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1、职称英语考试词汇基础:英语单词构词法职称英语考试词汇基础:英语单词构词法(1)英语的构词法主要有三种:合成法,派生法和转换法。合成法(合成法(composition)两个或两个以上独立的词一起出现,合成一个新词的方法就称为复合法,也叫合成法。 所构成的词就叫复合词或合成词。合成词在英语中也是比较活跃的,常见的有复合形容词, 复合名词,复合动词。复合形容词常用做定语,有时也用做表语。如:I have a five-year-old son. (定语)Are you airsick? (表语)职称英语职称英语文章中常见的复合形容词构词方法:形容词+名词+ed :absent-minded, goo

2、d-tempered (形容词和其修饰的名词 之间的关系 e.g. absent-minded = (with) an absent mind)形容词+现在分词:good-looking, fine-sounding(系动词和表语之间的关系 e.g. good-looking= looking good)副词+现在分词:hardworking, far-reaching(动词和修饰该动词的副词之间的关 系 e.g. hardworking = working hard)名词+现在分词:peace-loving(动词和其宾语之间的关系 e.g. peace-loving = loving pea

3、ce)名词+表示被动的过去分词:state-owed, state-run(显示被动关系 e.g. state- owed = owed by (the) state)副词+表示被动的过去分词:well-known, widespread(过去分词和修饰该动词的 副词关系 e.g. well-known = known well )形容词+名词:large-scale, high-class(形容词和其修饰的名词之间的关系 e.g. large-scale = (of) (a) large scale)名词+形容词:duty-free(免税的), airsick (晕飞机) (名词和与之相关的

4、表语之间 的关系(在这样的情况下,往往表示逻辑关系的介词会被省略掉) e.g. duty-free = (with) duty (being) free; 逻辑上的因果关系:e.g. (being) sick (of)air(plane))以职称英语书中用词为例:(Computer)In order for managers to be sure that the computer-based information that they are 名词+过去分词:Computer-based = based (on) computer 在计算机中使用 的,计算机处理的比较:a New York-

5、based company 建立在纽约的公司(Dangers Await Babies with Altitude) This is true in both high and low-income families.形容词+名词 Low-income = (with) low income 收入低的(Science Fiction)Those who are sufficiently clear-sighted to see the way we are going,形容词+名词+ed : Clear-sighted = (with) clear sight 视力好的,聪明的, 英明的(Sc

6、ience Fiction) Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H.G.Wells, to mention just two well-known authors, have been translated into .副词+过去分词: Well-known = known well 被很多人知道的,著名的(The Fridge) .busily maintaining an artificially-cooled space inside an artificially-heated housed副词+过去分词:Artificially-coo

7、led = cooled artificially 人工降温的副词+过去分词:Artificially-heated = heated artificially 人工加热的复合名词数量也很多,可用做主语和宾语等。一些复合名词的构成实际上与其相对应 的动词短语有关系, 如:Sightseeing took up the whole morningSightseeing = seeing (the) sights 观光No smoking during take-off.Take-off = taking off (飞机)起飞 职称英语文章中常见的复合名词构成方法:名词+名词: bookworm

8、(书虫)= book (书)+ worm(虫)动名词+名词:waiting-room (候车室,候诊室)= a room for waiting;sleeping-pill (安眠药)= a pill for sleeping名词+动名词:handwriting(手写)= writing by hand;sun-bathing (阳光浴)= bathing in sun动词+副词:get-together(聚会), break-through(突破)副词+动词:outbreak(爆发)以职称英语书中用词为例:(The Fridge) The milkman came daily.Milkman

9、 = milk + man (送奶人)(David Jones and His Salary) Despite his salary, earned by inventing new programs, with bonus payments and profit-sharing,Profit-sharing - sharing profit (利益分成)复合动词通常做谓语。如:They are now mass-producing this instrument.Mass-produce = produce (in a) mass (大规模生产)职称英语文章中常见的复合动词构成方法:不少复合

