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1、Writing techniques and styles Overviewof The Adventures of Tom Sawyer -Mark Twain,By 10级3班田尹 余蕊利 曾子芸 张敏 周洪杰 宗凌云,早期,晚期,light, humorous versea chronicler of the vanities, hypocrisies and murderous acts of mankindrich humor, sturdy narrative and social criticism(Huckleberry Finn)colloquial speech,a mas

2、ter of humor,a bitter satire writer,SHIfT,works,early works,middle works,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,laugh at American democracy,Running for Governor.etc.,The Gilded Age,satirize and expose the society, Humor and satire, The use of Language,Colloquial Language colloquial style(口语体)Vernacular

3、Language (乡土语言), Realism and ideal romanticism in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,satirized urban pretty bourgeois vulgar, conservative, greed in the gilded age and asset class of children education discipline and moral and religious hypocrisydescribed the happy life of Tom and his friends. It combined

4、 the realism and romanticism very well.,Realism,ironed the priest and the hypocritical Sunday school,The ideal romanticism,writer dares to face reality, a critical social darkness, and is good at leading people to look ahead and have a kind of expansive optimistic and positive spiritual styleThe ide

5、al romantic creation method has a positive significanceThese dreams all are the insurrections to the small town life, school courses and religious rules.,Major techniques,A.The childrens psychology, Text and analysis,B . Explain the personalities among characters,The very first word Mark Twain uses

6、in the novel,Aunt Pollys shout of “TOM!”,not only tells US the name of the novels protagonist,but also immediately establishes Aunt Pollys roles the disciplinarian and Toms role as a troublemakerTom and Aunt Pollys first confrontation narrated in the novel quickly characterizes Tom as clever enough

7、to escape punishment and Aunt Polly as someone who threatens strict discipline but who,for all her bluster, is really quite fond of her nephew Eg:“Every time I hit him,”she says,my old heart most breaks”(Chapter 1),Analysis,Polly tells us through her monologue that Tom is her nephewHer main point is

8、 to blame herself for not being able to discipline TomAnd,of course,the reason for her not being able to do so is a sentimental one, SO We not only learn directly that she feels guilty about the way Tom is growing up,but also indirectly we learn that he is her nephew, whose mother is her dead sister

9、, and that she is a very sentimental sort of person This indirect way of informing US about a characters personality is one of the most important devices in modem realistic fiction,minor techniques,Text,In Chapter 6,a great many things happenFirst,Mark Twain describes the kind of home dentistry that

10、 was the only dentistry a great many people even today-ever knewThis incident develops very naturally out of Tom s very normal reaction to Monday morning -because he hates itThe scene is more than a description of doit yourself dentistry,Analysis : It serves the means of going from one incident to a

11、nother in the chapterThe technique of making transitions here is an important part of Mark Twain S technique,Text,in Chapter 1 2,Mark Twain first gives us relief to keep the emotional intensity of the chapters dealing with the murder from getting too overwhelming After all,while the book contains a

12、great deal of horror in that chapter, It is basically a humorous children s bookAlso in this chapter, Mark Twain uses technique of “holding up the development of the plot” to build suspense ” in the murder storyHe just takes US back to the love story in the murder story,Analysis: By being able to al

13、ternate these two plots,Mark Twain is able to vary the pace of Toms adventures and keep them from becoming a set of disjointed incidents,Text,And the above scene, Mark Twain effectively uses the boys homesickness throughout Chapter 1 6 to build toward the climax,which is going to come in Chapter1 7,

14、Analysis He stretches the suspense by interrupting the narrative with the storm and smoking episodes which themselves lend drama and humor to the pirate adventureThe suspense is heightened by the fact that although Tom tells the boys his secret,Mark Twain does not tell it to USThis skillful manipula

15、tion of several dramatic humorous and descriptive elements to lend verisimilitude to and to heighten the “narrative suspense”of an episode is also characteristic of Mark Twains keenly developed writing technique,Conclusion,Mark Twains unique techniques are not only had a great influence on many renowned later writers in the American history of literature,but also made a remarkable label for himself.,Thank you,for,your appreciation!,



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