外研版高中英语必修2《Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits》word教案

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《外研版高中英语必修2《Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits》word教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版高中英语必修2《Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits》word教案(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 1 Our body and Healthy HabitsTitle: Our Body and Healthy HabitsStyle: Reading and vocabularyTeaching aims:1) Knowledge: make students master some words, phrases.2) Ability: get students to know the importance of the healthy habits.to learn and master the new words about healthhelp students to

2、 improve their reading ability.3) Attitude: to learn some vocabulary about healthy. They can know more about healthy habits in their real life.Important points:Encourage students to talk about health.Know the importance of healthy habits.Train students comprehending abilities by reading a passage.Di

3、fficult points: How to help students improve their reading ability.How to help students make sense of the passage.Lead students to talk in class actively.Teaching aids:PPT, blackboard, chalkTeaching procedures:1. Great the students as usual.Step 1. Lead-in 1. This morning im very busy, I have no tim

4、e to eat. Would you like to give me some advice about healthy food to eat?2. Show the pictures on the screen and ask students which food do they like best, Chinese food or Western food?Step 2. Pre-readingVocabulary: let the students look at these words on the screen and answer the questions.Suggeste

5、d answersStep 3. Fast-reading1. Zhou Kai (1)1) let the students look at the picture of Zhou Kai and ask the students to guess the characters of the boy.2). Ask students to read Zhou Kai (1) and try to answer the following questions individually.1).Why is Zhou Kai s mother anxious?2). What does she t

6、hink will happen? Anxious break (an arm) fever injure injury pain painful normal sweets 1. sweets 2.break(an arm), fever, injury, pain, painful 3 .normal 4.captain 5.anxious3). What does she ask him to do?Suggested answers:1).Because he is going out to play football in the rain. 2).She thinks Zhou K

7、ai will catch a bad cold.3).She asks him to at least wear his jacket.2. The students are required to draw a flow chart about how Zhou Kai caught a cold?3. Zhou Kai (2)1.Ask students to skim the passage and try to answer the following questions:1).How are Passage 1 and 2 connected?2).Does Zhou Kai ha

8、ve a healthy lifestyle, in your opinion? Suggested answers:1). They are connected because they both mention that he got ill through playing football in the rain.2). Yes, Zhou Kai has a healthy lifestyle because his mother gives him lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. He eats fish, not fatty meat or

9、sugar and sweets. He also exercises regularly, playing a lot of football.2. Ask students to march the topic sentence of each paragraph.3. Students are encouraged to read the passage and choose the correct answers.1. Zhou Kais family _.(a) avoid eating too much fat or sugar(b) eat a lot of vegetables

10、, fruit and meat2. Zhou Kai _.(a) sometimes gets colds and flu(b) seldom gets colds or flu3. A week ago, Zhou Kai _.(a) caught a cold (b) injured his arm4. Two years ago, Zhou Kai _.(a) hurt his leg (b) hurt his arm5. Zhou Kai describes himself as _.(a) crazy (b) someone who loves footballSuggested

11、answers:1.a 2.b 3. a 4. b 5. BStep 4. Post - reading1. Do a interview in pairs:According to Zhou Kai (2): suppose you are a reporter, the other one is Zhou Kai . You want to ask something about his healthy lifestyle.2. DiscussionDiscuss with your partner about How to stay healthy?Step 5. Summary and homework1. Ask the students what we learnt today and summarizes the contents of this class.2. Homework:1)Revise the vocabulary we have learnt.2)Search the internet for more information about how to keep healthy. Write a passage about it.


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