七年级英语上册 Module 6 A trip to the zoo Unit 2 The tiger lives in Asia导学案(新版)外研版

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七年级英语上册 Module 6 A trip to the zoo Unit 2 The tiger lives in Asia导学案(新版)外研版_第1页
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《七年级英语上册 Module 6 A trip to the zoo Unit 2 The tiger lives in Asia导学案(新版)外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语上册 Module 6 A trip to the zoo Unit 2 The tiger lives in Asia导学案(新版)外研版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、ModuleModule 6 6 UnitUnit 2 2 TheThe tigertiger liveslives inin AsiaAsia【学习目标学习目标】 知识目标:知识目标:通过阅读文章,能了解课文所提及的动物的信息。 能力目标:能力目标:能阅读关于动物方面的文章。 情感目标情感目标:通过学习各种表示动物的词汇提高对英语的兴趣和学习英语的积极性。 【重点难点重点难点】句型句型 There are/ The elephant lives in【温故知新温故知新】1. This kind of tiger comes from China. (改为否定句) This kind of t

2、iger from China. 2. Linglings sister likes playing table tennis.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)-_ Linglings sister _ playing table tennis? -Yes, she _. 3. He plays basketball on Saturday afternoon. (改为否定句)He _ _ basketball on Saturday afternoon. 4. His aunt lives in a big city. (就划线部分提问)Where _ his aunt _? 一、课前预习导

3、学一、课前预习导学 1 1)掌握词汇)掌握词汇( (根据音标写根据音标写单词单词,并注上,并注上中文意思中文意思。别忘了在课文标注喔!。别忘了在课文标注喔!) ) 非洲_亚洲_欧洲_极少量的_仅 仅,只_大约,大致_千克,公斤_ 人,人们_非洲的,非洲人_草_ 巨大的_通常_独自的_ 强壮的,强烈的_抓住接住_甚至_ 2 2)掌握短语)掌握短语( (仔细朗读课文仔细朗读课文 P39P39,找出下列短语。,找出下列短语。) ) 1. 少量,一点 _ 2. 并且,还,和_ 3. 全世界 _ 4. 30 千克竹子_ 5. 擅长_6. 许多种_ 7. 独自居住_8. 在欧洲_ 3 3)参照课文的对话,

4、翻译下列句子。)参照课文的对话,翻译下列句子。 1大象生活在非洲和亚洲。The elephant _. 2中国现在只有约 1,800 只熊猫,起皱约 200 只生活在动物园里。 _1,800 pandas in China and about 200 _. 3这些黑白相间的动物是世人的最爱。 This black and white animal is _. 4它们以植物、叶子和草为食,但是不吃竹子。 This _and it _. 5这是一只欧洲狼,它生活在森林里。This _ and it _. 二、课堂学习研讨二、课堂学习研讨 1、P38 Activity1 Find these pla

5、ces on the map. 2、Look at the map again and write four sentences. Use the words from the box.P38A2. 3、Reading 1) Reading1: How many kinds of animals are mentioned in the passage?What are they? _ 2) Reading2: 课本 P38 A3 Read the passage and complete the table. ModuleModule 6 6 Unit2Unit2 TheThe tigert

6、iger liveslives inin AsiaAsia 课型:练习课 一、课内训练巩固一、课内训练巩固 1 1找出划线部分与其它三个发音找出划线部分与其它三个发音不同不同的单词。的单词。 ( )1.A. tripB. lionC. giraffeD. visit( )2.A. bambooB. zooC. kangarooD. look( )3.A. forestB. moreC. porkD. forty( )4.A. desertB. zebraC. elephantD. open( )5.A. leafB. leaveC. meatD. head2.2. 选词填空。选词填空。 tho

7、usand, live, give, eat, be, not have, Africa, do, see, even 1. Mr. Brown_ the students a music lesson every afternoon. 2. I would like _ the baby panda with Lingling. 3. There _ a tiger and three hundred snakes in the zoo. 4. _ the kangaroo live in Australia. 5. The lion likes _ meat. 6. Where _ the

8、 polar bear_? 7. She _lessons on Sundays. 8. These are_ animals and they live in the forest. 9. The monkey eat meat, leaves, fruit and _eggs.3.3. 选择填空。选择填空。 ( )1. Do you see any _ in Xiangjiang Zoo? A.A. tigerB.B. zebraC.C. sheep ( )2. These are_monkeys. They even eat eggs.A.A. Asia B.B. America C.C

9、. African ( )3. This is _ European bear. Its dangerous. A.A. Does, lives B.B. Is, live C.C. Does, live ( )4. The tiger likes water and is_. A.A. good at swim B.B. good at swimming C.C. good to swim ( )5.-Shall we go to see the animals tomorrow?-_. A.A. Thank you B.B. Its kind of you C.C. Good idea (

10、 )6. The pandas eat 30 _ of bamboo a day. A.A. kiloB.B. kilosC.C. kilos ( )7. Therere ten _ and a lot of _ there. A.A. monkey, leafsB.B. monkeies, leavesC.C. monkeys, leaves ( )8. The tiger _ meat and it can swim. A.A. eatB.B. eatsC.C. eating4 4、按要求完成句子。、按要求完成句子。1)全世界的人都认识他。The people _ know him.2)来

11、自澳洲的袋鼠不吃肉。The kangaroo _ Africa _.3)澳洲的草地上生活着大量的兔子。_rabbits _ grassland.4)The elephant is from America.(改为一般疑问句答)_?5)Its a European wolf. (改为一般疑问句)_?6)欢迎来到 2010 广州亚运会。_the Asian Games in Guangzhou, 2010.二、能力提升二、能力提升 1 1、根据首字母和短文提示补全单词,使短文意思完整。、根据首字母和短文提示补全单词,使短文意思完整。Dogs are our good f f_(1). They l

12、ive with people and do many things f f_(2) us. Some dogs h h_(3) people look after sheep and some help the police. And there i i_(4) a kind of dogs called Seeing Eye Dogs. They are helpful to the blind (盲人). They can g g_(5) the blind to go to some places. We can see them all o o_(6) the world.2 2、写作训练、写作训练根据表格所给信息写一篇根据表格所给信息


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