TAO 五星级酒店培训大全

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《TAO 五星级酒店培训大全》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《TAO 五星级酒店培训大全(167页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、TAO-OH-SM-CS-A001 Account Files.docTAO-OH-SM-CS-A002 Account Management.docTAO-OH-SM-CS-A003 Suppliers File .docTAO-OH-SM-CS-A004 Competitors Survey .docTAO-OH-SM-CS-A005 Strategic Sales Plan .docTAO-OH-SM-CS-A006 Standard Letters.docTAO-OH-SM-CS-A007 Daily Sales Briefing.docTAO-OH-SM-CS-D001 Initia

2、l Sales Call.docTAO-OH-SM-CS-D002 Daily Sales Calls.docTAO-OH-SM-CS-D003 Joint Sales Call.docTAO-OH-SM-CS-D004 Communication .docTAO-OH-SM-CS-D005 Follow Up Action .docTAO-OH-SM-CS-D006 Hotel Inspection.docTAO-OH-SM-CS-P001 Product Knowledge .docTAO-OH-SM-CS-S001 Starwood Prefered Planner.docTAO-OH-

3、SM-CS-S002 Leads Management.docTAO-OH-SM-CS-S003 Brand Identity.docTAO-OH-SM-MC-A101 MC Monthly Presentation.docTAO-OH-SM-MC-A201 Database Management.docTAO-OH-SM-MC-A202 Photo Library.docTAO-OH-SM-MC-A203 Collateral Library.docTAO-OH-SM-MC-A204 Inventory Check.docTAO-OH-SM-MC-A301 Office Equipment.

4、docTAO-OH-SM-MC-D001 Media Interview.docTAO-OH-SM-MC-D002 Media Call.docTAO-OH-SM-MC-D003 Site Inspection.docTAO-OH-SM-MC-D004 Monthly Press Luncheon.docTAO-OH-SM-MC-D005 Press Conference.docTAO-OH-SM-MC-D101 Press Release.docTAO-OH-SM-MC-D103 Public Inquiry.docTAO-OH-SM-MC-D401 Press Clipping.docTA

5、O-OH-SM-MC-S002 Corporate Design Guideline.docTAO-OH-SM-MCR-D201 Collateral Production.docTAO-OH-SM-RM-A001 Account Files.docTAO-OH-SM-RM-A002 Account Management.docTAO-OH-SM-RM-A003 Standard Form.docTAO-OH-SM-RM-A004 Standard Letters.docTAO-OH-SM-RM-A101 Sales Administration.docTAO-OH-SM-RM-A102 Of

6、fice Review.docTAO-OH-SM-RM-A202 Action Plan.docTAO-OH-SM-RM-A202 Business Trip Standard.docTAO-OH-SM-RM-D001 Daily Sales Calls.docTAO-OH-SM-RM-D002 Daily Sales Briefing.docTAO-OH-SM-RM-D004 Joint Sales Call.docTAO-OH-SM-RM-D004 Sales 譬如开新的餐厅和游泳池对外开放 c.品牌、集团或饭店发布了新的宣言譬如集团的新任命、在中国区新饭 店开业及最新发展动态。2.Pre

7、ss Conferences are to be organized with proper planning and careful selection of invitees. The General Manager and other members of the Excom depending on the occasion will deliver speeches.举行新闻发布会需要周密的计划,仔细挑选 受12 min 12 分钟12 min 12 分钟10 min 10 分钟邀者名单。根据情况,总经理和其他行政委 员可以做演讲。 3. Audio and visual prese

8、ntations will be used in Press Conferences.新闻发布会中将使用音响和视听设备做展示。4.Suitable food & Beverage items and services will be part of a Press Conference.新闻发布会同时提供适量的餐饮服务 5.Each attendant will be provided with a full set of collateral regarding the theme of the Press Conference in his / her preferred language

9、 upon arrival. 每名参加者都将在会前得到有关发布会内 容的一份资料,资料将以他们的语言打印(中文 或英文);在会议结束时收到一份礼品。6.The date has to be carefully selected to encourage maximum turn up and to avoid competition against another event of function in the city.To conduct the conference without considering date would cause problems: a. lack of pr

10、ess people, who are busy with another event in the city b.less impact offset by another event c. less coverage due to conflict with another event举行新闻发布会的日期须仔细挑选,以免 与市内的其它活动相冲突,并保证有最多的人 能够参加。举行新闻发布会时不考虑日期会造成许多 问题: a. 新闻记者都忙其它的活动,人手不够 b. 其它的大型活动将饭店的活动影响抵消 了 c. 其它大型活动的报道会影响饭店活动的 报道15 minutes 15 分钟12 mi

11、n 12 分钟 12 min 12 分钟10 min 10 分钟Now lets have a look at how press conference is conducted. 现在来看新闻发布会是如何举行的。1. Preparation: (refer to procedures 1 7)准备工作 (参见程序 17 条)7.From beginning to the end. (refer to procedures 8 18 ) 从会议开始到结束。(参见程序条)8.Follow up (refer to procedures 18 21) 跟进 (参见程序 1821 条)9.Quest

12、ion 提问 a. Why the date of press conference need to be carefully selected. 为什么要仔细挑选新闻发布会的日期? b. What are the department concerned for a press conference? 与新闻发布会相关的部门有哪些? c. What do we need to prepare for the media personnel? 我们要给参加会议的媒体人士准备什么?10. Summary 总结 a.Marketing Communications Dept. is the maj

13、or co-ordinator of Press Conference, which involves everyones effort. 公关部是新闻发布会的主要协调部门,因为以整个会议涉及到方方面面的部门的参与。 b.The participants are media personnel, they would publicize what they have learned and experience on the conference. Therefore preparation is of importance, from table setting, equipment to

14、material distribution. 由于参加者是媒体人士,他们会 将参加会议 了 解到和体会到的东西发布给大众。因此事先的 准备工作必须到位,从摆台、设备到资料的准 备都要做好。10 min 10 分钟10 min 10 分钟THE ST. REGIS SHANGHAI上海瑞吉红塔大酒店上海瑞吉红塔大酒店TRAINING ACTIVITY OUTLINE培训活动纲要培训活动纲要Task 任务:任务:Press Release 发布酒店新闻发布酒店新闻Code 序号:序号:OH-SM-MC-D101Objectives 目的:目的:At the end of this session,

15、 each trainee will be able to issue press releases efficiently.课程结束后,每个学员都能够高效地发布饭店新闻。Standard 标准:标准:1.The Marketing Communications Manager will issue Press Releases on development and news about:a.Brand and the Hotelb. Special promotions and seasonal productsc.Hotel Appointments d. Visits of Dignit

16、aries and Celebritiese.Events and activities that are of interest to the community and the general public公关部经理负责发布有关以下内容的新闻消息:a.集团品牌和饭店b. 特别促销及季节性饭店产品服务c.人事任命d. 贵族名人下榻e.社会公众感兴趣的事件和活动2.A standardized format in line with corporate Press Release format will be used for all Press Releases, which carries: a.Starwood boilerplate as updated from corporate office. b. Hotel logo, hotel address and telephone and fax number. c.The name of Marketing Communica



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