passage,learn how (学习重点、难点) to tell a joke in English. Learning procedures(学习过程学习过程):StepImportant words in Warm-up and Lesson 1(A 级级)1._vt.逗乐,使(某人)笑 2._adj.荒唐的,可笑的3._adj.不可置信的 4._n.回答5._n.协调,和谐 6._vt.取回,提回7fo

3、rgetful adj._ 8.mature adj._ 9.overlook vt._ 10.clarify vt._ StepPlease keep the following phrases in mind.(B 级级)(在文中找出并划出这些短语在文中找出并划出这些短语)1.突然大笑起来_ 2.cash(v.) a cheque_3.购物_ 4.go on a holiday_5.a long delay_ 6.board(vt.) a flight_ 7.deal with_ 8.wait in line _ 9.wait ones turn_ 10.yell at sb._ Step

4、Lead in.(C 级级)1.Read the following two sentences written by the famous people tocomprehend the humour in them.体会下列句中的幽默并翻译成汉语.1)“Everything is so funny as long as its happening to someone else”. _-Will Rogers2)“Im not afraid of death.I just dont want to be there when it happens”._-Woody Allen2.Are y

5、ou good at telling jokes.Can you tell one in English?Prepare it._StepFast reading.Read the three passages in Lesson 1,and the match the titles(1-3) and the anedotes(A-C).(C 级级)Passage A 1Family harmonyPassage B 2.Memory lossPassage C 3.Check your spellingStepCareful reading.Read the passage again,ca

6、refully and answer the following questions.(D 级级)1.Why does the woman write a cheque for fifty dollars?_2.Why does the girl decide to change her response when her father asks her the second question?_3.What does the man mean when he says “Do you know who Im”?_StepLanguage points. Passage A(C 级级)“Hav

7、e you ever had trouble trying to spell a word?”I asked my husband one day.have trouble (in) doing sth._(汉译)=_=_英译英译:我学英语毫不费力_Passage B(C 级级)He felt his daughter was mature enough and he didnt want to overlook her opinion.1)enough 修饰形容词或副词,要放在其前/后?(选择)英译英译:这个男孩年龄足够上学了_2)overlook ones opinion_Passage

8、C1.One afternoon,hundreds of unlucky passagers who had been expecting to board a flight to New York were told it had been cancled.汉译汉译:_本句中包含了_个从句(D 级级)分别是:_引导的_从句 _引导的_从句2.One unfortunate counter was dealing with all the passagers when an angry man,who had been queuing for some time,pushed his way

9、to the front.(C 级)汉译汉译:_1)复习句型:be doingwhen_ 英译英译:我正在学习这时妈妈回来了_2)push ones way_知识拓展知识拓展:feel ones way 摸索着前进 lose ones way 迷路Step当堂检测当堂检测. 1.词汇检测词汇检测(B 级级):1)When taking notes,dont o_details.2)ATMs are everywhere in the city so its convenient to w_ money.3)A boy who is over 18 is m_ enough to make a

10、decision.2.Choose the best answer.(C 级级)1)I was going along the street looking for a place to park_the accident occurred.( )A while B unless C when D as2)In the darkness,we had to feel our way_our camping place.( )A for B to C of D at3)_I know the money is safe,I shall not worry about it. ( )A Even though B Unless C As long as D While通过幽默小故事的学习,同学们自己准备一篇英文趣事,大家共享.小结与反思小结与反思:_



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