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1、英语阅读理解技巧阅读理解始终是外语学习和考试重点。阅读理解始终是外语学习和考试重点,也是学生学好英 语的唯一和必经之路,从某种程度上说好英语成绩都是读出来的。下面简单谈一下学生做阅读理解 的一些常用技巧: 一阅读理解的测试要点如下:1理解主旨大意;2寻读具体信息;3理解细节;4根据上下文提供的语境,推测生词短语词意或句意,进而加深对文段的理解;5简单的判断和理解;6理解文段的基本逻辑结构;7理解作者的意图和态度;8理解文段的文化信息;9理解图表信息;10理解指代关系。从高考命题的实际情况看,命题者常用下述方法提问:1What is the purpose of the text?2What d

2、oes the author mainly tell us about in the passage?3What can we infer from the passage?4What can be inferred from the passage?5It can be concluded from the text that .6What can we learn from the text?7What is the general idea/main idea of the text? 8. The passage mainly focuses on .9. What is the ma

3、in subject discussed in the text?10. It can be inferred from the passage that _.11. It can be inferred from the that the author seems to _.12. What is the best title of the text/for the article?13. The best title for this passage is _.14. What can we infer from the last/the first two paragraphs?15.

4、The meaning of the underlined word/sentence in Paragraph X is related to _.16. In Paragraph X, “X X X“ can be replaced by_.17. The underlined word “X “/sentence in Paragraph X probably means_.18. The text is mainly written to explain _.19. Which of the following statements is true? 20. Which of the

5、following is NOT mentioned in the text? 基于上述测试要点,学生在阅读过程中必须具备下列技能,才能获取和处理信息:1略读;2找读;3预测下文;4理解大意;5分清文章中的事实和观点;6猜测词义;7推理判断;8,了解重点细节;9。理解文章结构;10.理解图表信息;11.理解指代关系;12.理解逻辑关系;13.领会作者意图;14.评价阅读内容。要具备上述技能,应该做到:1.学会使用 3500 个左右的单词、400-500 个合成词与派生词和 400-500 个习惯用语或固定搭配;2.除教材外,课外阅读量应累积达到 30 万词以上,换言之,长度 300 词左右的文

6、段 1000 篇;3.能通过分析句子的结构理解难句和长句(能理解语言结构有一定难度或有一定新语言现象的文段);4.能根据阅读目的和文段的不同,调整阅读速度和阅读方法,阅读速度每分钟 70-80 词。二、文章分类分析文章一般可分为说明文、论说文、叙述文以及广告,具体地说就是故事叙述,人物、事件、地方介绍,有关事物过程说明,新闻报纸,图表解析等。根据历年考试的情况看,说明文、论说文的文长基本控制在 300 词左右。因此,文章的主旨大意多出现在第一段,甚至第一段的前几句,最后一段多与第一段呼应;至于中间的部分,多是论据或说明文的展开部。阅读理解的问题也以如下形式出现:1. What is the b

7、est title for/of the passage?2. What can be inferred from the passage?3. What does the author mainly tell us about in the text?4. What is mainly discussed in the article/passage/text?做答这类问题时,将阅读重点放在首尾部分,中间部分则可采用略读或扫读的方式,一则省时间,二则目标明确,正答率自然也相应提高了。示例 2004 年全国卷,C 篇,介绍 1971 年版大众车。根据内容,是一篇说明小文。Its not the

8、 flashiest car in the worldNot even closeBut in the 1971 Volkswagen named Helios can do something most cars cant:run on solar energy-energy from the suns light and heat! 66. What would be the best title for the text? AThe Making of Helios B1999 American Tour on the Road CSun-powered Cars on the Road

