2017春冀教版英语七下Unit 3《Lesson 14 Jenny’s School Life》word导学案

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1、UnitUnit 3 3 lessonlesson 1414 JennysJennys SchoolSchool LifeLife阶段环节教学过程师生活动课后反思教学目标】掌握单词:middle,grade,print,guitar,fair 词组:in the middle,on ones own 以及运用。会运用 There be 句型的一般过去式目 标 导 航教学重难点1. on ones own, there be , play the 乐器, make from 不定代词的用法 2.掌握以下重点句子:(1) There are 400 students in my school. (

2、2) Once, we made a bird house from wood (3)But sometimes we play on our own第 一 阶 段 预 学 案第 二 阶 段 教 学 案自主预 习预 习 自 测预 习 反 馈:2mins合作探1.自学单词 2.熟读课文,把握其意,画出不 理解处,小组之间交流,弄懂文意。 短语翻译 social studies, shop class, music class, P. E. class . 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. Whats your f _ subject? English. 2. People use it to b

3、uild things. It comes from trees. w _ 3. Students make and build things in this kind of class. s _ 4. An instrument. People can use it to play music. g _ 5. An event for many different people to show their projects. f _句型展示 1. 我校有 400 名学生。_ _ 400 students in my school. 2. 有一次,我们用木头做了一个鸟房子。Once, we _

4、 a bird house _ _. 3. 但是有时我们自己玩。But sometimes we play _ _ _. 学生课前 预习时明 确教学目 标及重难 点学生根据 预学案进 行课前预 习学生对自 己的预习 进行简单 的测试教师对学 生预习情 况的反馈 进行了解 以便以下 教学环节 有计划地 进行 学生合作 探究给出 的问题究:10mins交流展 示:8mins精讲点 拨:10mins当 堂 测 试8mins1.找出本课重难点句子 2.读课文画出不理解之处(6mins) 3组内交流弄懂课文文意并解决教材习题展示教材习题答案探究一 1. 1. on ones own 单独;独自But s

5、ometimes we play on our own. 但是有时我们自己玩。I finished that work on my own. 我独自完成了那项工作。She lives in Beijing on her own. 她独自一人在北京生活。 【探究总结】on ones own 的用法on ones own 意为“单独;独自” , 相当于 alone 或 by oneself。 学以致用】 尽管她父亲在公司里, 但她那份工作却是靠自 己找到的。Although her father is in the company, she got the job _ _ _ . 探究二 take

6、 part in 参加,加入I want to take part in the fair. 我想参加这个展览会。I will never forget the day when I joined the Party. 我永远忘不了入党的那一天。May I join in the game? 我可以参加这个比赛吗? 【探究总结】take part in, join 和 join in 的区别【学以致用】 选词并用其适当形式填空。(take part in/join/join in) She _ the Party in 2010. They all _ singing the song. A

7、great number of students _ May 学生交流 展示讨论 的结果教师就学 生探究的 结论及在 前面所有 环节出现 的问题加 以总结修 正并予以 精讲点拨学生当堂 完成当堂 测试,教 师讲评第 三 阶 段 检 测 案课外作 业4 Movement(五四运动). 单项选择1. He can make things _ clay. A. on B. in C. for D. with 2. Dont go there _ your own. Its too dangerous(危险的). A. with B. on C. for D. at 3. Can you give m

8、e _? I need to write something. A. a paper B. some papers C. a piece of paper D. two piece of paper 4. You can make things in _. Its interesting. A. art class B. shop class C. P. E. class D. science class 5. Jenny _ the fair with her project last year. A. joined B. takes part in C. joins D. took par

9、t in跟踪练习 1. She is a_(中等的)school student. 2.We are in the same_ _(年级). 3.The children_(印)their own design on the T- shirt. 4.The_(吉他)is a good instrument. 5.The worlds_(展览会)is good for us. 1. Lily is in_。 A. class 5, grade 7 B.grade7, Class5 C. Class 5,Grade 7 D.Grade7,Class5 2. Wang Ming plays_ gui

10、tar very wel l. He is cool. A. the B. a C.an D./ 3. We want to take part in the fair_ our projects_ places of interest, A. on; with B. with; with C. on ; on D. with; on 4.I do my work_. I dont need help.A, of my own B, with my own C. on myown D. my own 4. She took some pictures in Rizhao last week. (改为一般疑问句)_ she _ any pictures in Rizhao last week? 5. This computer costs 2, 000 yuan. (改 为同义句)This computer _ _ 2, 000 yuan.


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