冀教版高中英语必修3《Unit 6 Geography》word学案(一)

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1、UnitUnit 6 6 GeographyGeography 学案学案【本讲教育信息本讲教育信息】 一. 教学内容:Unit 6 Geography二. 教学重点: 1. 重点单词: attempt, anxious, disappointed define, apparently, ecology, adjustment, surrounding, recall, continent, desert, dislike Africa, nation, interpret, major, urban, chart, voyage, quarrel, folk, brilliant, court

2、, existence, journey, numerous, contribution, exact, needle. 2. 重点短语: right then and there, simply put, take the credit for, set foot on, take up on, seek out , look forward to, be about to, have trouble doing, be concerned with, depend on, carry, down, heat up. 3. 重点句型:Here is a gift for you. Now c

3、omes your turn! Do you think. . . ? Yes, I think so. 4. 语法:(1)倒装 I (2)替代 III三. 重难点解释: 1. attempt 【课文原句课文原句】 Many famous geographers have attempted to define the discipline in a few short words. (Page 67) attempt 为及物动词,意为“试图;企图;尝试”,后常接名词、代词或动词不定式。例如: I didnt attempt the last question in the exam. She

4、 attempted to get in touch with her partner. 【拓展拓展】 attempt 还可以作名词,意为“企图;试图;尝试”。常与动词 make 搭配使用,make an attempt to do sth. / at sth. / at doing sth. 例如: He failed in his attempt to finish his homework on time. His first attempt at English composition was poor. I made an attempt at winning the first p

5、rize in the contest. 若 attempt 后接介词 on,即 attempt on sb. / sbs life,意为“杀人企图”。例如: Someone has made attempt on the life of the President. 2. anxious 【课文原句课文原句】 This, of course, made the sailors and storekeepers, who were part pirate, very anxious to go to Cathay and get some of the gold and jewels and

6、spices for themselves. (Page 76) anxious 为形容词,意为“担忧的,焦虑的;渴望的”。be anxious for / about sth. / sb.意为 “为担心 / 担忧”;be anxious for sth.还意为“渴望得到某物”;be anxious to do sth.意为 “渴望做某事”。例如: He is anxious about the coming exam. The mother seemed anxious for her son. He is anxious for the final result. He is anxiou

7、s to finish school and find a job to help his parents. 注意:anxious 后可以接从句,其谓语动词一般为 should + 动词原形,should 可以省略。例 如: We are anxious that you (should) go with us. 【拓展拓展】 anxiety 为名词,意为“焦虑;担心;渴望”。后可以接 about / over sth. 意为“焦虑 / 担 心 ”;后面接 for sth.或 to do sth 时意为“渴望”。例如: You need have no anxiety about the ma

8、tter. The government realized the peoples anxiety to end the war. anxiously 为副词,意为“焦急地”。例如: He was waiting for the news anxiously. 3. disappointed 【课文原句课文原句】 Columbus died in 1506, a lonely and disappointed man. (Page 76) disappointed 为形容词,意为“失望的;沮丧的”。其用法如下:1) be disappointed with / in sb. / sth.; 2

9、)be disappointed at sth.; 3)be disappointed to do sth. 4)be disappointed + that 从句。例如: His parents were not disappointed with / in him though he failed in the exam. He was very disappointed with / at the result of the experiment. I was disappointed to hear the news that our football team was beaten

10、again. He was disappointed that he didnt finish his work on time. 【拓展拓展】 disappointed 与 disappointing 的区别。disappointed 意为“失望的;感到失望的”,用来表达 人本身的感觉;disappointing 也是形容词,意为“令人失望的”,用来表达某个客体给人的 感觉。试比较下列例句: He announced the result in a disappointed voice. He announced the result in a disappointing voice. 单元

11、重点短语:单元重点短语: 1. right then and there 【课文原句课文原句】 Laurie decided right then and there that she would write an essay and enter it in the contest. (Page 68) right then and there 意为“当场;马上”,用来表示当时做出果断的决定或毫不犹豫的行动。 例如: He advised me to learn to drive a car and taught me right then and there. He decided to c

12、arry out the plan right then and there. 【拓展拓展】 right here and now 用来表示现在马上做出果断的决定或毫不迟疑的行动。例如: Youd better make your mind right here and now. Time is limited, so lets begin the work right here and now.2. simply put 【课文原句课文原句】 Simply put, geography is everywhere. (Page 69) simply put 相当于 to put it sim

13、ply,意为“简单说来”,用作插入语,一般放在句首或句中, 通常做总结性状语。例如: Simply put, your performance was far from satisfaction. Anyway, to put it simply, we still need more money. 3. take the credit for 【课文原句课文原句】Columbus himself took the credit for this sighting. (Page 76) take / get the credit for 意为“因而出名;因而获得荣誉”。例如 Peter too

14、k the credit for his invention. 【拓展拓展】 get / take the credit 本身意为“获得赞扬 / 荣誉”;give sb. credit for = give credit to sb. for 意为 “为赞扬或肯定某人”。例如: We did all the work but he gets all the credit. The parents gave credit to their daughter for her excellent speech. 4. set foot on 【课文原句课文原句】 He never did set f

15、oot on the mainland of North America. (Page 76) set foot on / in 意为“登上;涉足;进入”。例如: The first man to set foot on the moon is great. I have never set foot in London. 【拓展拓展】 set about (sth. / doing sth.) 开始做;着手做; set off 出发,动身;使(炸弹等)爆炸; set out 动身;启程;陈列; set up 建立; set an example 树立榜样 5. take upon, seek

16、 out 【课文原句课文原句】 They took it upon themselves to seek out a route to China that would avoid the Silk Road. (Page 77) 1)take it upon / on oneself to do sth.意为“自己承担起做某事的责任;亲自去做某事”。例如:Mr. Smith took it upon himself to carry out the plan. As a teacher, I will take it upon myself to educate every student. 2)seek out 意为“挑选出;


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