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1、福建农林大学考博专业英语部分专训说明:福建农林大学考博英语的专业英语部分占总分的 60%,题型主要为英译汉,所选内容通常与农林相关,所以请任课教师上网查找更多的相关文章,下面提供几篇供参考:主题:农大考博辅导资料张莹附件中是我整理的农大考博英语基础部分的辅导资料,我同时发给李恩福,可以根据实际需要补充或调整,恩福可以根据自己的教学需要整理部分内容发给学生作为教学讲义。另外,福建农林大学考博英语的专业英语部分占总分的 60%,题型主要为英译汉,所选内容通常与农林相关,所以请告知任课教师,附件中的专业英语部分资料仅供参考,可以上网查找一些与农林相关的文章作为教学素材,主要是指导学生如何在理解篇章的

2、基础上,准确流畅地将英文资料翻译成中文。建议可以上http:/ 上面查找一些与农林有关的(尤其是跟中国有关的)双语资料。再次提醒:请将两位任课教师的 EMAIL 和 QQ 告知学员,这样学员可以与他们直接沟通,互动教学部分两个老师各 4.5 学时,要求老师每次必须布置作业并批改、点评。将下列文章翻译成汉语:UN says food production must rise; how Fertilizer Trees could helpThe United Nations estimates that world food production will have increased by 7

3、0 percent by 2050. A world population growing in number and wealth will require one billion tons more grain each year, and 200 million tons more meat.The Food and Agriculture Organization says those gains will have to happen largely on existing land through “sustainable intensification.“Officials sa

4、y the new report provides the first “global assessment of the state of the planets land resources.“ It says large parts of all continents are experiencing damage. One-fourth of all land is described as “highly degraded.“ The greatest threats are losses of soil quality, biodiversity and water resourc

5、es.New agricultural methods and technology increased food production in many countries during the Green Revolution. Cropland increased by twelve percent from 1961 to 2009- yet production grew by 150 percent.But the new report warns that production rates have been slowing in many areas. In too many p

6、laces, it says, practices that have increased production have also harmed the land and water. It calls for greater use of ways that can expand production while limiting damage to ecosystems.One such practice might be the use of “fertilizer trees.“ These are fast-growing trees and shrubs whose leaves

7、 and roots help improve soil. A recent study found that about 400,000 farmers in southern Africa are using them.The study appeared in the International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. Lead author Oluyede Ajayi is senior scientist at the World Agroforestry Center in Nairobi, Kenya.OLUYEDE AJA

8、YI: “Basically these are trees that can fix nitrogen from the atmosphere afnd convert them into nitrates for fertilizer, for organic fertilizer, for the soil.“Farmers who planted fertilizer trees reported double the maize production of other farmers. In Zambia, the fertilized fields provided up to 1

9、14 additional days of food.Farmers say they need less rainwater if they use fertilizer trees. The trees reduce water runoff and soil erosion.Mr Ajayi says the project began when scientists were trying to identify the main threats to food security.OLUYEDE AJAYI: “We actually got started by about 20 y

10、ears ago trying to diagnose, to look at, the chief problems within the country, within the region.“The farmers themselves designed and managed part of the testing in the field, and spread the word of their successes.Climate change threatens world food productionHigher temperatures and changing rainf

11、all patterns resulting from global climate change will threaten food production in many parts of the world - especially regions in the tropics already struggling with food security, according to a new report.How climate change affects you depends on 取决于 more than just how it affects your local weath

12、er. It also depends on how much the weather matters to your livelihood, and how well you can cope with the changes.Identifying food insecurity hotspotsPhilip Thornton, with the International Livestock Research Institute, is one of the authors of the new report, a joint effort by a group of internati

13、onal agricultural research centers. Thornton and his colleagues wanted to find what they called “hotspots“ of future food insecurity places with the greatest exposure to climate change, highest sensitivity to its impacts, and the least ability to cope with them.Other studies have looked at the effec

14、t of climate change on growing conditions in certain regions. But Thornton says figuring out how that interacts with other factors affecting food security is a challenge.“Its very difficult to look directly at things like sensitivity of the food systems to climate change impacts, or even the coping

15、capacity of populations to address the impacts. And so we used proxies.“They used a regions cropland area as a proxy for sensitivity to climate change because changes in the weather would have bigger impacts on areas with more farmland. To examine coping capacity, they looked at national data on the

16、 prevalence of children stunted by malnutrition.They combined this data with climate change models that predict the impacts on temperature and rainfall by 2050 to come up with maps of the most vulnerable areas最脆弱的地区of the tropics.Double whammyFor example, higher temperatures are expected to shorten growing seasons in the tropics. The report looks at areas expected to lose more than 5 percent of the gro


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