冀教版高中英语必修3《Unit 4 Attitudes towards our Elders》word教案

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1、Unit4Unit4 AttitudesAttitudes towardstowards OurOur Elders-Elders- ListeningListening vocabularyvocabulary andand speakingspeaking 教案教案THE GENERAL IDEA OF THIS SECTIONThis section about the listening of two topics:how to pass down culture ;the conversation about the Qingming festival.This will help

2、us to know more culture hesitates and let Ss know how culture passes down from one generation to generation.TEACHING AIMSTrain Ss listening abilityLearn some useful words and important expressionsEncourage Ss to use more words we have learned to describe attitudes towards the elders.TEACHING IMPORTA

3、NT POINTSHelp Ss to understand heritages and customs better.Learn and master some important words and phrases and oral English in this section.Improved the Ss listening ability.TEACHING DIFFICULT POINTSHow to help Ss improve their listening ability and understand the listening passage better.How to

4、help them get and understand the spirit of traditional customsTEACHING METHODSListenandanswer activity to help the Ss go through the listening text.Individual pair work or group work to practise speaking.Discussion and talking to study listening and speakingTEACHING AIDS来A tape recorderA multimediaA

5、 blackboardTEACHING PROCEDURESStep l RevisionT last class, we learned section 1 and learned different attitudes towards the elders in western countries. Have you remembered what is “a nursing home” and “ a seniors lodge” meaning?S1: A nursing home means a hospital especially for old people; a senior

6、 lodge means an apartment for old people.T What incident caused Mary to worry about her grandmother?S2 That her grandmother will be sent to a nursing room.T What activities did Mary enjoy doing with her grandmother?S3 Baking buns, taking care of the garden and playing cardsStep 2 VocabularyNext, we

7、will do the first part of listening .Before listening, lets first learn some new words .Step 3 ListeningT Then please turn to page 41.Listen to the passage and finish the multiple choices.SUGGESTED ANSWERS: 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 c.T Next, lets go on the second part. It is a conversation about the Qingming f

8、estival. After that, please answer the questions.SUGGESTED ANSWERS1 Because Jenny wants to invite Li Ming to her dads birthday party next Saturday.2 When Jenny asks Liming about what he does during Qingming, the first thing he mentions is that he visit the graves of his ancestors and cleans them. He

9、 sweeps the graves, removes any weeds that have grown beside the graves, and makes any necessary repairs. Last year, he remembers that they repainted his great-grandmothers grave, because the writing was starting to fade.3 The English translation of the word Qingming is “clean and bright”4 Englishsp

10、eaking people call the Qingming Festival “Grave Sweeping Day”5 Jenny has only been to a graveyard once in her life.6 Remembrance Day is a day when to remember the soldiers who died during World War I and World War II.Step 4 Speaking skillsT Well done, after class listen to the tape more and more and

11、 you will improve your listening ability. One of the effective way to improve your English listening ability is that youd better learn more useful everyday English. Some of the useful expressions or important sentences usually appear in the informal daily talking .Now, please look at the following c

12、onversation and manage to say what it means.Talking on the phone in another language makes many people nervous. In English, knowing a few common phrases can make this task much easier! Lets watch how Li Ming, Jenny and Jennys mom do it.Situation 1:Li Ming wants to talk to Jenny but someone else answ

13、ers the phone.Jenys mother: Hello!Liming: Hello, may I please speak to Jenny? Jennys mother: Yes,just one moment.Jenny:Hello?Liming:Hi Jenny,its Liming.Jenny:Oh hi,Liming, how are you?T Now ,notice phone conversations compare to conversations in person. How do Jenny and Liming greet each other over

14、the phone? HOW DO THEY SAY GOOD BYE?Situation 2 Liming wants to talk to Jenny, and she answers the phone.L hello,is Jenny there?J Yes, speaking.L Hi Jenny ,its Li ming.J Oh hi, Li ming, hows it going?Here are some more phrases for you to try.MAY I PLEASE SPEAK TO _?来COULD I SPEAK TO_?Yes,just one mo

15、mentYes,just a minuteYes,just hang on a secondIS _THERE?ID LIKE TO SPEAK TO_._,PLEASE.Yes,speakingSpeakingYes,this is_.TASKS:1 Ask Ss discuss the meaning of the simple sentences used in the daily talking 2 Make the similar conversation according to the similar situations .Step5 Summary and homeworkT

16、 In this section, we do some listening and some exercises, Try to improve your listening ability after class by listening to the tape more and more. Study how to use the oral expressions in your daily conversation, to talk them and practise using them suit ably and correctly.Step5 The design of the writing on the blackboard.Section 2 MEANIG THROUGH PRACTICEI RevisionII VocabularyIII ListeningIV SpokenE


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