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1、1高二语法复习(高二语法复习(3)( 宾语从句练习宾语从句练习 ) Part 1引导词的选择引导词的选择 1. Youll have to decide car well use, yours or mine Awhich Bwhat Cwhose Dwhether 2. Youll have to decide car well use, the old one or the new one Awhich Bwhat Cwhose Dwhether 3. Youll have to decide well use the new car for Awhich Bwhat Cwhose Dwh

2、ether 4. Youll have to decide well use the new car Awhich Bwhat Cwhose Dwhether 5I believe what he said is true. Athat Bwhether Cif DX 6Make sure the door is locked before you leave the lab. Athat Bif C whether Dwhen 7 I wonder it is true or not. Athat Bwhether Cif DX 8. She doesnt know _ she should

3、 stay at home. A. what B. where C. whether D. that 9. Do you know _he didnt finish his work for? Ahow Bwhy Cwhen Dwhat 10. He asked me _ to build this factory. A. how long it was taken B. how long it had taken C. how much time did it take D. how much time it was taken Part 2从句的谓语动词的形式从句的谓语动词的形式 1. A

4、fter a careful examination, Doctor Johnson asked me what for breakfast. Ahad I had Bhave I had CI had had DI have had 2. The voyage proved that the earth . A. was round Bis round Chas been round Dhad been round 3. Our teacher suggested he his homework before class. Ahand in Bhanded in Chands in Dhan

5、ds on 4. The teacher demanded that we home before handing in the exercise books. Ashould go Bdidnt go Cnot go Ddont go 5. I insisted that Tom the work at once. Adoes Bwill do Cdo Ddid 6. My father will be here tomorrow.Oh, I thought that he today. Awas coming Bis coming Cwill come Dcomes 7.Have you

6、decided _Canada? Awhen will you leave Bwhen you will leave Cwhen are you leaving Dyou are leaving when 8. I really dont know when she _ . If she _ ,I will tell you at once. A. will come, will come B. comes, comes C. will come, comes D. comes, will come 9. Could you tell me ?2A. that he said B. where

7、 does he live C. how old are you D. when she will arrive10. He said he if he had time.A. will come B. would come C. was coming D. is comingPart 3从句的语序从句的语序1. He was anxious to know 。Awhat is the matter Bwhat was the matter Cwhat the matter is Dwhat the matter was 2. He asked .Awhat was wrong with me

8、 Bwhat was wrong with you Cwhat s wrong with me Dwhat wrong was with me 3. Can you imagine then?Ahow I was happy Bhow happy I was Chow was I happy Dhow happy was I 4. , he failed. A.However he tried hard B.However hard tried he C.Hard however he tried D.However hard he tried 5. There isnt any differ

9、ence between the two. I really dont know 。 Awhere to choose Bto choose wheat Cwhich to choose Dto choose which 6. I m so sorry. I didnt realize how . Ayou were tired Btired were you Cwere you tired Dtired you were 7. I wonder on sale. Ahow much cost those shoes Bhow much do these shoes cost Chow muc

10、h are these shoes costing Dhow much these shoes cost 8. Has he told you ? Awhen they are to hold the meeting Bwhen are they to hold the meeting Cwhen will they hold the meeting Dwhen are they going to hold the meeting 9. They want to know to help us. Awhat can they Bwhat they can Chow they can Dhow

11、can they 10. Mother asked his son what for lunch at school. Adid he had Bdoes he had Che has Dhe had (定语从句练习)(定语从句练习) Exercise 1. Multiple Choices.1. I have a friend _ brother is a tennis player. A. whoB. whoseC. whomD. which 2. All the people _ work on a newspaper must be able to work fast. A. whoB

12、. whomC. whichD. when 3. Corn is a useful plant _ can be eaten by both people and animals. A. whoB. whatC. whichD. who 4. The boy lived in a lonely village _ there were no school. A. whereB. whichC. thatD. who 5. During the hurricane, one of the trees branches broke the bed _ the girl had been sleep

13、ing.3A. thatB. whichC. with whomD. in which 6. John is the young man _ came here to help us. A. whoB. whomC. whichD. when 7. He didnt work hard, _ leads to his failure in the exam. A. itB. whatC. whichD. that 8. The houses _ were destroyed in the flood have been rebuilt. A. whatB. whereC. whoD. whic

14、h 9. Those _ would like to go will get a ticket each. A. whoB. whichC. whenD. what 10. This is the most interesting film _ I have seen. A. thatB. whatC. whichD. whose Exercise 2. Multiple Choices.1. A child _parents are busy fighting against SARS is being looked after by his neighbours. A. whichB. hisC.


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