冀教版英语七下《Unit 1 A Trip to Beijing》(lesson6)word教案

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《冀教版英语七下《Unit 1 A Trip to Beijing》(lesson6)word教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《冀教版英语七下《Unit 1 A Trip to Beijing》(lesson6)word教案(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 6 :Liming Packs His Suitcase 一根据句意及首字母提示写出单词。 1.There are many s in the bag shop. 2. I see all kinds of (衣服) on the bed . 3.Banana is my f fruit. 4.His home is (在附近)a shopping center. 5.Jina is wearing a blue j . 6.He is (捆扎) his suitcase . 二重点详解。 1.I am packing my suitcase with my clothes.(英

2、译汉) 。 “Pack with ”的意思是 练一练 (1). 他的妈妈正在往他的衣箱里装衣服 His mother is his suitcase his clothes. (2). 你会往你的衣箱里装夹克吗?Can you your suitcase your jacket? (3) .我往我的小提箱装我的书。I my suitcae my books 2.How many pairs of socks do you have?(同上) 。 How many 的意思是 ,后面要加 练一练:(4)你有多少双鞋子? pairs of shoes do you have?(5) 他有多少本书?H

3、ow many does he have ? 三语法聚焦 1.Put on your sweater! 穿上你的毛衣! 2.Please come with me. Come w ith me, please.请跟我来K 3.Do not forgt your homework.不要忘了你的作业。 解析:通过观察,我们发现祈使句是用于表达 、 或 等的句子。祈使句 的主语(多为第 人称)通常被省略,谓语动词用 ,句末用 或 。 有时为了表达一种客气的语气,可以在句首或句尾加上 一词,如例句 2. 祈使句有 二种基本形式,即 形式和 形式。通 过观察例句 1 和 2,我们发现肯定形式以 开头;通

4、过观察例句 3,我们发现祈使句的否定形式要在动词原形前面加上 。 练一练 (6)请打开窗户。 . (7)请不要和你的同学在课上聊天。 . (8)告诉我一个有趣的故事。 (9) 不要大声唱歌。 (loudly) . 随堂小练 ( )1.His father does not need there on foot. A.go B. going C. to go D. goes ( ) 2.Do you pack your suitcase your ?A. in books B. on toys C. with clothes D. at clothes ( ) 3. of socks do yo

5、u have ? A. How many pairs B. How many pair C. How many sock D. How much pair ( ) 4.I am my suitcase my clothes A. pack with B. packing with C. pack to D. packing to ( ) 5.It is cold outside.Please put on . A. a clothes B. more clothes C. a cloth D.more cloth ( ) 6.I am too thirsty. Could you give me water?A. more some B. any more C. some more D. more any



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