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1、 冠冠专注初中英语冠冠专注初中英语1Unit 10 Im going to be a basketball player? Section A 【基础巩固基础巩固】自主学习自主学习 一、重点词汇拓展一、重点词汇拓展 1.生长_(过去式)_ 2.表演_(名词)_ 3.举行_(过去式)_ 4.职业的_(名词)_ 5.富有的_(反义词)_ 二、重点词组识记二、重点词组识记 1电脑程序师_ 2computer science_ 3时装表演会_ 4写文章_ 5同时_ 6professional basketball player_ 7travel all over the world_ 8sound l

2、ike_ 随堂达标随堂达标 一、单项选择 1.We are going to the party_next week A.inBonCDfor 2._are you going to do? Im going to fly a kiteA.WhereB.WhatC.HowD.Why 3.Why not_to the city?A.goB.goingC.to goD.goes 4.Lin Tao and Ling Hai_a swim tomorrowA.are going to hasB.is going to have C.are havingD.are going to have 5._a

3、re we going there? Lets go there by bikeA.HowB.WhatC.Where D.Why 二、用单词的适当形式填空1.The article_(sound)interesting. 2._there_(be)a welcome party this evening? 3.I enjoy the art_(exhibit). 4.He is going to be a teacher when he_(grow)up. 5.We are going to help the_(tour). 三、完成句子 1.How are you going to be a

4、n actor?Im going to_.(上表演课) 2.He is a programmer,he likes_.(新的东西) 3.Im going to move_.(某个有趣的地方) 4.Hes going to_.(学法语) 5.I also want to_.(在全世界旅行) 四、短文填空win,be,one,attack,save,think,keep,become,win SARS(非典)_a terrible disease.The_Chinese SARS patient was found in Guangdong Province in the 冠冠专注初中英语冠冠专注

5、初中英语2November of 2002.After that,the terrible disease_many parts of China.Our cuntry has tried hard to stop it from_worse.Doctors and nurse are working hard_the SARS patients.The terrible illness make us_a lot.We must_our environment clean and tidy and live a healthy life instead of becoming frighte

6、ned.We believe that humans_the war against any disease like SARS in the future. 【能力提升能力提升】语法练习语法练习1.He said he_be a doctor to save peoples lives. A.will B.is going to C.was going to D.went 2.His grandfather sometimes_him on Sundays. A.is going to seeB.is coming to see C.comes to seeD.go to see 3.The

7、re are some boys on the playground.They_football.They_a football match next Saturday. A.play;haveB.are playing;are going to have C.play;are havingD.are playing;have4.When is she_piano lessons? A.goes to takeB.going takingC.going to takeD.go to take 5.Does Jim want_the first one to get to the top of

8、the mountain? Ato Bto be Cbeing Dbe6.It makes him_. A.feel angrily B.feel angry C.to feel angry D.feeling angry 7.Its six oclock nowIts time_A.get up B.got up C.to get upD.getting up 8.Both Kate and I_ready for the picnic nowA.is not B.is getting C.are gettingD.am getting 9.Do you think_an English f

9、ilm tomorrow night?A.is thereB.there is going to have C.there is going to beD.will there be 10.May I have a bottle of orange? _. A.Certainly,here you areB.Oh,it doesnt matterC.Thank you D.Yes,you may 中考链接中考链接 1.2008 河北My father is_engineer.He works very hard. A.a B.the C.anD.不填 2.2008 威海Will you go

10、shopping with me now?Sorry,I cant.I_my shirts. A.wash B.have washed C.washedD.am washing 3.2008 天水She is thirsty.She wants_something.A.to eat B.drinking C.to drinkD.eating 3.2008 云南Would you like to have_to drink now?No,thanks.A.anything cool B.cool something C.something coolD.cool anything 4.2008 南

11、京More and more foreign students come to China to learn_Chinese. A.a B.an C.theD.不填 5.2008 新疆I will take my driving test tomorrow._! A.Enjoy yourself B.Congratulations C.Best wishes D.Good luck Section B 【基础巩固基础巩固】自主学习自主学习 一、重点词汇拓展一、重点词汇拓展 1.建造_(过去式)_ 2.讲授_(名词)_冠冠专注初中英语冠冠专注初中英语33.外国的_(名词)_ 4.交流_(名词)_

12、 5.传真_(复数)_ 二、重点词组识记二、重点词组识记 1新年计划_ 2play an instrument_ 3取得好成绩_ 4组建足球队_ 5保持健康_ 6a year or two_ 7welcome party_ 8和某人沟通_ 随堂达标随堂达标 一、单项选择1.Im going to study in a better middle school.I want to_ A.eat more vegetablesB.get good grades C.keep fitD.take acting lessons. 2.Does Jim want_the first one to get

13、 to the top of the mountain?A.toB.to beC.beingD.be 3.Its six oclock nowIts time_A.get upB.got up C.to get upD.getting up 4.I love music very much,so Im going to learn how to_an musical instrument. A.keepB.holdC.playD.build 5._are you going to study English? I study English by reading more. A.HowB.When C.WhereD.What 二、用单


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