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1、1广雅初中部广雅初中部 牛津版九年级第六单元笔记牛津版九年级第六单元笔记一短语 1. (sbs) attempt to do 企图做某事 2.sense of humour幽默感 3.on the/ones way to 在的路上 4.present the lecture 开讲座 5.know sth. by heart 记住 6.lead sb. to (some place) 把某人带到 7.join in参与某事 8.be in trouble遇到麻烦 9.at the wheel开车 10. offer to do sth.主动提出做某事 11. consider sb a geni

2、us 认为某人是天才 12. drive sb (to some place)开车送某人(去 某地) 13. in the audience 在观众席上 14. its a/ones pleasure to do sth 做某事是 一件愉快的事情 15. pay no attention to (doing) sth 不注意, 不留意 16. side by side并排,肩并肩 17. be direct with sb.对某人直率 18. from that day on从那天起 19. in return作为回报 20. instruct sb in sth.教授某人21. a role

3、 model模范 22. be absorbed in 专心致志 23. pretend to do 假装做某事 24. look through浏览 25. roll down 滚下来,流下来 26. What a shame / pity!真遗憾! 27. ring up 打电话 28. do a research on sth.做方面的研究 29. be delighted for 为而感到高兴 30. a series of 一系列的 31. have trouble (in) doing sth.做某事有困 难 32. as well as 也 33. in a minute 一会儿

4、 34. waste time doing sth.浪费时间做某事 35. get a chance to do sth.有机会做某事 36. set up 设立,建立 37. a list of 列表 38. make up ones mind(s)做决定,下定决心39. at the award ceremony 在颁奖仪式上 40. guest of honour 贵宾 41. be honoured with 被授予三 语法/句型名词+动词不定式部分表示能力、愿望、决定、计划、原因、方式等抽象名词后可以用不定式进一步说明名词的具体内容,如:ability, effort, need,

5、promise, request, chance, hope, plan, with, 等。通常这些名词的同根动词或形容词后也接不定式Einsteins attempt to explain how the universe works made him famous.( attempt to do) His ability to get on with people is his chief advantage.他能和人相处是他的主要优势。(be able to do sth) I dont trust his promise to come for a visit.我不相信他来访的诺言。(

6、promise to do sth) 不定式做定语 当不定式中的动词与所修饰的名词或代词构成动宾关系且动词为不及物动词时,需用“不定 式+介词”的结构,这种情况下的介词不能省略。 Eg. I need a pen to write with.我需要一支笔写字。(to write with a pen) Give me some paper to write on.给我一些纸写字。(to write on some paper) There are some things to be grateful for.有一些事应该为之表示感激。(to be grateful for some thing

7、s)疑问词+动词不定式 疑问词 who,what,which,when,where,whether,how 后可接不定式构成不定式短语,在句2中作主语、宾语、表 语等。如:I dont know where I can park the car. =I dont know where to park the car. (做宾语)I wonder whether I should go there. =I wonder whether to go there. (做宾语)Where to hold the meeting has been decided yet. (做主语)The problem is how to collect money. (做表语)经常在这种结构中使用的动词有: consider, decide, discover, explain, find out, forget, hear, know, learn, observe, understand, wonder 等。


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