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1、精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 1 / 20感恩节朗诵比赛主持词感恩节朗诵比赛主持词- -感恩节诗歌朗诵主持词感恩节诗歌朗诵主持词感恩节很多学校会举办朗诵比赛弘扬中华民族感恩的传统美德,小编这里整理了几篇相关的主持,或许你能用得到。下面是为你提供的感恩节朗诵比赛主持词,欢迎阅读。想了解更多感恩节主持词,请继续关注本栏目。【感恩节朗诵比赛主持词(一)】A :尊敬的各位老师:B :亲爱的同学们:合:大家下午好!A :今天我们齐聚一堂,共同迎来了这次意义非同的感恩节朗诵比赛B:爱,从感恩开始;感恩,让世界充满了爱。A:感恩是一盏灯,照亮了你我前行的路。B:感恩是

2、一棵树,让我们累了的时候有个栖息的地方。A:感恩是一股甘甜的清泉,能够滋润你我干涸的心田。 B:感恩更是一种动力,推动你我去努力拼搏、进取! A:首先让我来介绍今天莅临我们比赛现场的评委老师他们是让我们用热烈的掌声向他们表示欢迎。B:现有请 XX 为我们大家讲话,请大家热烈欢迎。 A:让我们用热烈的掌声感谢 XX 热情洋溢的讲话B:下面,我宣布青神中等职业学校 2016 感恩节朗诵精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 2 / 20比赛正式开始,下面进入比赛环节(结束语):男:感恩于心,感谢以行!本次朗诵比赛,各班同学用精彩的朗诵带给了我们启示,那就是要做一个感恩

3、祖国、感恩社会、感恩老师、感恩亲人的人。女:是的,懂得感恩,就会真情永在;懂得感恩,就会真爱永存;懂得感恩,就会斗志不败;懂得感恩,就会幸福常伴男:让我们荡漾于这缕感恩的春风中,使我们更加团结,共同将班级建设得更好,也共同祝愿我们的祖国更加繁荣富强!女:在比赛的最后,感谢大家对本次比赛的大力支持,也非常感谢全体同学的积极参与!合:今天的朗诵比赛到此结束!谢谢大家!【感恩节朗诵比赛主持词二)】Thanksgiving Is on the Road-English Gala onB: Distinguished guests, dear teachers, fellow students, lad

4、ies andgentlemen, Good evening! Welcome to our English gala- thanksgiving is on the road.A:尊敬的各位领导,老师,同学们,大家晚上好,欢迎来到石家庄铁道大学外语诗歌散文朗诵比赛的现场。精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 3 / 20D:Today, our party is to remind us of the simple facts of life that we should appreciate.C:今天我们的晚会将带领大家一起回忆那些值得感恩的点点滴滴。 A:

5、We show gratitude to our parents who give us life.让我们感谢赋予我们生命的父母B:We show gratitude to our friends who care about us.让我们感谢关心我们的亲朋好友。C:We show gratitude for those little things that enrich us beyond measure, sunshine, breezes, moonlights, rains and trees.让我们感谢生活中的点点滴滴。D:Thanksgiving is nothing ideolo

6、gical, religious, or commercial; it is about the way of thinking- a perspective of life. So tonight we get together to enjoy this meaningful evening.感恩与意识形态,宗教信仰和商业活动无关,它是一种人类的思维方式。今晚我们欢聚一堂来享受这一神圣的夜晚。A: Now lets introduce our distinguished guests tonight. They are:. Welcome!精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程

7、指导写作 独家原创 4 / 20B: lets welcome the honorable judges. They are:dean of foreign languages department , professor 王立军C:professor 王晓玲, deputy dean of foreign languages department. D: Teachers of our department, 白杰, 张云冈,邸立英 and 宋迎. A: Finally welcome all the audience attending this gala.B: Tonights part

8、y is made up of two parts, namely, competition part and performance part.C: 今晚的晚会由两部分组成,一部分是比赛,另一部分是表演。 D: In the competition part, 13 contestants from 10 departments of our university will recite poems and essays in English. Each contestant should finish the performance in 3 minutes.A; 进入决赛的选手有 13

9、位。每位选手有三分钟的比赛时间。 C; And in the other part, we are lucky that we can enjoy the performance in several languages, such as Japanese, Russian and German. I am sure their excellent shows will give us thrilling feelings.精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 5 / 20D: 我们的表演异彩纷呈,大家将会欣赏到日语、俄语和德语的表演。 A: Now the s

10、tage is finally ready for the competition. Please welcome the 1st contestant. She will recite a beautiful essay to us mbition.B: Thanks for his wonderful speech. 每个人都会感到孤独,在孤独的时候你会干些什么呢?下面请欣赏 2 号选手的 cloud . Contestant No3 gets ready, please.C: .Lets warmly welcome the contestant No3 his topic is our

11、 family creed.下面请让我们共同聆听尹帅锋为我们带来的他的家庭信条.Contestant No4 gets ready, please.D: Thanks for your wonderful speech.In our life, we should cherish the beauty, the love and the friendship, because these things shall never die.Lets warmly welcome contestant , his topic is: These Things Shall Never Die(嘉宾节目)

12、(A Taxi Driver)D: Excuse me, can I ask you a question?精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 6 / 20C: Yes, of course.D: You must have taken a taxi, but did any funny things happen to you in the car?C: Whats a shame! Never.D: Ok, the next performance will tell us an interesting story. Welcome the drama T

13、axi Driver.歌曲串烧(A little love + She )B: Thanks for their wonderful show. 下面请欣赏两首优美的英文歌曲 Little Love andC: What beautiful songs. Now, lets look at the first group competitorsfinal score . The contestant No1 is.D: the contestant No2 is.C: the contestant No3is.D: the contestant No4 is. We are all impre

14、ssed by their greatperformance. Well done, group one. Now, lets enter the next group. In the past, my teacher always tell me dont forget even for one day. But I do not know why. The next performance will tell me the reason. Lets warmly welcome contestant , his topic is Never Forget!精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全

15、新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 7 / 20contestant No6 gets ready.A: very exciting essay! Now lready.D: Most of my friend always ask me what is the most distant way in the world. But I do not know the answer. The next performance “the most distant way in the world” will give me a correct answer. Lets warmly welcome contestant 张秀梅。(嘉宾节目:日语配乐诗,北国之春,俄语当你把我忘记,德语共产党宣言)D: 相信大家都听过中文版的经典歌曲我只在乎你


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