9、DUse of Green Cars in Connection(一)阅读理解之细节题的解题思路主题思想只是文章的框架,作者在构思过程中,还必须对要表达的观点或信息进行具体的陈述,读者应能准确记住作者在陈述中谈到是何人、何处、何事、和何时何故,这是十分重要的。因此,读者必须重视人名、日期、事实、数据和地点等。对于这类细节性的问题,多数文章都比较明显地提供了事实和细节,其答案必定在文章论述范围之内。读者应该找出文章中为所作的选择提供依据的单词和句子及数字信息支持,而不能脱离原文去获取信息,也不能仓促地作出没有原文根据的假设。细读是获取事实和细节不可缺少的方法之一,它使读者接受信息、记忆信息、分析

10、信息,从而较深入地领会一篇文章。这类题型主要有三种形式:问句式,不完整的陈述句和排除法。1问句式A其发问形式主要有以下几种:How did something happen? Which of the following people should(not) do it? Which of the following did somebody have to deal with. ? Where should somebody do something?B解题技巧在解这类题时,可采用“对号入座”的办法,即带着问题找句子,先看文章后面的问题(这常常被认为是非常有效的方法),注意记忆关键的词语,如

11、。人物、时间、事件等,确定每道题目的发问中心,也就是说,某个问题是针对什么提问的。这样我们就可以带着问题去阅读文章,做到有的放矢。把每个问题的发问中心反馈到原文中去。当读到有关解答发问中心的信息时,可在有关信息下面画一直线以示突出。如果问题的顺序没有按顺序给出,可以在原文信息下画线的同时,把问题的题号也标出来,便于最后检查,并节约时间。在原文中找出对发问中心的解答信息后,可把原文信息对号入座(即哪个信息对问题中的哪个选项)放到问题中去,并与每一选项进行仔细对照,与原文信息相符的那项,即是正确的答案。Cattle have served humanity since prehistoric(史前

12、) days as beasts of burden and as supplier of leather, meat, and milk. Some of the earliest written records concern the sale of cattle. These valuable animals are unusual in that they do not have front teeth in their upper jaw. Instead they chew with their back teeth and gums (齿龈). Cows swallow thei

13、r food quickly and store it in the fat stomach or rumen, the first of the four compartments stomachs in their stomachs. Questions: According to the passage, what is the rumen? A. The first stomach compartment. B. The name of the upper jaw.C. The stomach where digestion (消化) takes place.D. The name o

14、f the bacteria(细菌) in the cows stomach.带着发问中心及选择项目阅读原文。当我们读到 rumen 这个词时,可在它下面画一横线,紧接此词下面一句“first of the four compartments in their stomachs”,正是解释 rumen 的,可在它的下面画一虚线并可标出题号和选择项。(译文:根据有关牛市交易最早的书面记载,牛为人类所作的贡献可以追溯至史前,它们不仅能够背伏重物,而且为人类提供了皮革,牛肉以及牛奶,可谓是浑身是宝。牛不同于其他牲畜,它们上颌无牙,只能靠后牙和齿龈咀嚼食物。母牛则迅速将食物吞咽,将其储存于腹部或瘤胃中

15、。牛有四个胃,而瘤胃则是食物经过的第一个胃。)2不完整的陈述句式A常见形式有:Something can be best classified as _. A certain kind of person is someone who_. People are looking for better ways to _.According to the author,“it” was caused by _.B解题技巧:这类题的答案与原文在字面上的差异很大,有时还要找出与前句的内容在逻辑上的联系,因此 答这类题时准确理解是关键,一定要冷静,仔细分析。在做不完整的陈述式题目时候,仍可参考上 面列举

16、的解题步骤。第一步,阅读题目,找出问题的发问中心。第二步,带着这些问题来阅读文章。 第三步,根据前两步的分析和判断,选择出最符合题意的答案。 Diet products significantly weaken us psychologically. On one level, we are not allowing our brains to admit that our weight problems lie not in actually losing the weight, but in controlling the consumption of fatty, high-calorie, unhealthy foods. Diet products allow us to jump over the thinking stage and so straight for



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