外研版英语七上《Module 9 A trip to the zoo》word教案

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《外研版英语七上《Module 9 A trip to the zoo》word教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版英语七上《Module 9 A trip to the zoo》word教案(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Module 9 A trip to the zooI. Teaching objectives 模块教学目标模块教学目标听Listen and find specific information about animals说Talk about ones favorite animals Ask and answer questions about animals 读Read passages about animals技技 能能 目目 标标写Write about a description of a place using punctuation Use capital letters

2、功 能 句 式Ask and answer questions about animalsDoes the tiger come from Europe? No, it doesnt. It comes from Asia. Does the polar bear eat meat? Yes, it does. Theres a panda. Yes, and there are some giraffes. Whats your favorite animal? My favorite animal is the Describe a place Beijing Zoo has many a

3、nimals. The desert is in Africa. The forest is in Asia, North America and South America. The grassland is in Oceania. The jungle is in Europe.词 汇1. 重点词汇重点词汇 trip, zoo, tiger, camel, elephant, lion, giraffe, kangaroo, monkey, panda, snake, wolf, guide, thousand, visit, every, animal, zebra, more, Aus

4、tralia, Australian, Arctic, Europe, European, Asia, Asian, here, bamboo, Africa, African, America, American, Oceania, Oceanian, desert, forest, jungle, grass, grassland, India, leaf, world 2. 短语短语 polar bear重 点 句 子1. Thats a panda.Yes, and there are some giraffes. 2. Does the tiger eat meat?Yes, it

5、does. 3. The panda is my favorite animal. 4. There are camels from Africa and Asia. 5. It lives in the desert and eats grass. 语语 言言 目目 标标 语法Present simple questions.II. Teaching materials analyzing 教材分析教材分析 模块 9 以 A trip to the zoo 为话题,介绍了世界各地的动物以及其栖息地、习性等,通过 3 个单元的学与练,旨在让学生通过这一学习与体验的过程,唤起学生热爱动物、保护

6、动物的意识。能够就动物进行提问与回答,能够介绍动物的产地和习性。 Unit 1 要求学生通过听、读、说的练习,学会谈论动物。 Listening and vocabulary 包括 4 部分。Part 1 要求学生根据图片找出与之相对应的表示 动物的单词,通过这一部分的练习,使学生在复习已有知识的基础上,进一步熟悉本单元 所要学习的语言知识,为相关语言技能的训练奠定基础;Part 2 要求学生在熟悉图片后, 根据一段听力材料,就其所能看到的事物进行判断;Part 3 以动物园为背景,通过导游与 两个学生的对话,帮助学生学会如何谈论动物的情况(包括产地、习性等) ;Part 4 要求学 生在完成

7、 Part 3 的基础上,正确捕捉和判断对话材料中的信息,判断出符合对话的正确语 句。 Pronunciation and speaking 包括 3 部分。Part 5 帮助学生掌握两个双元音的发音规律; Part 6 要求学生听录音,然后重复下面的问题与回答;Part 7 要求学生运用上述所学知识 来回答问题。 Unit 2 围绕“它是否是一只非洲象”展开,介绍动物的产地和生活习性。 Vocabulary and reading 包括 4 部分。Part 1 要求学生在地图上找出所给的地名,以激 活学生已有的相关知识储备,并熟悉本单元基本的语言知识;Part 2 要求学生把地名与它 们相应

8、的单词搭配起来,进一步掌握这些词语;Part 3 要求学生看地图,并完成句子;Part 4 要求学生阅读短文,然后根据短文内容选择正确的答案。 Writing 中 Part 5 对学生在写作时正确使用大小写提出了要求; Unit 3 是一个复习单元,对学生在前两个单元中已经掌握的知识技能进行总结与综合 性的练习。 Language practice 包含 4 部分。Part 1 要求学生根据所给图片和卡片内容,就所给两种 动物情况进行问答练习;Part 2 要求学生把上一部分中同伴的问答写下来;Part 3 要求学生 用所给词的适当形式填空,掌握实意动词一般现在时的用法;Part 4 要求学生

9、用所给词语, 完成“单词图” 。 Around the world 介绍了中国两种具有代表性的动物熊猫和老虎。 Module task 要求学生就自己最喜爱的动物制作一张海报。III. Class types and periods 课型设计与课时分配课型设计与课时分配 Period 1 Listening and reading Period 2 Listening and speaking Period 3 Reading and writing Period 4 Integrating skills IV. Teaching plans for each period 分课时教案分课时教

10、案Period 1 Listening and speakingLanguage goals 语言目标语言目标 Key vocabulary 重点词汇重点词汇 trip, zoo, tiger, camel, elephant, lion, giraffe, kangaroo, monkey, panda, snake, wolf, polar bear Ability goals 能力目标能力目标 Enable students to talk about animals. Teaching methods 教学方法教学方法 Listening, reading and speaking.

11、Teaching aids 教具准备教具准备 A tape recorder, some pictures and a projector. Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式教学过程与方式 Step I Warming up and match work Talk about animals with students. T: Hello! Boys and girls! As we all know, animals are our friends. There are many kinds of animals on earth. What anim

12、als do you know? S: Cats, dogs, pandas, snakes, monkeys, elephants, tigers T: Very good! Well, now, I will show you some pictures. Look! Do you know these animals? Show students the following pictures,words and phrases.A B C DE F GH I J K 1. camel 2. elephant 3. giraffe 4. kangaroo 5. lion 6. monkey

13、7. panda 8. polar bear 9. snake 10. tiger 11. wolf Ask students to match the pictures with the words. Then check the answers. Suggested answers: A4 B1 C9 D3 E2 F11 G5 H6 I7 J8 K10 After that, get students to talk about the animals in the pictures above. T: What is this? (point to Picture E) S: Its a

14、n elephant. T: Is there a polar bear? S: Yes there is. T: Is there a bird? S: No, there isnt. T: Is it a panda? (pointing to Picture I) S: Yes, it is. T: What is it doing there? S: I think it is eating bamboo. Put the students into groups of four and tell them to talk about the animals. And then cal

15、l back the information from group leaders. They should say which animal each member of the group likes.Step II Listening and speaking Ask students to listen to the tape and say what they can see. T: Now listen to the tape and check what animals are mentioned? Play the recording and then check the answers with students. Play the recording again, and ask them to repeat the conversation. Then ask students to work in pairs and say what they can see. Sample conversation: -This is a tiger. - Yes, and thats an elephant. - What are


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