10、动词与其对应的动词短语并没有 关系。副词+动词:overthrow, undergoOverthrow =/= throw over (没有这个动词短语)经历(变迁等) Undergo =/= go under(沉没, 倒闭)以职称英语书中用词为例:(Science Fiction) In an age where science fact frequently overtakes science fiction,.Overtake =/= take over (接办, 接管)另外,副词,代词有些也是复合词。如:maybe, forever, myself, everything, whate

11、ver, moreover, however 等。以下是我们给学员列出的职称英语中常见的复合词:以下是我们给学员列出的职称英语中常见的复合词:afternoon 下午 afterwards 后来airmail 航空邮件 airport 机场airplane/aircraft 飞机 anybody / anyone 任何人(用于疑问句/否定句)anyhow/anyway 无论如何 anything 任何事(用于疑问句/否定句)backwards 朝后 baseball 棒球basketball 篮球 football 足球bedroom 卧室 beforehand 预先birthday 生日 b

12、ookcase 书架breakdown 崩溃 businessman 商人butterfly 蝴蝶 chairman 主席classroom 教室 cocktail 鸡尾酒everybody 每个人 everyday 每天everything 任何事情 everywhere 各处everyone 任何人 fireman 消防队员overcome 克服 green-house 温室highway 公路 sunshine 阳光比较: afternoon (下午) = after(以后) + noon(中午)green-house (温室)=/= green(绿色的)+ house (房子) ;gr

13、een-fingered =/= 绿手指(会园艺的)小结: 对于通过合成法构成的单词, 在分析其词义时,需要既借助构词法理性地记 单词,又同时要注意某些单词的特殊词义。职称英语考试词汇基础:英语单词构词法职称英语考试词汇基础:英语单词构词法(2)派生法派生法在一个单词的前面或后面加上一个词缀(词缀只能通过附加于词干而出现。词缀不能在句 子中单独使用,但其具有语义或同时具有语法意义。 ) ,构成一个新词的方法称为派生词。 加在前面的词缀成为前缀,加在后面的词缀成为后缀。如: (前缀)anti(反对.) + (词根)social (社会的)= (新词)antisocial (反社会的) 。职称英语

14、职称英语中常见的前缀有:中常见的前缀有:anti- “反对。 。 ”: e.g. antisocial 反社会的, antiwar 反战的 auto-“自己的”: e.g. automatic 自动的bi- “两个”: e.g. bicycle 两轮车/自行车, biannual 一年两次的bio- “生命”: e.g. biology 生物学co- “共同”: e.g. cooperate 合作, coeditor 共同编写者en-/em- “使成为”: e.g. enable 使能够 counter- “相反的”: e.g. counter-clockwise 逆时针in-/il-/im-

15、/ir- “非,不”: e.g. illegal 不合法的, immoral 不道德的, irregular 不 规则的dis- “不”: e.g. dishonest 不诚实的inter- “相互”: e.g. international 国际的, interpersonal 人际的kilo- “千”: e.g. kilometers 公里/千米, kilogram 千克/公斤mid- “中间”: e.g. midnight 午夜mini- “特小的”: e.g. minicab 微型出租车, miniskirt 超短裙mis- “错误地”: e.g. mistake 错误,过失, misu

16、nderstand 误解, miscarry 被误送non-“非,没有”: e.g. nonsense 没理性的话/胡说 , nonmetal 非金属, nonstop 直达的post- “。 。后的”: e.g. postwar 战后的pre- “。 。前的”: e.g. prewar 战前的re- “重新”: e.g. restart 重新开始, rewrite 重写sub- “下面的”: e.g. subway 地下铁路, subtitle 副标题super- “超级的”: e.g. supermarket 超级市场tele- “远距离的”: e.g. television 电视, telecommunication 长途通讯trans- “跨越”: e.g. transpacific 横渡太平洋的 , transport 运输tri- “三”: e.g. triangle 三角形un- “不,没有”: e.g. unimportant 不重要的, unpopular 不受欢迎的, unnecessary 没有必要的职称英语中常见的后缀


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