2018春牛津译林版英语八下Unit 7《International charities》(welcome to unit)word导学案

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2018春牛津译林版英语八下Unit 7《International charities》(welcome to unit)word导学案_第1页
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《2018春牛津译林版英语八下Unit 7《International charities》(welcome to unit)word导学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018春牛津译林版英语八下Unit 7《International charities》(welcome to unit)word导学案(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、初二英语导学提纲 课题:8B Unit7 Welcome 课前参与课前参与 一、预习书本一、预习书本 P92-93,根据音标拼读单词并完成书本上的练习。,根据音标拼读单词并完成书本上的练习。 二、重难点解析:二、重难点解析: 1 Im too weak to walk any further. 我太虚弱,走不动了。further 是副词,意思是“较远, 更远” 。 Can you_ _ _ _ away? 你能稍微站远一点吗?我打算出国去深造。Im going _ to _ _. 2.It provides basic education for children in poor areas.

2、它为贫困地区的孩子提供基础教育。为某人提供某物 _sth_sb _sb_sth我很高兴你为我们提供这么多有趣的书。Im happy that you _ _ us _ _ many _ _ . Im happy that you _ _ _ many _ _ _ us. 课中参与课中参与 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 1. Everyone in the game has the _ chance.(平等的) 2._ practice is useful for learning English.(基础) 3.Students have the

3、_ to go to school for study.(权利) 4.He likes playing ball games, _ football.(尤其) 5.Some children in poor areas dont have money to go to school, so Project Hope helps them pay for their _.(教育) 6.We must do something to prevent the _ of AIDS before its too late.(扩散) 7.I hear that ORBIS needs lots of _(

4、donate). 8.Be quick! There is little time _ (leave). 9.He will go even _ (far) if his father punishes(惩罚) him again. 10.People from different countries come to take part in the _ (national) meeting. 11.We still need ten _ (many) volunteers. 12.A teacher should treat the students _(equal). 13. She sa

5、id she was a little _(差的)in Maths. 二、单项填空二、单项填空 ( )1. The child is _ young _ go to school. A. so, that B.such , that C. too, to D.though, but ( )2.Eddie wasnt _ to carry so many heavy bags. A.too strong B. strong enough C.enough strong D. so strong ( )3.Tina can go to school now. NUICEF has paid for

6、 her _. A.education B.invitation C.competition D. invention ( )4. The boy didnt have any pocket money _. A. left B. leave C forget D.forgot ( )5-.Can I have some more ice cream , Mum? Sorry. There is _ left in the fridge. A. none B. nothing C no one D anything ( )6.In my dream, I tried my best _ the

7、 ship _ down. A.to prevent ,go B. prevent, from going C.prevent, going D.to prevent, from going ( )7.Please wear a pair of glasses to _ your eyes against the strong sunlight. A.prepare B. provide C.protect D. prevent ( )8.We will have a _ discussion _ that plan. A . farther , on B. further , on C. f

8、urther, in D. farther,about ( )9. Which charity helps blind people? A. ORBIS B. The Red Cross C. Oxfam D. UNICEF ( )10.You _ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do. A.neednt to come B.dont need come C.dont need coming D . neednt come 三、动词填空三、动词填空 1.ORBIS works _ (prevent

9、) the eye problems in the world. 2.Do you know the school _ (call) Sunshine Middle School ?3.They decided _(not drive) a car to the quiet countryside. 4.We should be careful to prevent the accident _ (happen). 5.Doctors and nurses _ (need) in every part of the world. 6.Its said that his first book _

10、 (write) during his stay in China. 7.How _ Oxfam _ (help) people? 8.Its 10 oclock. Its time _ (go) to bed. 9.Perfect! You _ (do ) a good job. 10.We dont have trouble _ (talk) with the disabled people. 四、四、根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子 1.慈善机构需要更多的钱。_ money _ _ for _. 2.让我们先大吃一顿。Lets _ _ _ _ _. 3.别着急。我们还剩些时间。D

11、ont _. We have a _ _ _. 4.奥比斯致力于预防眼睛疾病的传播。 ORBIS works to _ the _ _ the _ _. 5.她长大后想为贫困地区的妇女和儿童争取平等权而工作。 She would like to _ _ _ _ _ of children and women in poor areas when she _ _. 6.警方阻止人们酒后驾车。 The police _ people _ _ after _. 7.她太激动以至于一句话也说不出。 She was _ _ _ _ a word. 8.UNICEF 帮助政府和家庭为孩子们创建一个更好的世

12、界。 UNICEF helps _ and families _ _ _ _ for children. 五、句型转换五、句型转换 1.Its time for lunch.(同意句) Its time _ _ _. 2.Youve done a good job.(改为感叹句)_ _ _ _ you have done! 3.I have some pocket money in the bag.(划线提问)_ _ you _ in the bag? 4.Im too weak to walk any further. (同意句)Im _ _ _ to _ any further. 5.It provides basic education for children in poor areas. (同意句)It _ children in poor areas _ _ _. 六缺词填空六缺词填空Roy trenton drove a taxi before. A short time ago, however, he b_ a bus driver and he felt no sorry about it.He was finding his new wor


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