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1、Your contact person:Hao Xiaoyan 186 1125 3332/ at BeijingDirect dial:Int. + 8610 8080 9150Fax: Int. + 8610 8080 9298OFFER No. C14-0408IMRT Verification System调强验证系统Cost summary(配套价格表) .2Specification(参数指标).3Terms of Delivery and Payment(交货与付款条款).9Offer No. CHN14-0401To: IMRT Verification SystemDated

2、: 2014-0401PAGE 2Cost Summary配套价格表配套价格表Item项项Part No.部件号部件号Qty.数量数量Description简单描述简单描述I.MatriXX (2D Ion Chamber Array)矩阵矩阵 1000(二维电离室矩阵)(二维电离室矩阵)1.1BS61-0001MatriXX Advanced 2D ionization chamber array including OmniPro-ImRT softwareMatriXX 先进的二维电离室矩阵,包含 OmniPro-ImRT 软件Offer No. CHN14-0401To: IMRT V

3、erification SystemDated: 2014-0401PAGE 3Specification参数指标参数指标Part No. Description部件号部件号指标参数描述指标参数描述 I.BS61-000MatriXX Advanced 2D ionization array矩阵矩阵1000 先进的二维电离室矩阵先进的二维电离室矩阵The new MatriXX is the most advanced system for the real-time 2D verification of IMRT delivery. It combines fast acquisition

4、of complex 2D data with highest temporal resolution. 全新的矩阵 1000 是目前最先进的调强治疗实时二维验证系统。它可以迅速地获取复杂的二维数据,具有很高的时间分辨率。Data acquisition with the MatriXX as well as the subsequent real-time visualization and analysis are fully integrated in the OmniPro ImRT software platform.控制矩阵 1000 实现数据采集,以及后续的数据实时显示和分析已经

5、全部集成到 OmniPro ImRT(1.4 版)软件应用平台中。Including(包含):-1020 air ventilated ionization chambers build with water equivalent materials1020 通气的电离室,用密度接近于水的密度的材料制成-16 ASIC each has 64 independent electrometer channels to form 1024 independent electrometers16 片用户定制芯片(ASIC),每片上有 64个独立的静电计通道,一共 1024 个独立的静电计通道-On

6、board temperature and air pressure sensors, measure the temperature and air pressure in real time内置的温度气压传感器,实时测量温度和气压Offer No. CHN14-0401To: IMRT Verification SystemDated: 2014-0401PAGE 4-RJ45 internet cable connection between MatriXX and control computer, a USB port is also available as an option控制

7、计算机与矩阵 1000 通过 RJ45 接口和Internet 网线连接,作为选件,也可以通过USB 接口实现连接-The MatriXX is calibrated in the factory with 60Co for all 1020 channels and ionization chambers, which makes the system suitable for absolute dosimetry measurements. 矩阵 1000 出厂时经过60Co 刻度,可以进行绝对剂量的测量工作。The MatriXX is based on a 1024 independe

8、nt electrometer channels and 1020 equially spaced ionization chambers. There is a microcomputer and 32MB memory on the system which carry out all the on borad comtroll and communication between the MatriXX and control computer. There is also a sensor in the electronics area to detect if the circuit

9、part of the system is exposed to the primary beam to prevent the system from radiation damage.矩阵 1000 具有 1024 个独立的静电计通道和 1020 个均匀分布的电离室。系统由微电脑控制并具有 32MB 内存可以实现系统的测量控制以及与控制计算机之间的通讯。在电子线路部分有一个传感器可以在该部分暴露在初级线束下时报警,从而避免系统造成辐射损伤。Features: 特点特点:Easy set-up: ready for measurement in less than 3 minutes设置安装

10、非常简便:在不到 3 分钟的时间内就可以设置完毕,开始测量Minimum sampling time:10 msec最短采样时间:10 毫秒Temporal resolution: 10 msec时间分辨率:10 毫秒Individual as well as complete integrated IMRT fields可以测量单独的调强子野,也可以测量累积的子野强度分布Equally spaced ionization chambers, distance between the adjacent ionization chambers geometrical centers is 7.6

11、2 mm电离室均匀分布,相邻电离室的几何中心距离为 7.62mmField sizes from 24.3 24.3 cm in 100cm SSD Offer No. CHN14-0401To: IMRT Verification SystemDated: 2014-0401PAGE 5当放置在治疗床上测量,SSD 等于 100 cm 时,可以测量的最大射野为 24.3 24.3 cm2Full integration in OmniPro ImRT application software所有操作全部由 OmniPro ImRT 应用软件控制完成OmniProTM ImRT Advance

12、d IMRT Verification SoftwareOmniProTM ImRT 先进的调强验证软件先进的调强验证软件OmniPro ImRT is the new, advanced application software for complete dosimetric verification and QA of IMRT treatment cycles. OmniPro ImRT incorporates the latest software technology to seamlessly import and compare TPS planned data with do

13、se distributions from films that were exposed in the ImRT Phantom, or with 2D data aquired with the ImRT QA. The analysis includes 1D profiles, 2D isodose profiles as well as fully automated comparisons using state-of-the-art analysis tools such as the Gamma method.OmniProTM ImRT 是我公司新近推出的调强治疗全过程的剂量

14、验证和质量保证应用软件。OmniProTM ImRT 采用了最新的软件技术,可以与计划系统(TPS)实现无缝连接,输入计划的剂量分布数据,并与利用调强验证体模曝光的胶片剂量数据或者利用二维数据采集系统 ImRT QA 获取的数据进行比较和验证。利用这一软件平台可以进行多种方法的数据比较和分析,例如:一维的曲线分析,二维的等剂量曲线分析,以及最新的全自动剂量分布比较技术 伽玛方法等等。Features(特点)(特点): Intuitive, user friendly graphical interface直观的、友好的图形界面Easy parameter set-up容易操作的参数设置工具Im

15、port of planned 2D and 3D data from all TPS supporting DICOM RT and RTOG formats 可以从任意支持 DICOM RT 和/或 RTOG 格式的计划系统中输入二维和/或三维的计划数据Licenses for installation of OmniProTM-ImRT on up to one workstations including one license for Dicom dose import同时获得将 OmniProTM-ImRT 软件安装到 1 台工作站上使用的许可证,包括一个 DICOM 剂量输入的许可证Offer No. CHN14-0401To: IMRT Verification SystemDated: 2014-0401PAGE 6Flexible ASCII export and printing functions灵活的 ASCII 报告和打印功能ImRT phantom data(处理从调强验证体模获取的数据)Interface to Vidar VXR-12/16, VXR-16 Dosimetry Pro and Lumisys scanners i



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