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1、Raw MaterialsQ-We need some more plastic to make our products. Where do we get it?我们需要更多塑料制造我们的产品。我们去哪里买?A- We need to go to a plastic raw material companys office, or buy it online.我们要去销售塑料原材料的公司购买或在网上购买Q- Where is the closest plastic material company where we can buy plastic chips?要购买塑料芯片哪家塑料原材料公司

2、最近呢?A It is about 30miles form here. Lets buy 2 tons of it online最近的离这里大约三十英里。我们网上订购 2 吨吧。Raw Materials 原材料Crude materials,component parts, and subassemblies required to bgein the production process.开始生产所需要的原料、元件和组件。They are the basis 它们是基础Purchase 采购type of demand(需求类型)vertically integrate(垂直整合)raw

3、 material prices(原材料价格)predictable(可预计)open market(开放市场)shortage,price swings(短缺,价格波动)Crude materials, component parts and subassemblies are the raw materials of a manufacturing or production process. They are the basis of the porduct or service of most companies,os without them there is no business

4、. They are purchassed from time to time depending upon the type of demand for them during the production process. Some companies vertically integrate themselves to sell raw materials to their own factories. These companies can control their raw material prices more predictably. Other companies just

5、buy raw materials on the open market and trust there will be on shortage or strong price swings.原料、元件和组件都是制造或生产过程中所需的原材料。对大数公司而言,它们是生产和服务的基础,没有它们就没有生意。在生产过程中人们会根据不同的需求不定期的进行采购。有些进行垂直整合的公司为自己的工厂提供原料。这些公司能更有预见性地控制们的原材料成本。另一些公司从开放市场上购买原材料,并相信市场上不会有短缺或强烈价格波动。QualityOur-on this product is the best in the

6、 market(我们产品的-在(同类产品)市场中是最好的。Quality(质量)After sales service(售后服务)Warranty( 保修)Quality(质量)The durability and fitness of a product to be used for a certain purpose and amount of time.(在一定时间内,为一定目的而使用的某产品的耐用性和适切性。From the customers point of view, product quality is one of the most important features a

7、product can have. Customers want a product that is reliable. Many managers have spent a lot of time focusing on this one key point. Movements like Total Quality Managgement (TQM)and the ISO certifications (ISO9000,9001,ect.) all exist for this reason. Customers want a product that works as promised

8、and lasts long. They want to buy from a company with a good warranty that will repair or replace it if it does break.(在客户看来,产品质量是产品的一大重要特性。许多经理都花费大量的时间关注这一要点,因为消费者希望他们所购买的)产品质量是可靠的。全面品质管理(TQM)和 ISO 认证(ISO9000、9001 )等体系因此而产生了。消费者希望得到的产品能像宣传承诺中所说的那样经久耐用;他们的也更倾向于购买那些有维修和更换保证书的产品。Employee(雇员)The best wa

9、y of finding out what is happening in a company is to_(了解公司情况的最佳方式是_(talk to the secretaries 与秘书交谈 talk to the lower level managers 与低层领导交谈 listen to the gossip at the water cooler 聆听人们在厕所里的闲言碎语)An individual who works for a company or organization(为公司或组织工作的个人。)Keeping your staff informed and update

10、d about key developments in your company is critical to maintaining morale, team spirit and corporate culture. If everyone knows what is happening and has an understanding of where the company is going and why, they will be more productive. It is also important to rememper that your employees are co

11、mmunicating every day with your key audiences; your customers and suppliers. Employees must have the best possible information. A customer will be impressed if any secretary can tell them in detail about a new product or the companys environmental policy.定期让你的员工了解公司的重要发展对保持有异议斗志,团体精神和企业文化至关重要。如果每位员工

12、都获取相同的信息,共同理解公司的发展方向和这样的发展的原因,他们将更多发挥出他们的能量。而且很重要的一点是记住,你的员工每天都与你重要受众对象进行交流,特别是客户和供应商。他们必须获取最充分的信息来帮助他们有效地工作。如果任何一位秘书能对顾客详细地介绍新产品或公司的环境政策,那么顾客将对公司产生深刻印象。Spokesperson 发言人A good spokesperson will know the organization and know_ 一位优秀的发言人应该了解企业,知道_(what will make a good press release 如何开好新闻发布会 what will

13、 make a good news story 制造好的新闻故事 the tough questions media will ask 回答媒体的苛刻问题)A senior company representative who will speak at a news conference or give interviews.要在一个记者招待会发言或与于采访的公司高层代表。A spokesperson is the face and voice of an organization. This is a person who will give many interviews to the

14、media. This person must explain the actions as well as the position and decision of an organization on many issues. This person must also keep up to date on breaking news. If a news conference is scheduled for 3pm and a new fact is discovered by the media at 2:45, they will certainly focus their que

15、stions on this fact. A spokeperson will give the message of the PR department and leaders of the company. This person must look good, think on their feet,and in some cases stonewall and misinform.发言人代表着一家公司的形象和话语权。他必须接受来自媒体的诸多采访,阐述公司行为和公司立场以及相关事件的决策。因此发言人必须时时跟踪最新消息。假设新闻发布会将于下午三点召开,而 2:45 突发新情况,那么发言人

16、必须把这一消息传达给公关部门和公司领导。发言人必须仪表仪表端庄、才思敏捷,否则会阻碍议事,发布错误信息。中国各大银行的英文名称中国人民银行 Peoples Bank of China中国人民建设银行 Peoples Construction Bank of China中国工商银行 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China中国农业银行 Agricultural Bank of China中国银行 Bank of China交通银行 Bank of Communications中国投资银行 China Investment Bank中信实业银行 CITIC Industrial Bank中国光大银行 Everbright Bank of China厦门国际银行 Xiamen International Bank发展银行(广东) Guangdong Development Bank中国国际信托投资公司 China International Trust 中国人民保险



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