【最新】2012届高考英语语法精品学案:专题四 形容词与副词

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《【最新】2012届高考英语语法精品学案:专题四 形容词与副词》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【最新】2012届高考英语语法精品学案:专题四 形容词与副词(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1形容词与副词是高考考查的热点,高考英语中单项填空、完形填空、书面表达,任何一项题目中都有可能涉及形容词等级、辨析和在句中的位置。关于形容词与副词这一考点,主要考查以下几个方面:在具体的语境中考查形容词词义辨析;考查形容词作状语;考查比较级的用法尤其是隐性比较;考查一些习语搭配;与形容词同形的副词和形容词后加 ly 构成的副词的区别;多个形容词作定语时的排列顺序等。 一、形容一、形容词词、副、副词词的主要功能的主要功能1形容词在句中主要作定语、表语和补语,但有时也作状语,表示伴随、原因等。如:We find the boy considerate. (宾补)He walked in the s

2、now, cold and hungry. (伴随状语)Afraid of difficulties, they took the easy road. (原因状语)2 副词作状语主要是用作修饰性状语、评注性状语及连接性状语。其中后两种状语是现在考查的重点。如:He spoke English fairly fluently. (修饰性状语)Fortunately, none of them was hurt. (评注性状语)His first response was to say no. Later, however, he changed his mind. (连接性状语)注意:(1)形

3、容词作状语是形容主语的性质,而副词作状语则修饰动词。如:He walked home slowly. 他慢慢地步行回家了。He arrived home, hungry and tired. 他到家时又累又饿。(2) 有些副词像 fortunately, luckily, surprisingly, honestly, actually, personally 等作评2注性状语往往修饰整个句子,对整个句子进行说明或解释,表示说话人对话语的态度与看法。通常位于句首,常用逗号与句子分开。如:Surprisingly, no one in the class could work out the p

4、roblem. Personally, I dont think he will interview you. (3) 还有些副词起连接作用,使前后句构成某种逻辑上的衔接。常见的有: 意义 例词 表示列举和顺序 first(ly),second(ly), then, next, finally, last 表示意义增补和引申 also,besides,furthermore,moreover 表示意义等同 equally, similarly 表示结果 therefore, thus, consequently 表示换个说法 rather, alternatively 表示意义转折 inste

5、ad,though, yet, however 表示让步 anyhow, anyway 表示时间过度 meanwhile, meantime I am wrong. Similarly, you are to blame. 我错了。同样地,你也该受到谴责。Seize the chance. Otherwise youll regret it. 抓住这个机会,否则你会后悔的。They are enjoying themselves. (Or) Rather, they appear to be enjoying themselves. 他们正玩得很开心,更精确地说,他们好像正玩得很开心。He f

6、orgot to turn on the radio and thus missed the program. 他忘了打开收音机, 因此错过了那个节目。It may snow, but anyhow I will go to town. 可能下雪,但我无论如何要进城。He said he would come; he didnt, though. 他说他要来,可是并没有来。Mother went shopping; meanwhile, I cleaned the house. 母亲去买东西;我打扫屋子。3二、形容二、形容词词的位置的位置1形容词作定语通常前置,但在下列情况后置:(1)形容词短

7、语作定语,定语后置。如:a language difficult to master, a leaning tower about 180 feet high(2) 表语形容词(alike,alone,asleep,awake,alive 等)作定语,定语后置。如:a man alive。有些表身体健康状况的形容词,如:well,faint,ill 只作表语。sick 既可作表语又可作定语,ill 若作定语意为“bad”。(3) 用作定语,修饰由不定代词 one,any,some 和 every 构成的复合词,如anything,something 等时,通常后置。如:I have somet

8、hing important to tell you. (4) else 常用作疑问代词和不定代词的后置定语。2 多个形容词及限定词等修饰同一个名词的顺序:限定词 数词形容词 冠词前的形容词 冠词、指示代词、名词所有格等 序数词 基数词 性质状态 大小长短形状颜色 国籍出版 材料质地作用类别all both thea this first nextone fourbeautiful good large short new oldChinese easternsilk stonemedical writing名词4suchanother yourpoorsquarea beautiful sm

9、all round old yellow French wooden study room口诀巧记:限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老,颜色国籍跟材料,作用类别往后靠。(1)The husband gave his wife _ every month in order to please her. Aincome all his Bhis all incomeChis income all Dall his income【解析】 D 考查多个限定词的词序。all 前位限定; his 中位限定。(2) The _ house smells as if it hasnt been lived in

10、for years. Alittle white wooden Blittle wooden whiteCwhite wooden little Dwooden white little【解析】 A 考查多个形容词修饰同一中心词的词序: 大小 颜色 材料。三、副三、副词词的分的分类类英语里的副词分为 9 类:时间、地点、方式、频率、程度、连接、关系、疑问和句子副词。常见的有:1时间副词常见的时间副词有 now, then, soon, ago, recently, lately, later, finally, before, early, today, tomorrow, yesterday

11、, tonight, suddenly, immediately,already, just 等。2 地点副词常见的地点副词有 here, there, up, down, away, nearby, home, ahead, abroad, indoors, overseas, halfway, upstairs, downstairs 等。3 频率副词频率副词表示动作发生的次数,常见的有 ever, never, rarely, seldom, once, often, occasionally, constantly, frequently, usually, continually,

12、always 等。4 程度副词程度副词用于表示程度,常见的有 fairly, pretty, rather, quite, very, much, too, greatly, almost, nearly, half, highly, awfully, deeply, partly, perfectly, really 等。55 连接副词常见的连接副词有 therefore, besides, otherwise, however, moreover,thus, meanwhile, when, why, where, how 等。6 句子副词句子副词用于修饰句子(而不是修饰某个单词),反映说

13、话人的观点和看法,如 actually, certainly, clearly, definitely, evidently, fortunately, frankly, honestly, luckily, obviously, perhaps, possibly, probably, surely, undoubtedly, unexpectedly 等。四、兼有两种形式的副四、兼有两种形式的副词词有些副词有两种形式,一种形式是在形容词后加 ly,另一种形式同该形容词,即“形、副同形”,但其意义有很大差别, 这类词主要有:1不加 ly 表示具体概念,加 ly 表示抽象概念或用于比喻意义。

14、high 空间高度 The plane was flying high. highly 高度地,非常地 I think highly of your opinion.注意短语:aim high 心怀大志,志向高远deep 空间深度 He pushed the stick deep into the mud. deeply 深深地 Even father was deeply moved by the film.注意搭配:deep into the night 到深夜wide 空间宽度 He opened the door wide. widely 广泛地,普遍地 English is wide

15、ly used in the world.注意短语:be wide awake 完全清醒close 接近地,紧紧地 He is sitting close to me. closely 仔细地,严密地 Watch him closely. 2两种形式,词义差别较大late 晚,迟 You have come too late. lately 最近 What have you been doing lately(recently)?free 免费 You can eat free in my restaurant whenever you like.freely 自由地 You may spea

16、k freely; say what you like.most 很,非常,最 He is most kind to me. 6mostly 主要地,大部分 She is mostly at home on Sundays.hard 努力地 Think harder. hardly 几乎不,简直不 I can hardly understand you. 专题四 正面解读五、形容五、形容词词和副和副词词比比较较等等级级的基本句型的基本句型1asadj./adv.原级asnot as/ soadj./adv.原级as注意:当 asas 中间有名词时采用以下格式。This is as good an example as the other is. This is an example as good as the other is. 2 adj./adv.比较级thanYou are taller than I


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