2017春人教版英语七下《Unit11 How was your school trip》word单元总结加练习

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1、Unit11 How was your school trip? 重点语法:重点语法:一般过去时态 结构:主语 + 谓语动词的过去式 + 宾语谈论过去发生的事情用一般过去时态do/does 的一般过去时态形式:did 例句:Last week I visited my aunts house.(上个星期我去我姑姑家玩了。)She lives in California.(她住 在加利福尼亚州。)The weather was beautiful.(那儿的天气很好。)I went swimming.(我去游泳了。) 不规则动词的过去式:不规则动词的过去式: go 过去式:went ride 过去

2、式:rode feed 过去式:fed take 过去式:took do 过去式:did is/was 过去式:was are 过去式:were see 过去式:saw say 过去式:said have 过去式:had buy 过去式:bought buy 过去式:bought hear 过去式:heard teach 过去式:taught come 过去式:came get 过去式:got grow 过去式:grew eat 过去式:ate draw 过去式:drew重点短语:重点短语:go for a walk 去散步 milk a cow 挤牛奶ride a horse 骑马 feed

3、 chickens 喂鸡talk with 和交谈 take photos 拍照showaround 带领参观 in the countryside 在农村go fishing 去钓鱼 go to the zoo 去动物园climb the mountains 爬山 visit a museum 参观博物馆fire station 消防站 draw picture 画画science museum 科学博物馆 by train 乘火车in all 一共;总共 be interested in 对感兴趣notat all 一点也不 quite a lot 相当多learn about 了解 gr

4、ow strawberries 种植草莓pick strawberries 采草莓 from.to 从到at night 在夜晚 come out 出来along the way 沿线 a lot of 许多;大量buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth.为某人买某物 go on a shool trip 去学校郊游 after that 之后 all in all 总的来说 重点句子:重点句子: 1.Did you see any cows?你看见奶牛了吗? Yes,I did.I saw quite a lot.是的,我看见了许多。 2.Did you ride a h

5、orse?你骑马了吗? No,I didnt.But I milked a cow.不,我没有,但我挤牛奶了。 3.How was your school trip?你的学校旅游怎么样? 4.What did Tina do?蒂娜干什么了? She picked some strawberries.她摘了一些草莓。 5.I visited my grandparents in the countryside.我看望了我在农村的祖父母。 6.I went fishing every day.我每天钓鱼。 7.The farmer showed Tina around the farm.农场主带领

6、特纳参观了农场。 8.It got very cloudy and we worried it would rain.天阴得很厉害,我们担心将要下雨。 9.Then the guide taught us how to make a model robot.然后,导游叫我们怎样制作机器人模型。 10.All in all,it was an exciting day.总之,这是令人激动的一天。 11.Everything was about robots and Im not interested in that.一切事情都是关于机器人的,我对那不感兴趣。 12.The rooms were

7、really dark and it was difficult to take photos.房间真的很暗,拍照很困难。 1.Were there _ sharks? A. some B. any C. a lot 2.What _ did you do? A. other B. else C. others 3.Were you at home yesterday? _. A. Yes, I were. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I was. 4. Did they take any photos? _. A. No, they didnt B. No, they did

8、 C. No, they arent 5.My mother _ some cakes for us last night. A. makes B. maked C. made 6. After two hours the children got to the hill, tired _ happy. A. and B. but C. although D. however 7. Which team _ the game yesterday? A. took B. wanted C. visited D. won 8. _ did you spend your vocation last

9、summer? A. When B. Who C. Where D. What 9. I went out and _ in the river. A. swim B. swam C. swimming D. to swim 10. The music sounds _, I like it very much. A. good B. well C. bad D. beautifully 11. I _ late _ class yesterday morning. A. was, for B. was, to C. am, for D. am, to 12. _ did they play

10、games? For two hours. A. What time B. When C. How long D. How often 13. Tomorrow I have a day off, so I want to _. A. take a class B. hang out with my friends C. takes a class D. hangs out with my friends 14. Class 4 went to the _ to see some sharks. A. cinema B. aquarium C. park D. movie 15. When d

11、id you go to bed last night? About 11 oclock. I _. A. slept early B. slept late C. got up early D. get up early 16. -Were there any seals in the zoo? -_some seals in the zoo. A. Yes, there werent B. No, there werent C. Yes, there were. D. Yes, there was. 17. What _he do on his last school trip? A. d

12、oes B. did C. is D. was 18. After I my homework, I went out to an aquarium. A. was doing B. did C. does D. would do 19. We any sharks on my last school trip. A. saw B. didnt saw C. didnt see D. see 20. He finished the composition early last night. A. write B. writing C. to write D. wrote 21. I felt a little tired the end of the day. A. by B. in C. at D. on 22. _the sharks exciting? A. Did B. Does C. Was D. Were 23.Finally, _, we took the bus back to school. A. tired and happy B. exciting but happy C. tired but happy D. tiring and happy 2



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